Animal Advocates - How To Locate a Wildlife Rehabilitator - Mary Cummins

U.S. Wildlife Rehabilitator Contacts by State


Nebraska, Eastern

Nebraska, Southeast

Nebraska, Southeast region, Douglas County (Omaha)..... 402-551-3908

MaryGrace, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator (WRR)
Wildlife Species: Wild eastern cottontail rabbits
Specialties/Knowledge: Pinkies up to adult age.

Nevada, Northern

Nevada, Northern region, Washoe County (Reno)..... 775-284-WILD

John (Executive Director), Wildlife Rescue Foundation
Wildlife Species: all

Nevada, Southern

Nevada, Southern region, Clark County (Las Vegas)..... 702-238-0570

Lisa Ross (Director), Wild Wing Project, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Birds and mammals allowed to be treated by The State of Nevada
Specialties/Knowledge: 20+ years in rehabilitation.
Comments: Small non-raptor birds 702 876-0387

Nevada, Western

Nevada, Western region, Washoe County (Carson City)..... 775-849-0345

Nancy M. Laird, R.N., The Wild Animal Infirmary for Nevada (WAIFNV)
Specialty: raptors, skilled nursing care
Comments: We are a wildlife hospital operated by people trained in medicine.
Veterinarians do the exams, diagnoses and surgeries, an M.D. Ophthalmologist treats
eye problems, and a registered nurse oversees patient care in the Infirmary

New Hampshire, Northeast

New Hampshire, Northeast region, Strafford County (East Rochester)..... 603-332-4361

Kathy Ladisheff (Director), Care and Rehabilitation of Wildlife
Wildlife Species: small mammals, songbirds, raptors, waterbirds, porcupines
and fox. Do not accept raccoons or skunks
Specialties/Knowledge: porcupines, small mammals, raptors
Comments: Federally licensed

New Hampshire, Southern

New Hampshire, Southern region (Alstead)..... 603-835-2075

Cheryl Trombly, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

New Hampshire, Southern region, Cheshire County (Winchester)..... 603-239-7338

Debra Gode, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals, particularly raccoons, skunks, foxes

New Hampshire, Southern region, Cheshire County (Winchester)..... 603-239-7552

Irene Ruth (director), Winchester Wildlife Rehabilitator Center
Wildlife Species: only mammals temporarily

New Hampshire, Southern region (Henniker)..... 603-428-3723

Wings of the Dawn

New Hampshire, Southern region, Rockingham County (Windham)..... 603-365-5777

Barbara Robinson (President/founder), Wildcare Recovery and Rehabiliation
Wildlife Species: Mammals, raptors, and birds, relay all else
Specialties/Knowledge: Squirrels and cottontails

New Hampshire, Southeastern

New Hampshire, Southeastern region, Rockingham County (E[[omg)..... 603-679-3348

Chris Bogard, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Turtles only
Specialties/Knowledge: Fresh water and land turtles

New Hampshire, Southwestern

New Hampshire, Southwestern region (Troy)..... 603-242-3663

Susan, Monadnock Rehabilitator Center

New Jersey wildlife rehabilitators can also be located by region at


New Jersey, Central

New Jersey, Central region, Mercer County (Hopewell)..... 609-466-1311

Dave Purdy, Mountain Wildlife Refuge, Inc.

New Jersey, Central region (Lawrenceville)..... 609-538-1933

Timothy Steinbeiser, Redbud Avian Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Specialty: lots of experience with mourning doves of all ages, care and
feeding of songbirds

New Jersey, Central region (Medford)..... 856-983-3329

Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge
Specialty: Permanent resident GH owls for surrogating owlets.
Comments: Our facility is part of a 175 acre Refuge which borders N.J.'s Wharton State Forest so
releasing at our site is most appropriate.

New Jersey, Central region, Philadelphia area (National Park)..... 856-381-4291

Carol Martino, Wildlife Rehabilitation and Rescue Service
Wildlife Species: eastern grey squirrels, skunks, opossums, raccoons


New Jersey, Northern

New Jersey, Northern region (Layton)..... 973-948-0037

Linda Mihatov, Wild & Free
Specialty: white-tail deer fawns, small mammals, humane education
programs; veterinary technician

New Jersey, Northern region, Stillwater (Sussex County)..... 973-579-1039

Carol Failla, Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: crows and raccoons

New Jersey, Northern region (Sussex)..... 973-702-1957

Giselle Chazotte Smisko, Avian Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: handle all wild species of birds and specialize in raptors and songbirds

New Jersey, Northwest

New Jersey, Northwest region, Warren County (Broadway)..... 908-835-9991

Donna Fox, RN (executive director), Rocky Springs Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: small mammals, fawns
Comments: for 2003 hope to be ready to be licensed to do songbirds, waterfowl, and screech owls

New Mexico, Central

New Mexico, Central region (Albuquerque)..... 505-344-2500

Wildlife Rescue, Inc of NM
(leave a message on machine and you will be called back)
(or contact NM Dept. of Game & Fish: 505-841-8881) (Penny Elliston)

New Mexico, Central region (Magdalena)..... 505-854-2187

Gay Kozusko, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: birds and mammals

New Mexico, Northern

New Mexico, Northern region, Santa Fe County (Espanola)..... 505-753-9505

Kathleen Ramsay, DVM, The Wildlife Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: all wild animals
Specialty: raptors

New Mexico, Southern

New Mexico, Southern region, Dona Ana County (Las Cruces)..... 505-382-3736

Belinda Dayley, Chihuahuan Desert Wildlife Rescue Inc.
Wildlife Species: Have had lots of luck with baby rabbits. I do all
mammals in my area. This also includes bats,iguanas, and turtles

New Mexico, Southwest

New Mexico, Southwest region, Cover/Hidalgo/Grant/Luna Counties (Lordsburg)..... 505-542-3505 or 505-542-3505 (work)

John and Paulette McDonald, licensed home wildlife rehabilitor or
Wildlife Species: all
Specialties/Knowledge: prefer to work with mammals, but do handle
raptors and songbirds as well. Love to work with babies., Have much experience
with javalina, deer, antelope, raccoon, eagles, and other raptors. Have pond
for waterfowl. Not equiped to handle adult bear or mountain lion, but can handle
bobcats for ultimate release.

New York wildlife rehabilitators can also be located by region at

New York, Central

New York, Central region, Chenango County (Afton)..... 607-639-3655

James and Nancy Uhrinec Jr, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Small mammals...not licensed for raccoons.
Will refer and/or transport birds to appropriate rehabilitator.

New York, Central region, Herkimer County (West Winfield)..... 315-822-6982

Kelly Dedicke, Schoolhouse Wildlife Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: rabies vector species, oil affected animals

New York, Central region (Mount Upton)..... 607-783-2672

Mike and Cheri Dixson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators

New York, Central region (Oneonta)..... 607-433-5231

Gretchen Freeman, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

New York, Central region, Oswego County (Hannibal)..... 315-564-5489

Judy Cole, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals (newborn to adult)

New York, Central region, Oswego County (Pennellville)..... 315-695-6418

Jean Soprano, Kindred Kingdoms Wildlife Rehabilitation Inc.
Wildlife Species: mammals, raptors, waterfowl, adult injured songbirds
(no infants please), game birds, black bear cubs

New York, Central region, Otsego County (Morris)..... 607-263-2273

Carolyn and Elmo Barden, Dimmock Hollow Wildlife Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: white tail deer, raccoons, oppossum, fox, coyotes, turkey vulture, raptors

New York, Central region (Poland)..... 315-826-5106

Bonnie and Wes Folnsbee, Adirondak Foothills Wildlife Care
Wildlife Species: birds of prey

New York, Central region (Savannah)..... 315-365-3222

Lynn Crane, Marshlands Wildlife Rehabilitation
Specialty: Rabies coodinator for Wayne County Public Health Service,
rabies vector species (mainly raccoons), Class II Rehabilitator, RVS certified

New York, Central region (Selkirk)..... 518-767-2238

Michele Segerberg, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all birds and small mammals (can help with fawns)
Comments: I work maily with small mammals such as squirrels, cottontails,
chipmunks, and opossums. I do have experience with small birds and hawks.

New York, Central region, Seneca County (Seneca Falls)..... 315-568-0503

Lynda Twist, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: accept small mammals, passerines, and reptiles
Specialties/Knowledge: oil spill trained

New York, Eastern

New York, Eastern region, Albany area (Ravena)..... 518-756-3215

Susan D Peters, Cherokee Ridge Animal Rescue, Inc.
Specialty: Have had several years experience with juvenile
white-tail deer,successful soft-releases

New York, Eastern region, Columbia County (Chatham)..... 518-392-5810

Laurette Mac Ewen, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: I accept all species amammals and birds, except rvs .
Specialties/Knowledge: I am also a vet tech, so emergency care, or the
care of neonates are my specialty.
Comments: I do have a special interest in fawns and opossums

New York, Eastern region, Oneida County (Chadwicks)..... 315-737-0157

Judy Cusworth, (director) Woodhaven Wildlife Rehab Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: We accept all species
Specialties: We have 77 acres to release, plus four ponds. I specialize in waterfowl.

New York, Eastern region (East Durham)..... 518-634-2305

Robert & Cathy Lahm, The Center for Wildlife Awareness & Rehabilitation, Inc.
Wildlife Species: whitetail deer fawns

New York, Eastern region, Sullivan County (Monticello)..... 845-866-1975 (cell)

Henni Anker, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: will take most any animal in need, except rabies vector species
(certification pending for RVS)

New York, Northern

New York, Central, Cayuga County (Sterling)..... 315-754-6208

Gabriele Whitman, (chairman) Wecond Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation Network
Wildlife Species: Everything except RVS
Specialties/Knowledge: Fawns, opossums
Comments: All calls will be directed to appropriate person including RVS.
We rehab without prejudice accepting even starlings and sparrows.

New York, North Central

New York, North Central region, Herkimer County (Mohawk)..... 315-866-8477

Kelly Bunce, rehabilitator, Schoolhouse Wildlife Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: Small mammals

New York, North Central region, Oneida County (Lee Center)..... 315-942-6766

Annie Wilczak, (care provider), Wild Blue Yonder Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: RVS; raccoons, skunks, also small and large mammals
Specialties: neonatal raccoon care, winter-over facility

New York, Northeast

New York, Northeast region, Clinton county (Peru)..... 518-293-8470

Jenna Hammond, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: I accept small mammals and birds not requiring a federal permit

New York, Northeast region, Essex County (Newcomb)..... 518-582-3655

Amy Freiman, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator, NY State Wildlife Rehab. board member
Wildlife Species: raptors, songbirds, small mammals, and reptiles

New York, Northeast region, Monroe County (Webster)..... 585.872.6080

Barbara Hollands, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: rabies vector species, fox, coyote; do NOT see deer or birds of prey
Specialties: mammals, oil spill certified, nuisance wildlife certified
Comments: veterinary technician; chemical immobilization licensed, rabies vector certified, Class II

New York, Northeast region, Sullivan County (Thompsonville)..... (845)434-5638

Doris Booth, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: songbirds, geese, ducks, gulls, crows, and game birds
NOTE: no raptors or mammals accepted

New York, Northeast region, Warren County (Athol)

Molly Gallagher, Silver Lair Sanctuary North Country Wild Care
Comments: Licenses: NYS State Class 2, Federal Migratory Bird License, RVS
Animals Accepted: Large Mammals, Small Mammals, Raptors
I cannot accept baby birds, fawns or skunks.

New York, Eastern region (Warrensburg)..... 518-623-5078

Cara Huffman, veterinary technician
Wildlife Species: raptors

New York, Northwest

New York, Northwest region, Erie County (Buffalo region)..... 716-592-1861

Elise Able (president/founder), Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue, Inc
Wildlife Species: fox, bats, skunk, porcupine, weasel, mink, fawns, coyote
Specialties/Knowledge: fox, coyote, bats

New York, Northwest region, Monroe county (Rochester)..... 585-224-0533

Joell Calcagno, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals and birds.

New York, South Central

New York, South Central region (Owego)..... 607-687-1584

Barb Cole, Southern Tier Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: Owls,songbirds,deer

New York, Southeastern

New York, Southeast region, Bronx County (New York City)..... 914-309-0279

Maura J Mandrano, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: squirrels only

New York, Southeast region, Cattaraugus County (Freedom)..... 716-492-3223

Paul Fehringer (president/founder), Wild Spirit Rehab and Release Center
Wildlife Species: raptors, songbirds, small mammals, coyote

New York, Southeast region (Holmes)..... 845-855-9447

Akela Massaro, volunteer, Putnam Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: ruminants, geese, swans, wild fowl

New York, Southeast region (Hyde Park)..... 845-229-5626

Valerie Nassetta, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals, specializing in rabies vector species
and maintaining up-to-date rabies information.

New York, Southeast region, Long Island (Coram)..... 516-473-2251

Dee J. Havelin, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Specialty: emergency and critical care of birds and small mammals

New York, Southeast, Long Island (Mastic)..... 516-399-7292

Patricia Pirozzi, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Specialty: rabbits, first aid, squirrels, birds, groundhogs
Comments: call at any time for information or for an animal pickup

New York, Southeast region, Long Island (Merrick)..... 516-623-3079

Lori Green, Turtle Homes
Wildlife Species: Turtles and tortoises
Comments: Rescue and rehabilitation of all species of turtles and tortoises.
Turtle Homes provides an international adoption service for all rehabiliated animals if needed.

New York, Southeast region, Long Island (Moriches)..... 631-772-2376

Pattie Pirozzi, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: rabbits, squirrels, birds
Comments: will pickup wildlife around my area at any time

New York, Southeast region, Long Island (Ronkonkoma)..... 631-981-7330

Jeanie Donahue (Licensed Veterinary Technician), licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: specialty in squirrels; will also take most small mammals (no raccoons or birds)

New York, Southeast region, Long Island (Shelter Island)..... 516-749-0708

Kim Cannon, Wild Animal Rehab. Center Inc.

New York, Southeast region, Long Island (Smithtown)..... 516-979-6344

Wayne Smith, Sweetbriar Nature Center
Specialty: Raptors, raising orphan birds, director of a wildlife education facility

New York, Southeast region, Long Island (West Islip)..... 631-667-3952

June Fazio, executive director, Wings Over Long Island Wildlife Rehab & Environmental Learning Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: do not accept rabies vector species (raccoons, bats)
Specialty: birds

New York, Southeast region (Mahopac)..... 845-226-0809

Sean Castellano, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: whitetail deer, game birds, waterfowl

New York, Southeast region (Marlboro)..... 845-236-7467

Joseph Miceli, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals; no vector species (raccoons, skunks, etc.)
Wildlife Species: white tailed deer

New York, Southeast region, New York..... 212-663-2415

Lorri Cramer, head of turtle rehabilitaton, New York Turtle and Tortoise Society
Wildlife Species: turtles and tortoises ONLY
Specialty: Extensive knowledge rehabing all turtles and tortoises
Comments: fax 212-666-3699

New York, Southeast region, Putnam county (Carmel).....845-669-4687

Maggie Ciarcia, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: cottontail rabbits

New York, Southeast region (Putnam Valley)..... 914-528-1115

C M LaPorte, Putnam Wildlife Rescue

New York, Southeast region (Queens)..... 718-441-9281

Jo Arnone and Jaini Simon, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: reptiles & amphibians esp. turtles & tortoises, small
animals, esp. squirrels and oppossums, birds

New York, Southeast region, Richmond County (Staten Island)..... 718-979-5104

Robert A. Zink (Executive Director), United for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center
Specialty: rabies vector species certified

New York, Southeast region (Rye)..... 914-967-7826

Jill Doornick
Wildlife Species: birds, small mammals

New York, Southeast region, Suffolk County (Lake Ronkonkoma)

Julie Maguire, (director), Turtle Rescue of Long Island
Wildlife Species: Turtles and tortoises only
Comments: We also offer help with placement and adoption of turtles and tortoises

New York, Southeast region, Suffolk County (Riverhead)..... 631-369-5980

Michelle Janlewicz, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: squirrels, and other small mammals
Specialty: squirrels
Comments: located on Long Island, NY

New York, Southeast region, Suffolk County (Southampton)..... 516-283-5845

Katherine K. Wilson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Specialty: veterinary nurse, all types of animals and reptiles/amphibians,
some types of birds and raptors

New York, Southeast region, Suffolk County (Southampton)..... 631-287-5428

Mindy Washington, Heart of the Wild Sanctuary and Rehabilitation Centre, Inc. or
Specialties: turtles/tortoises, corvids (crows, jays, ravens), opossums

New York, Southeast region, Ulster County (New Paltz)..... 914-384-6847

Carolyn Moore Engel
Wildlife Species: work with small and large mammals, birds, waterfowl

New York, Southeast region, Westchester County (South Salem)..... 914-763-2206

John and Suzanne Zappia, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators

New York, Southeast region (Wurtsboro)..... 914-888-0935

Connie Dunthorn, Catskill Wildlife Project, Inc.
Comments: full veterinary staff, nuisance wildlife control agents,
privately owned 2600 acre release area

New York, Southwestern

New York, Southwest region, Cattaraugus County (Allegany)..... 716-373-6449

Tim Marlett, (owner), Princess Doves Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: Canines, turtles, pigeons, any small mammal
Comments: Currently NYS licensed rehab class 1

New York, Southwest region, Sullivan County (Thompsonville)..... 845-434-5638

Doris Booth, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: songbirds, geese, ducks, crows, gulls, swans, gamebirds

New York, West Central

New York, West Central, Cortland County (Cincinnatus)..... 607-863-3848

Sheila Suarez, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: orphaned fawn, small mammals, some birds, no reptiles and
amphibians, no rabies vectors, no raptors
Comments: I work along with Cornell University on the care of these animals.

New York, Western

New York, Western region (Arkport)..... 607-324-2132 phone/ fax

Carol Butler, Country Critters, Inc.

New York, Western region, (Buffalo)..... 716-893-9534

Ken & Cyndi Stobnicki, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

New York, Western region, Cattaraugus County (Cattaraugus)..... 716-938-9068

James B. Aris, James B. Aris Rehab Center
Wildlife Species: birds

New York, Western region, Cattaraugus County (Freedom/Delevan)..... (716)492-3223

Paul Fehringer (president/founder), Wild Spirit Rehab & Release Center
Wildlife Species: specialize in raptors and large mammals excluding deer

New York, Western region (East Aurora)..... 716-652-8646

Loretta C. Jones, Hawk Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Specialty: raptor rehabilitation, cage design, environmental education,
& barn owl breeding

New York, Western region (East Concord)..... 716-592-1861

Elise Ciaravino, Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: foxes, bats, skunks

New York, Western region, Erie County (Cheektowaga)..... 716-895-0285

Marion L. Janusz (Executive Director), R.A.R.E.-Reptile Adoption,Rehabilitation and Education, Inc.
Wildlife Species: strictly reptile and amphibian rehab
Comments: Certified Wildlife Capture & Restraint, Certified Chemical
Immobilization, Certified Reptile Specialist, Certified Euthanasia Technician,
Chelonian Shell Repair, Wild/Exotic Reptile Maintenance/Care

New York, Western region, Erie County (Hamburg)..... 716-627-1018

Marianne Hites (volunteer), Messinger Woods Wildlife Care and Education Center
Wildlife Species: do not accept rabies vector species

New York, Western region (Holland)..... 716-648-8091

Messinger Woods Wildlife Care and Education Center, Inc.

New York, Western region (Holland)..... 716-537-9664

Sharon Tiburzi, Owlfacts
Wildlife Species: owl care, caging, habitat, and educational programs

New York, Western region (Leroy)..... 716-768-4798

Dennis Walton, Walton Homestead Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: Birds of prey

New York, Western region, Niagara County (Lockport)..... 716-625-8189

Jacalyn Perry, AWARE - Association for Wild Animal
Rehabilitation and Education Inc.
Specialty: birds of all kinds, educational information, physical therapy on wildlife

New York, Western region, Niagara County (Sanborn)..... 716-731-9334

Kathleen Britton, Wild Kritters of Niagra County
Wildlife Species: all species, raccoons, rabies vector species

New York, Western region, Niagara County (Sanborn)..... 716-731-2934

Deborah Dittmer, Wild Kritters of Niagara County

New York, Western region, Ontario County (Phelps)..... 315-548-3721

Mary Beth Sterling, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

New York, Western region (Orchard Park)..... 716-649-7352

Margie Hanrahan, Messinger Woods Wildlife Care and Education Center, Inc.,
(Assistant Director)

New York, Western region, Orleans County (Medina)..... 716-798-3531

Wendi Pencille, Bless the Beasts Foundation, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Raptors, waterfowl
Specialty: computer use in rehab and education programs, microbiology
Comments: former Board Member New York State Wildlife Rehabilitation Council

New York, Western region (Sanborn)..... 716-731-9334

Kathleen Britton, Kats Kritters
Wildlife Species: small mammals, raptors, raccoons Comments: have RVS license

New York, Western region (Tonawanda)..... 716-875-7360

John Lattimer, Erie County SPCA, Licensed Veterinary Technician

New York, Western region (Wales)..... 716-457-1356

Michael C. Byrnes, Messinger Woods Wildlife Care & Education Center
Wildlife Species: avian rehabilitation (preference: saw whet, screech owls)

New York, Western region (West Seneca)..... 716-674-4575

Judy Seiler, Messinger Woods Wildlife Care and Education Center, Inc., (Secretary)

North Carolina, Central

North Carolina, Central region (Aberdeen)..... 910-281-3952

Dharlene Moore, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: My primary focus is squirrels and rabbits
Comments: *please* do NOT feed animals before consulting a rehabber

North Carolina, Central region, Cabarrus County (Concord)..... 704-721-0486

Katherine (KC) Hough, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: will take any small mammal, specialize in most small mammals
Limitations: will take snakes but non-poisonous

North Carolina, Central region, Carteret County..... 252-240-1200

Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter (OWLS)

North Carolina, Central region (Charlotte)..... 704-599-4782

Brenda J. Crawford, ARC - Animal Rehabilitators of the Carolinas
Wildlife Species: opossums

North Carolina, Central region (Charlotte)..... 704-875-6521

Betty O'Leary, Carolina Raptor Center (staff member)
Wildlife Species: raptors

North Carolina, Central region (Clemmons)..... 336-766-3137

Glenda Combs, Wildlife Rehab, Inc.
Wildlife Species: squirrels, grounhogs, mammals, waterfowl

North Carolina, Central region (Graham)..... 919-304-2337

Stacy Hughes, Animal Protection Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: small mammals ONLY
Comments: number after business hours: 336-228-6965

North Carolina, Central region (Greensboro)..... 336-697-4006

Alice Johnston, Wildlife Care, Inc.
Wildlife Species: squirrels and rabbits

North Carolina, Central region, Lee County (Sanford)..... 919-776-4596

Anne Mathis, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raptors only
Comments: volunteer Carolina Raptor Center, Wildlife Rescue Center

North Carolina, Central region, Lincoln County (Denver)..... 704-489-1322

Lessie Davis, Wild Care, Inc.
Wildlife Species: small insectivores and passerines, Southern flying squirrels, bats,
bandaging and splinting for small birds
Comments: 2000 admisions/yr.

North Carolina, Central region, Mecklenburg/Union/Gaston Counties..... 704-552-2329

Animal Rehabilitators of the Carolinas (ARC)
Specialty: Mammals, public education, fundraising
Comments: call 7am-9pm daily, voice mail

North Carolina, Central region (Chapel Hill)..... 919-572-9453 or 919-572-WILD

Cheryl Hoggard, DVM, Piedmont Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: songbirds, small mammals, raptors, reptiles, and waterfowl
Comments: Surgery facilities on site.

North Carolina, Central region, Orange County (Chapel Hill)..... 919-619-0776

Kindra (Executive Director), CLAWS, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Small Mammals and Deer
Comments: We also do exotic animal rescue

North Carolina, Central region (Pittsboro)..... 919-933-8965

Toni Constant (volunteer), Falicite' Latene Wildlife sanctuary
Wildlife Species: small mammals only
Specialty: squirrels, oppossums, raccoons

North Carolina, Central region (Randolph)..... 336-879-7644

Lori Sarosi (volunteer wildlife rehabber), Valerie H. Schindler Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: at this time no deer, bear, fox, racoons, or bats
Comments: located at the N.C. Zoo

North Carolina, Central region (Snow Camp)..... 336-376-8602

Dana Sims, Kindred Spirits Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: all species native to North Carolina

North Carolina, Central region (Southern Pines)..... 910-695-2672

Julie Starling, Wemouth Nature Preserve
Wildlife Species: squirrels

North Carolina, Central region (Statesville)..... 704-546-2703

Cynthia Dickerson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Raptors (also licensed/practicing falconer)

North Carolina, Central region (Trinity)..... 336-434-3811

Cheryl L. Martin, Martin Wildlife Preserve
Wildlife Species: mammals, songbirds, raptors

North Carolina, Central region, Wake County (Raleigh)..... 919-457-7485

Dee Glazier, state permit, sub-permitee federal
Wildlife Species: Small mammals and birds
Specialties: Opossums
Comments: If you think the animal is seriously injured in any way, please contact a Vet first. Once cleared
by them I can begin to rehabilitate.

North Carolina, Central region, Wake County (Raleigh)..... (919)303-1860

Steven Stone (executive director), American Wildlife Refuge
Wildlife Species: birds of prey only
Comments: We also have state and federal educational permits so we
can take care of permanently injured birds as well.

North Carolina, Central region, Wake County (Raleigh)..... 919-387-1662 (emergency line)

Wildlife Welfare, Inc.

North Carolina, Central region, Lee County (Sanford)..... 919-770-6772

Laurie Smith, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator for small mammals. (affiliated with San Lee Park)
Wildlife Species:Small mammals.
Specialties/Knowledge: birds, squirrels

North Carolina, Central region (Winston-Salem)..... 336-765-0858

Carla Johnson, Wildlife Rehab Inc.
Wildlife Species: raptors, wildlife education/programs

North Carolina, Central region (Winston-Salem)..... 336-785-0912

Tom Knight, > Wildlife Rehab, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Mammals

North Carolina, Eastern

North Carolina, Eastern region, Craven County (New Bern)..... 252-466-2902

James E. Trever, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: rehab. of Eastern Gray squirrels and flying squirrels.
Comments:Developed fast acting treatment method for metabolic bone disease which I have
used successfully on several squirrels, no experience with other species on this treatment. Have some
info. at

North Carolina, Eastern region, Dare County (Manteo)..... 252-473-4587

Jason Wood, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: sea turtles, some raptors, songbirds, waterfowl, mammals

North Carolina, Eastern region (Greenville)..... 252-758-8719

Eastern Wildlife Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: admit all wildlife
Wildlife Species: raptor surgery
Comments: we provide assistance to rehabbers (vets, supplies, etc.)

North Carolina, Eastern region, Hyde County (Ocracoke)..... 252-928-7132

Elizabeth Hanrahan (Director), Ocracoke Wildlife Rehabilitation, Rescue, and Education
Wildlife Species: Birds: Waterbirds, shorebirds, waterfowl, turtles and native snakes
Specialties/Knowledge: sea and palegic birds
Comments: Provide education & help for new rehabilitators

North Carolina, Eastern region (Kinston)..... 252-208-1442

Lee Anne Sinnott, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raccoons, squirrels, and other small animals, owls

North Carolina, Eastern region, Nash County (Rocky Mount)..... 910-297-7271

Randy Atkinson (Owner), Sabrina's House--Rabbit Rescue
Wildlife Species: all species except rabies vectors

North Carolina, Eastern region (New Bern)..... 252-638-4646

Ellen L Westermann, The WildARC of East Carolina
Wildlife Species: songbirds, small mammals, raptors

North Carolina, Eastern region, New Bern area (Pollocksville)..... 919-224-0663

Vicki & Roger Waldren, Critter Care
Specialty: Veterinary Technician, experience with mammals, birds and raptors

North Carolina, Eastern region (Rodanthe)..... 252-987-1165

Ed Hiestand, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator and bird bander

North Carolina, Eastern region (Sanford)..... 919-775-7852

Laurie Smith, licensed North Carolina wildlife rehabber
Wildlife Species: birds, rabbits, squirrels

North Carolina, Eastern region, Johnston County..... 919-922-1560

Carla Williams (volunteer rehabilitator), Emily's Ark Wildlife Refuge
Wildlife Species: all species

North Carolina, Northern

North Carolina, Northern region, Person County (Roxboro)..... 336-537-3971

Janine P. West, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Small mammels (Squirrels, rabbits, turtles)
Specialty: Squirrels are what I have rehabilitated. A few rabbits and a few turtles.

North Carolina, Northern region, Rockingham County (Mayodan)..... 336-427-7876

Aleta Whitten, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: only accept opossums
Specialty: opossums

North Carolina, North Central

North Carolina, North Central region, Granville County (Oxford)..... 919-693-8284

Clara Batchelor, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: any

North Carolina, North Central region, Davidson County (Lexington/Thomasville/Denton area)..... 336-476-8608

Leslie Christine Franco, (V.P.), Wildlife Care, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Accept any and all wildlife and exotics
North Carolina, Northeast

North Carolina, Northeast region, Buncombe County (Asheville)..... 828-254-0218

Sharon Pace (director), Friends of a Feather or
Wildlife Species: everything except raptors
Specialties/Knowledge: squirrels, rabbits

North Carolina, Northeast region, Perquimans County (Belvibere)..... 252-297-3002 or 252-267-1303

Eva Hurdle, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all

North Carolina, Northwest

North Carolina, Northwest region, Buncombe County (Weaverville)..... 828-658-3259

Susan Saunders (director/volunteer), Tiny Tiel Aviary and Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: small mammals and birds; no skunks
Comments: we are also a refuge for unwanted exotics such as parrots

North Carolina, Northwest region, Burke County (Jonas Ridge)..... 704-733-6142

Nina Fischesser (director), Blue Ridge Wildlife Institute
Specialty: Songbirds, raptors, mammals, etc. I also do educational programs

North Carolina, Northwest region, Burke County (Morganton)..... 828-584-8944

Linda Seidel, Wild Life Institute
Wildlife Species: all species

North Carolina, Northwest region, Macon County (Franklin)..... 828-349-5195

Lynda Freebody, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: baby squirrels

North Carolina, Northwest region (Mayodan)..... 336-427-8007

Billy and Denise Yale, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: rabbits and squirrels

North Carolina, Northwest region, Watauga County (Beech Mountain)..... 828-387-2979

Leslie Hayhurst (R.N./executive director), Genesis Animal Sanctuary, Inc.
Wildlife Species: raptors, songbirds, mammals
Comments: handle 500 animals annually; staffed by nurses, vets, and M.D.s

North Carolina, Southern

North Carolina, Southern region, Mecklenburg County (Charlotte)..... 704-599-4782

Brenda Crawford (volunteer), ARC - Animal Rehabilitators of the Carolinas
Wildlife Species: opossums and squirrels

North Carolina, South Central

North Carolina, South Central region, Cumberland County (Fayetteville)..... 910-426-8609

Jasmine and Mark Russell, permitted rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: Squirrels, Beaver, and Fawns
Knowledge: Squirrels (8 years), Beaver (2 years), Fawns (2 years)

North Carolina, Southeastern

North Carolina, Southeast region, Brunswick County (Leland)..... 910-538-2221

Hilda Billington, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: squirrels

North Carolina, Southeast region, Brunswick County (Oak Island)..... 910-278-1732

Jennifer Orlando, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals, songbirds

North Carolina, Southeast region, Carteret County (Newport)..... 252-393-6935

Brooke Covert (home care and senior volunteer), Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter
Wildlife Species: Small mammals,songbirds, raptors, reptiles, amphibians
Specialties/Knowledge: rabbits, squirrels, opossums, and other rodents
(over 70% release rate for bunnies!)
Comments: If I cannot personally care for a particular animal, I am willing to find
someone I trust who can. I only do what is best for my patients.

North Carolina, Southeast region, Currituck County (Corolla)..... 252-453-9833

Ginny Mavredes, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all infant and newborn mammals and small birds
large waterfowl for stabilization only
Specialties/Knowledge: all mammals and songbirds
Comments: I am experienced in the care/stabilization of all waterfowl
and mammals however my premises only permits the caging of smaller birds and all mammals.
Federally licensed

North Carolina, Southeast region, Onslow County (Hubert)..... 910-548-1423

Jennifer J. Elliott, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator)
Wildlife Species: reptiles, amphibians, small mammals for continuing care
I>Comments: I will take all species in on an emergency basis and transport to
proper facility
Specialties/Knowledge: Veterinary technician and Instructor, emergency and
critical care of all species...chelonian shell repair

North Carolina, Southwest

North Carolina, Southwest region, Transylvania County (Pisgah Forest)..... 828-884-6839

Jeanette Schmitt, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator (also licensed vet tech)
Wildlife Species: Accept small mammals, birds.
Do not do birds of prey, large animals or reptiles.

North Carolina, Western

North Carolina, Western region (Arden)..... 704-684-1404

Beth Martin, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: excellent success with Eastern Cottontails

North Carolina, Western region (Balsam Grove)..... 828-884-7136

Jeannie Fisher, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals, waterfowl and other birds

North Carolina, Northeast region, Buncombe County (Asheville)..... 828-667-8297

Kimberly Baggett, permitted rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Small mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: squirrels

North Carolina, Western region, Burke County (Jonas Ridge)..... (828) 733-6142

Nina Fischesser (director), Blue Ridge Wildlife Institute
Wildlife Species: all

North Carolina, Western region, Burke County (Valdese)..... 828 874-2345

Elaine Gillis, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all small mammals
Specialty: squirrels

North Carolina, Western region, Catawba County (Conover).....

Margaret Whisnant, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: songbirds, squirrels, rabbits
Comments: I accept only those animals delivered to Conover Veterinary
Clinic or Countryside Pet Hospital (both in Conover)

North Carolina, Western region, Alexander/Catawba Counties (Newton, Piedmont area)..... 828-495-8132

Vicki Comer, NC Wildlife Commission
Wildlife Species: small mammals

North Carolina, Western region, Henderson County (Mills River)..... 828-891-2385

Jennifer Burgin, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: squirrels (all), groundhogs
Specialty: critical care of squirrels

North Carolina, Western region (Lenoir)..... 828-726-8299

Cheryl Ciccone, N.C. rehabilitators association
Comments: veterinary technician

North Carolina, Western region (Morganton)..... 828-439-8551

Tiffany Elder-Pruett, Squeaks Squirrel Sanctuary,
Wildlife Care Center of the Blue Ridge
Wildlife Species: eastern grey squirrels, malloclusion

North Carolina, Western region, (Morganton)..... 704-433-6050 (or 704-584-8944)

Linda Seidel, Seven Springs Rehab Center

North Carolina, Western region (Murphy)..... 828-644-9423

Bobbie and Ken Hadam, Wolfden Wildlife Rescue & Rehab
Wildlife Species: mammals, songbirds, reptiles

North Carolina, Western region, Polk/Rutherford County (Green Creek Twnshp)..... 828-863-0505

M. Beth Knapp-Tyner, Wild at Heart Rehab
Wildlife Species: Mammals large to small. Migratory birds including raptors.
Specialties/Knowledge: Critical and long term care Mammals, Triage and short term care birds.

North Carolina, Western region, McDowell County (Old Fort)..... 828-668-7766

Jennifer Wilson or Vicky Tate, Healing Hearts Small Animal Rescue
Wildlife Species: Small mammals (opossums, squirrels, groundhogs, etc.)

North Carolina, Western region (Vilas)..... 828-963-7269

Richard Czina, Valle-View Wildlife Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: Experienced rehabbing opossums,squirrels,
bunnies,groundhogs. Experienced with wildlife eduction programs.
Available to videotape and produce programs for rehabbers for training,
fund raising, and education.(no charge)

North Carolina, West Central

North Carolina, West Central region, Iredell County (Harmony)..... 704-657-9414

Crystal Parlato (Director), Handful Heaven
Wildlife Species: No Migratory Birds
Specialties/Knowledge: USDA Lisenced exotic animal handler

North Dakota, Western

Ohio, Central

Ohio, Central region (Columbus)..... 614-793-WILD

Ohio Wildlife Center

Ohio, Central region, Columbus area (Reynoldsburg)..... 614-864-5534

Pamela Mayle, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: cottontail rabbit care

Ohio, Central region (Crestline)..... 419-683-3228

Jane Schnelker, Wildlife Haven
Wildlife Species: all species, IWRC State Representative, Newsletter Editor for OWRA

Ohio, Central region, Miami County (Troy)..... 937-698-6493

Mariann Savard, Brukner Nature Center
Wildlife Species: songbirds and mammals

Ohio, Central region, Richland County (Mansfield)..... 419-884-HAWK

Gail Laux (director), Ohio Bird Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: birds only

Ohio, Eastern

Ohio, Eastern region (Canton)..... 330-829-WILD

George & Sandra Kollar/ Kerr, Mother Nature's Children, Sandra Wildlife Center of Canton Ohio
Specialty: teaching

Ohio, North Central

Ohio, North Central region (Castalia)..... 419-684-9539

Mona Rutger, Back To The Wild
Wildlife Species: all species of native wildlife except racoons
Specialties: raptors and both native and non-native turtles and tortoises
Comments: I have six large flight cages including a 112' Bald Eagle flight cage and
accept raptors from other centers for further conditioning before release

Ohio, North Central region (Medina)..... 330-667-2386

Laura Jordan (director/owner/operator), Medina Raptor Center
Wildlife Species: raptors and injured adult songbirds only
Specialty: Raptor conditioning for release
Comments: We have 5-36 foot flight cages and 1-108 foot cage; we do flight work for several organizations

Ohio, North Central region, Medina County (Spencer)..... 330-667-2386

Laura Jordan, Medina Raptor Center
Wildlife Species: raptors

Ohio, North Central region, Wyandot County (Upper Sandusky)..... 1-888-294-4477

David Balz (director), Wyandot County Humane Society, Inc.
Specialty: tube feeding, IV therapy

Ohio, Northeastern

Ohio, Northeast region, Cuyahoga County (Bay Village)..... 440 871-WILD

Dave Wolf (Director of Wildlife), Lake Erie Nature and Science Center
Wildlife Species: adults and injured wildlife only

Ohio, Northeast region, Cuyahoga County (Cleveland)..... 216-235-5014

Megan Lynn Barrett, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: All species native to the state of Ohio

Ohio, Northeast region, Cuyahoga county (Parma/North Royalton)..... 216-308-0469

Janine M Goodwin (Director), Starfish Animal Rescue
Wildlife Species: All local wildlife
Specialties/Knowledge: Squirrels and groundhogs

Ohio, Northeast region, Medina County (Chatham Township)..... 330-667-2915

Dan and Midge Shotwell (co-directors), Chatham Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: orphaned baby mammals (all other species are accepted, then transferred
to appropriate facilities
Specialties: we enjoy working with baby skunks and woodchucks

Ohio, Northwest

Ohio, Northwest region (Kenton)..... 419-673-1977 (any hour)

Nancy Mabrey (director), Wildheart Rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: any small mammals, especially racoons, opossums,
squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs (not deer)
Comments: we have 6 setellite locations, State Permit RVS

Ohio, Northwest region (Montpelier)..... 419-459-4640

Lovejoy's Halfway House Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Inc.
Wildlife Species: Black Bears, raccoons, most mammals native to Ohio
Comments: 24 hr info service

Ohio, Southwest

Ohio, Southwest region..... 513-825-3325

Jeff Hays, Raptor, Inc. (Kathryn Riedel)

Ohio, Southwest region (Fayetteville)..... 513-875-3433

Mary Carrelli, Second Chance Wildlife (president/founder)
Wildlife Species: native and migratory Ohio wildlife species, forming a non-profit corp., oil spills

Ohio, Southwest region, Hamilton County (Cincinnati)..... 513-825-3325

Kathy McDonald (volunteer), Raptor, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Birds of prey only

Ohio, Southwest region, Hamilton County (Cincinnati)..... 513-844-6340

Damien Oxier (director), Arrowhead Reptile Rescue
Wildlife Species: reptiles only

Ohio, Southwest region, Ross/Pike/Scioto/Vinton Counties (Lucasville)..... 740-289-8779 (H) or 740-663-2125 (W)

Melody Olaker, Scioto Trail/Great Seal State Parks Nature Center.
Wildlife Species: deer, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, fox
Comments: Accept any infant wild animal...all mammals and some raptors; cell #740-649-2962

Oklahoma, Central

Oklahoma, Central region (Noble)..... 405-872-9338

Rondi Large, WildCare Foundation
Wildlife Species: Oklahoma wildlife

Oklahoma, East Central

Oklahoma, East Central region (Haskell)..... 918-482-2376 or 918-231-1226

Renita Griffin, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: I will accept all wildlife, except skunks, and birds
Comments: call day or night 24/7

Oklahoma, Northern

Oklahoma, North Central

Oklahoma, North Central region, Creek County (Sapulpa)..... 918-227-1227

Beverly Wallace (director), Bats Landing
Wildlife Species: all species of bats
Specialties/Knowledge: bats

Oklahoma, North Central region, Garfield County..... 918-808-5200

Tina Pulis
Wildlife Species:All mammals and birds.

Oklahoma, North Central region, Garfield County (Enid)..... 580-446-5679

Julie Miller, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: birds of prey

Oklahoma, Northeast

Oklahoma, Northeast region (Broken Arrow)..... 918-455-6627

Kathryn Siftar, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raptors and opossums

Oklahoma, Northeast region, Muskogee county (Haskell)..... 918-482-2376

Renita Griffin, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Will accept squirrels, deer, opossums; I do not take skunks or birds
Comments: Cell 918-231-1226, pager 670-2844; can be contacted day or night

Oklahoma, Northeast region, Nowata County (Nowata)..... 918-273-9143

Susan Welch (Director/Owner), The Squirrel's Nest
Wildlife Species: Orphaned and/or injured baby squirrels,
injured adjust squirrels only.
Specialties/Knowledge: 23 Years experience, beginning in Texas in 1982
and in Oklahoma since 2002.
Comments: Please call us at any time. Our cell phone number is 918-273-8689.

Oklahoma, Northeast region, Rogers County (Claremore)..... 918-342-9453

Annette King, Wild Heart Ranch
Wildlife Species: all species of wildlife (including raptors)
Comments: We are a fully operational and volunteer staffed wildlife rescue facility and able to care for all species on site.

Oklahoma, Northeast region, Tulsa County (Tulsa)..... 918-254-7870

Stephanie, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals (squirrels)

Oklahoma, Northwest

Oklahoma, Northwest region, Texas County (Waynoka)..... 580-824-0744 (H) and 580-334-9350 (emergency)

Tandy Keenan, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: reptiles only; also work with captive-bred reptiles for rescue and
adoption, but am not equipped to take in iguanas
Specialties/Knowledge: will relocate venomous specimens, mainly rattlesnakes from homes,
yards, garages, etc. within a reasonable driving distance. Please don't kill them!

Oklahoma, Southern

Oklahoma, South Central

Oklahoma, South Central region, Murray County (Davis)..... 580-369-7877 or 580-369-8046

Tracy Beasley, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all mammals and reptiles

Oklahoma, Southeast

Oklahoma, Southwest

Oklahoma, Southwest region, Tillman County (Frederick)..... 580-335-5460

Perrie Renfro, Perrie's Critters
Wildlife Species: all except reptiles

Oklahoma, West Central

Oregon, Central

Oregon, Central region, Terrebonne (Kimberly)..... 541-548-3906

Kimberly Farasyn - State & Federal wildlife permits
Wildlife Species: Songbirds, water fowl, all small mammals

Oregon, Northern

Oregon, Northern region, Marion County (Salem)..... 503-856-8242

Salem Wildlife Rehabilitation Association
Wildlife Species: all native species to Oregon
Comments: we are always looking for volunteers

Oregon, North Central

Oregon, North Central region, Wasco County (The Dalles)..... 541-478-2584

Jean Cypher, DVM, (director) Rowena Wildlife Clinic
Wildlife Species: All birds, all native mammals as allowed by ODFW regs and all native reptiles and
Specialties: Songbirds and raptors
Comments: Also willing to provide treatment to any unowned or stray animal that cannot be taken to a
local veterinary clinic

Oregon, Northeast

Oregon, Northeast region (Cove)..... 541-568-4522

Lynn Rives, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all mammals, songbirds, raptors

Oregon, Northeast region (Pendleton)..... 541-278-0215

Lynn Tompkins, Blue Mountain Wildlife
Wildlife Species: raptors

Oregon, Northwest

Oregon, Northwest region (Astoria)..... 503-338-3954 (emergency pager)

Sharnelle Fee (Director), Wildlife Rehab Center of the North Coast
Wildlife Species: we accept primarily birds, mammals OK, but no raccoons; we can
refer to a local rehabber who does raccoons
Comments: We serve the entire north coast of Oregon from Lincoln city to Astoria

Oregon, Northwest region (Portland)..... 503-292-0304

Bob Sallinger, Audubon Society of Portland Wildlife Care Center
Wildlife Species: all wildlife native to Oregon

Oregon, South Central

Oregon, South Central region (Klamath Falls)..... 541-850-2749 (rescue line)

George Brown, Klamath Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: raptors (licensed falconer)

Oregon, South Central region, Klamath County (Sprague River)..... 541-533-7322

Terri Mander, Wildlife Ranch, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Eagles
Comments: specialize in raptors but can advise on all birds and mammals

Oregon, Southeast

Oregon, Southeast region, Guernsey County (Kimbolton)..... 740-227-1184

Jennifer McClung (director), Windy Ridge Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: we accept all species for emergency care and stabilization;
we transfer all category 2 wildlife and birds of prey

Oregon, Southwest

Oregon, West Central

Oregon, West Central region, Polk County (Salem)..... 503-585-0564

Melanie Smith, (rehabber/coordinator), Whitecrow Wildlife Rehab and Release Project
Wildlife Species: Work exclusively with raccoons

Oregon, Western

Oregon, Western region (Corvallis)..... 541-745-5324

Chinitimini Wildlife Rehab Center

Oregon, Western region, Lane County (Eugene)..... 541-485-1320

Louise Shimmel, Cascades Raptor Center
Comments: fax 541-485-4586

Oregon, Western region (Molalla)..... 503-829-9567

American Wildlife Foundation
Specialty: our staff veterinarian is a wildlife care specialist, with
extensive experience in raptor care. AWF is open to accept native wildlife
on the Pacific Northwest.

Oregon, Western region (Oakland)..... 541-459-4062

Janis Hudson, Umpqua Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: Avian (passerines, some raptors), reptiles

Oregon, Western region (Salem)..... 503-856-8242 (hotline)

Reva Lux, Salem Wildlife Rehabilitation Association (SWRA)
Wildlife Species: small birds and mammals (especially insectivores)


Pennsylvania Association of Wildlife Rehabilitators

Contains a clickable map of state wildlife rehabilitators

Pennsylvania, Central

Pennsylvania, Central region (Bellwood)..... 814-742-7439

Deborah O'Shell, Blair County Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: primates, exotics

Pennsylvania, Central region (Bloomsburg)..... 570-458-4462 Nancy Crissman, Spruce Run Wildlife Rehab. Center
Wildlife Species: mammals, raptors, passerines (non-rabies vector species)

Pennsylvania, Central region (Lemont)..... 814-237-6548

Robyn Graboski, Centre Wildlife Care

Pennsylvania, Central region (Lewistown)..... 717-242-6429

Debbie Henry, Mifflin County Wildlife Rehab Center

Pennsylvania, Central region (Montoursville)..... 717-435-5906

Ed Reish, Farragut Wildlife Rehab. Center

Pennsylvania, Central region (Schuylkill Haven)..... 570-739-4393

Peggy Sue Hentz, Red Creek Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: mammals, raptors, passerines, reptiles, rabies vector species

Pennsylvania, Eastern

Pennsylvania, Eastern region (Emmaus)..... 610-966-1855

Lehigh WildCare
Wildlife Species: songbirds, raptors, waterfowl, small mammals

Pennsylvania, East Central

Pennsylvania, East Central region (Summit Hill)..... 570-645-8597 (w) or 570-929-3084 (h)

Susan Gallagher, Carbon County Environmental Education Center
Wildlife Species: all species except rabies vectors

Pennsylvania, Northern

Pennsylvania, Northeast

Pennsylvania, Northeast region, Carbon County (Summit Hill)..... 570-645-8597 or 570-427-8058

Susan Gallagher (Director), Carbon County Environmental Education Center
Wildlife Species: all except rabies vector species

Pennsylvania, Northeast, Clinton County (Tamarack Mt./Renovo)..... 570-923-0114

Kristina Franklin (Director), BigWoods Wildlife Rescue Clinic (home)
Wildlife Species: mammals, passerines, raptors
Comments: We have 300,000 of sproul state forest acres which is of the 2 million
unbroken forest one of the largest contigeous between NYC and Chicago, So our release
area is great and beatiful for the animals.

Pennsylvania, Northeast region (Dingmans Ferry)..... 570-828-2530

Rita Przebieglec, Pike County Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: mammals, birds, rvs

Pennsylvania, Northeast region, Lackawanna County (Gouldsboro)..... 570-842-2933 or 570-848-2977

Leslie Lenahan, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: passerines, mammals, raptors

Pennsylvania, Northeast region (Milford)..... 570-296-6025

Stephanie Streeter, Delaware Valley Raptor Center
Wildlife Species: raptors only (please call only about raptors)

Pennsylvania, Northeast region, Monroe County (Stroudsburg)..... 570-402-0223 or (c)570-236-8935

Kathy Dubin Uhler (director), Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: all species (also licensed for rabies vectors and endangered species)
Specialty: rabies vector species, wildlife disease, cage design, raccoon
roundworm and other intestinal parasites
Comments: Masters Degree in Wildlife Biology

Pennsylvania, Northeast region, Susquehanna County (Friendsville)..... 570-553-2499

Carol Shilling (director), Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: Licensed for mammals, passerines, raptors, rabies vector species, and endangered species

Pennsylvania, Northeast region, York County (York Haven)..... 717-938-4040

Barbara Gregory (director), Otter Habitat and Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: mammals (non RVS), songbirds, waterfowl
Limitations: no rabies vector species (skunks, raccoons, fox)
Specialty: we are especially set up for River Otters

Pennsylvania, Northwest

Pennsylvania, Northwest region, Crawford County (Cochranton)..... (814) 763-2574

Sue Dearment (rehab trainee), Tamarak Wildlife
Wildlife Species: birds of prey, marsupials

Pennsylvania, Northwest region (Saegertown)..... 814-763-2574

Sue DeArment, Tamarack Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center, Inc.
Specialty: success with rehabilitating nighthawks,raptor neck injuries, turtle shell
repair; experienced in waterfowl rescue.

Pennsylvania, South Central

Pennsylvania, South Central region, Blair County (Bellwood)..... (814)742-7439

Deb O'Shell (director), Blair County Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: all

Pennsylvania, South Central region (Dillsburg)..... 717-432-9483

Wendy Looker, Rehabitat Inc.
Wildlife Species: raptors
Comments: there is a listing of all licensed PA rehabilitators on our web site

Pennsylvania, South Central region (Dillsburg)..... 717-979-9760

Will Weyant, owner/operator, Harrisburg Reptile Rescue
Wildlife Species: reptiles ONLY
Specialty: extensive experience in rehabbing reptiles, including venomous reptiles
Comments: fax 717-502-0590

Pennsylvania, Southeast

Pennsylvania, Southeast region, Chester County (Coatesville)..... 610-486-6067

Susan Birch (director), Wild Wings Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: passerines, waterfowl
Specialties/Knowledge: all aspects of passerine care

Pennsylvania, Southeast region, Montgomery County (Ambler)..... 215-779-0731

Michele Goodman (Director), Webbed Foot Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic
Wildlife Species: Waterfowl, Game Birds, Raptors, Shore Birds, Wading Birds
Specialties/Knowledge: Waterfowl

Pennsylvania, Southeast region, Montgomery County (Ambler)..... 215-643-1263

Miriam Moyer, White Flicker Wild Bird Rehabilitation Clinic , Inc. (at my home)
Wildlife Species: Native songbirds, woodpeckers, swifts, swallows (passerines)
Comments: federally licensed

Pennsylvania, Southeast region (Newtown)..... 215-968-4963

Mary Jane Stretch, AARK Wildlife Rehabilitation & Education Center
Comments: We accept any wild animal - bird, reptile, or mammal, including rabies-vector species

Pennsylvania, Southeast region (Philadelphia)..... 215-482-8217

The Schuylkill Center's Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic
Comments: We accept all species and are the largest center in Southeast Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, Southeast region, Schuylkill County (Schuylkill Haven)..... 570-739-4393

Peggy Hentz (director), Red Creek Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: raptors, passerines, mammals (including rabies vector species), and fawns
Specialties/Knowledge: raptors, osprey

Pennsylvania, Southwest

Pennsylvania, Southwest region (Acme)..... 724-455-7176

Gretchen Weslager, Windy Ridge Wildlife Refuge, Inc.
Wildlife Species: small mammals, passerines, and raptors
Comments: fax 724-455-7161

Pennsylvania, Southwest region, Indiana County (Marion Center)..... 724-254-9748

Ayn Van Dyke, Critter Camp
Wildlife Species: all
Specialties: opossums, raccoons, education programs
Comments: also affiliated with the PA Wildlife Center in Pittsburgh

Pennsylvania, Southwest region, Indiana County (Rochester Mills)..... 724-286-9868

Jennifer Weinzierl (owner/rehabilitator), One Wild Place
Wildlife Species: mammals and passerines
Specialties/Knowledge: song birds, squirrels, and bunnies

Pennsylvania, Southwest region (Ligonier)..... 724-238-2985

Cindy Cook, Wildlife Works, Inc.

Pennsylvania, Southwest region (Pittsburgh)..... 412-669-8621

Steve Pope, Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: mammals, songbirds, and raptors
Specialty: emphasis on infant mammals
Comments: we offer 24 hour on-call emergency care

Pennsylvania, Southwest region (Pittsburgh)..... 412-343-3819

Lois Sakolsky, The Flying Mammal Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: small mammals

Pennsylvania, Southwest region (Youngwood)..... 724-925-6862

Beth Shoaf, Wildlife Works, Inc.

Pennsylvania, Western

Pennsylvania, Western region (Harrisville)..... 814-786-9677

Maryjane Angelo, Skye's Spirit Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Pennsylvania, Western region (Valencia)..... 724-898-1788

Beth McMaster, Wildbird Recovery
Wildlife Species: Chimney Swifts, Barn Swallows, Nighthawks

Rhode Island, Central

Rhode Island, Central region (Warwick)..... 401-738-8025

Joyce Andrade, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raptors (also mammals)
Comments: I can accomodate only 2 adult raptors at a time, in outdoor cages

Rhode Island, Eastern

Rhode Island, Eastern region, Bristol County (Bristol)..... 401-253-3991

Kristin V. Fletcher (Executive Director), Wildlife Clinic of Rhode Island
Wildlife Species: Small birds, sea birds, mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: birds

Rhode Island, Eastern region, East Bay County (Barrington)..... 401-246-0786 or 401-523-9214

Lorna Buffum (Director), Healing Paws Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education
Wildlife Species: All mammals, including RVS
Specialties/Knowledge: Rabies Vector Species, particularly raccoons

Rhode Island, Southern

Rhode Island, Southern region (North Kingstown)..... 401-294-6070 or 401-282-9944

Sharon Gamba, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: squirrels (but also take in other small mammals and songbirds)

Rhode Island, Southern region (Richmond)..... 401-539-4606

Gail Marot, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: birds

Rhode Island, Southern region (West Kingston)..... 401-539-4606

Gail Marot, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: songbirds

South Carolina, Central

South Carolina, Central region (Columbia)..... 803-772-3994

Joanna Weitzel (executive director), Carolina Wildlife Care
Wildlife Species: songbirds, waterfowl, small mammals, and reptiles

South Carolina, Central region (Spartanburg)..... 864-515-8678

Deborah Woody, Piedmont Audubon Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Program
Wildlife Species: primarily sonbirds and small mammals (but will rescue any
raptor or rabies vector species for transport to proper facility/licensed rehabber
Comments: cover upstate of South Carolina, vets on call 24/7, 27 years of experience

South Carolina, Central region, Aiken County (North August)..... 803-278-3298

Brenda Ice, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Opossums

South Carolina, Eastern

South Carolina, Eastern region, Horry County (Longs)..... 843-399-5427

Randy and Candis Coleman, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: We accept all animals/birds
Comments: We do transport some species to those who specialize if need be.
Specialties/Knowledge: We also have our North Carolina permit and Authorized to
transport/release birds of prey through SC Center for Birds of Prey.

South Carolina, Northern region, Lancaster/York/Chester County..... 704-552-2329

Animal Rehabilitators of the Carolinas - ARC
Specialty: Mammals, Public Education, Fundraising
Comments: call 7am-9pm daily, voice mail

South Carolina, Northern region, Laurens County (Laurens)..... 864-683-2267

Tammy Lee (volunteer), Wildlife Rehab of Greenville
Wildlife Species: Bunnies, turtles, squirrels (no rabies vector species)
Specialties/Knowledge: Turtles and Tortoises

South Carolina, Northwest

South Carolina, Northwest region, Anderson County (Piedmont)..... 864-845-6965

Linda Long, Wildlife Rehab of Greenville
Wildlife Species: Small mammals, rabies vector (raccoons, skunks, foxes),
groundhogs, federally permitted to care for raptors
Specialty: squirrels

South Carolina, Northwest region, Greenville County (Greenville)..... 864-233-0339

Anne Griffin Shaw, Keeper of the Wild
Wildlife Species: waterfowl, flying and gray squirrels, and songbirds

South Carolina, Northwest region, Greenville County (Greenville)..... 864-294-6074

Julie Miller, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

South Carolina, Northwest region, Greenville County (Greenville)..... 864-282-1917

Tresa Adams (President), Foothills Animal Rescue
Wildlife Species: We are federally permitted to handle all wildlife in
South Carolina and North Carolina.
Specialties/Knowledge: birds of prey and rabies vector animals
Comments: We also offer educational programs to the public. Have federal license.

South Carolina, Northwest region, Greenville County (Greenville)..... 864-233-0339

Wildlife Rehab Of Greenville

South Carolina, Northwest region (Greenwood)..... 864 229-6551

Darlene Clegg, Keeper of the Wild>
Wildlife Species: raccoon, squirrels, flying squirrels, fawns (DNR permitted)
Comments: FAX 864-227-8581

South Carolina, Southern

South Carolina, Southern region, Berkeley County (Hanahan)..... 843-709-7519 (mobile)

Lorraine Brown, Keeper of the Wild
Wildlife Species: accept squirrels and bunnies.....will transport other
species to proper rehabber if needed

South Carolina, Southeast

South Carolina, Southeast region, Aiken County (North Augusta)..... 803-278-3298

Brenda Ice, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Opossums and flying squirrels. NO raccoons, I'm not
licensed to do them.
Specialties/Knowledge: Opossums
Comments: If you have found baby opossums, keep WARM and CALL me! DO NOT
TRY TO FEED, I will give you the right information on how to rehydrate and turn
you over to a rehabber near you.

South Carolina, Southeast region, Charleston County (Charleston)..... 843-884-3480

Amy Durocher, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: birds, mammals

South Carolina, Southeast region, Charleston County (Charleston)..... 843-514-3217 (mobile)

Beth Amick Mowder, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

South Carolina, Southeast region, Charleston County (Charleston)..... 843-928-3494

Jim Elliott (Director), South Carolina Center for Birds of Prey

South Carolina, Southeast region, Charleston County (Charleston, James Island)..... 803-762-5105

Pris Massenburg Wright, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Comments: State Coordinator for Wildlife Assistance in South Carolina
Wildlife Species: otters, squirrels, pelicans, herons, waterfowl

South Carolina, Southeast region, Charleston County (Isle of Palms)..... 843-886-5457

Jennifer Nolan Hacking, Nolan's Ark Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation
Specialty: Veterinary Technician

South Carolina, Southwest

South Carolina, Southwest region, Oconee County (Westminster)..... 864-647-0374

Jacqui Montagna, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: opossums and turtles

South Dakota, Western

South Dakota, Western region (Rapid City)..... 605-721-4564

Joel Tigner, wildlife professional
Wildlife Species: bats

Tennessee, Central

Tennessee, Central region (Chattanooga)..... 423-326-0228

Debbie Lipsey, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals

Tennessee, Central region, Davidson County (Joelton, just outside of Nashville).....

Denise Weyer (Outreach Coordinator), Walden's Puddle Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: All native Tennessee wildlife except bats, skunks,
adult white-tailed deer, and venomous reptiles

Tennessee, Eastern

Tennessee, Eastern region, Anderson County (Norris)..... 865-494-7922

Connie Green, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals and reptiles
Specialty: flying squirrels

Tennessee, Eastern region, Blount County (Maryville)..... 865-984-2435

Kathryn Nowell, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals

Tennessee, Eastern region, Carter County (Elizabethton)..... 423-474-6220

Geri Wynn, (directore/rehabber) Wynn * Wood Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: Mammals, songbirds, raptors, reptiles, whitetail deer
Comments: Veterinary Tech

Tennessee, Eastern region, Hamblen County (Talbott)..... 423-587-9043

Robin Ballard, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals (no birds or reptiles)

Tennessee, Eastern region, Jefferson County (Dandride)..... 865-397-0672

Phylis Rollins, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals including fox, coyote, muskrat, and beaver;
all turtles; will accept non-releasable animals as space allows

Tennessee, Eastern region, Jefferson County (New Market)..... 865-397-9540

Lynne McCoy, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals (no skunks), birds (songbirds and raptors), some turtles/snakes
Comments: have extensive library and contacts for other species; can give public emergency
care information until they can get animal to a licensed rehabilitator

Tennessee, Eastern region, Knox County (Knoxville)..... 865-693-4295

Rita Dietz, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals

Tennessee, Eastern region, Knox County (Knoxville)..... 865-690-6247

Tissi Smith, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: opossums, grey squirrels, flying squirrels, mice

Tennessee, Eastern region (Loudon)..... 865-755-1683 (cell)

Ramona Chapman, Justus Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: raptors, songbirds, mammals

Tennessee, North Central

Tennessee, North Central region (Hartsville)..... 615-374-2247

Shades Of Mother Earth, Inc.

Tennessee, North Central region, Sumner county (Gallatin)..... 615-452-8017

Lee Anne Faust (director), Tangled Wing Wildcare Conservancy, Inc.
Wildlife Species: mammals (do not accept deer, skunks, bats, coyotes)
Specialites/Knowledge: education
Comments: We are a 501(c)3 organization devoted to wildlife rehabilitation,
wildlife education, and wildlife habitat protection.

Tennessee, Northwest

Tennessee, Northwest region, Henry County (Buchanan)..... 731-642-3755

Dawn Myrick, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Specialize in orphaned animals

Tennessee, Southeast

Tennessee, Southeast region, Hamilton County (Chattanooga)..... 423-580-1043

Sheryl Leitner, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals

Tennessee, Southwest

Tennessee, Southestern region, Shelby County (Collierville)..... 901-488-0815

Danya W. Luckett, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Most small mammals.
Specialties/Knowledge: Specialize in squirrels(grey,fox,flying),raccoons, deer,
and rabbits.

Tennessee, Southwestern region, Shelby County (Millington)..... 901-876-5045

Patty Varner, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Mammals (excluding skunks)
Specialties: Squirrels, Raccoons
Comments: Will try to get you in touch with someone who can help you if I can not.

Tennessee, Western

Tennessee, Western region (Ripley)..... 901-635-6013

Tommy Williams, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

Texas, Central

Texas, Central region (Austin)..... 512-472-WILD or 512-499-8613

Lady "Sadi" G. Perron, WildLife Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: squirrels

Texas, Central region (Austin)..... 512-444-9845

Sallie Delahoussaye (Raptor Team Leader), Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: raptors and ringtail "cats"

Texas, Central region (Austin)..... 512-472-WILD

Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
Comments: network of volunteers offering licensed rehabilitation and
wildlife education services

Texas, Central region, Austin County (and surrounding counties)..... 979-865-0763 or 281-356-9393

Rebecca McKeever (Director), Lone Star Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: All native TX wildlife especially raptors (including eagles), wading birds, waterfowl,
shorebireds, reptiles, and endangered/threatened species

Texas, Central region, Austin County (West of Houston)..... 979-865-8755

Linda Hufford, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: songbirds, raptors, small mammals, deer

Texas, Central region, Austin/McDade Counties..... 512-273-9518 or 512-913-9090

Preston Doughty, Wildlife Rescue of Austin
Wildlife Species: tortoise/turtles, deer, squirrels

Texas, Central region (Bedais)..... 409-295-1844

Claire Jordan, The Wildlife Center of Harris County Precinct 4
Wildlife Species: raptors, water birds, reptiles, deer, and small mammals

Texas, Central region (Copperas Cove)..... 254-547-8768

Justyn Miller, founder/director, Bat Conservation Project
Wildlife Species: all bat species

Texas, Central region (San Angelo)..... 915-651-4937 (or 651-6461)

Sara and Cindy, Because It's Right Wildlife Rehabilitation

Texas, Eastern

Texas, Eastern region, Jasper County (Jasper)..... 409-383-1013

Gary and Dawn Calkins, Calkins Rehab
Wildlife Species: prefer mammals
Comments: work #409-384-6894

Texas, Eastern region (Lufkin)..... 936-632-4742

Sandra Distefano, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals

Texas, Eastern region, Shelby County (Shelbyville)..... 936-368-2663

Mindy Smotherman, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: deer, small mammals
Comments: will accept any wildlife for transfer to appropriate facilities

Texas, Eastern region, Tyler County (Colmesneil)..... 409-283-2438

Judy Courtney, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all species

Texas, Northern

Texas, Northern region, Dallas County (Dallas)..... 214-902-9113

Kellie Ball-Ross, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: beavers, bobcats, and porcupine
Specialties/Knowledge: able to assist other rehabilitators in triage and medical care
of beaver kits

Texas, Northern region, Denton County (Little Elm)..... 940-231-9742

Diana Leggett, WildRescue/Rabbit Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: eastern cottontails, black-tailed jackrabbits

Texas, Northern region, Montague County (Bowie)..... 940-845-2816

AnnaBelle Rener (Owner), Rener's Crazy Critters
Wildlife Species: deer, small native mammals, reptiles, and some raptors

Texas, North Central

Texas, North Central region (Chico)..... 940-644-5622

Monty Fitzgerald, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Deer and Small Mammals

Texas, North Central region, Dallas County (Duncanville)..... 972-298-2928

DeAnna Knauer, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: songbirds, aquatic birds (will stabilize and transport raptors)

Texas, North Central region, Tarrant County (Fort Worth)..... 817-560-0905

Judy Richardson (president), WILDCARE, INC, and Natures Haven
Wildlife Species: all except raptors (but can provide area contacts)
Comments: general knowledge of most native Texas wildlife
including some reptiles; willing to help new rehabbers get started;
share the donations of cages and food to all who join WILDCARE, Inc.

Texas, North Central region, Parker County (Weatherford)..... 682 556-2311

Kay Singleton, Possum World
Wildlife Species: Opossums, bats.

Texas, North Central region, Wichita County (Wichita Falls)..... 940-692-5030 (h), 940-696-3287 (w)

Kimberly Payne (co-founder), Safe Haven Wild Bird Rescue
Wildlife Species: songbirds; area referrals for mammals, raptors, etc.

Texas, Northeast

Texas, Northeast region, Cherokee County (Bullard)..... 903-825-3893

Carol O. Quinn, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raccoons, deer, squirrels

Texas, Northeast region, Dallas/Ft. Worth region..... 940-969-2314

DeDee Walker, Walkin' Wild Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: skunks only

Texas, Northeast region (Denton)..... 940-387-6090

Stacie D. Hayes-Fowler, DVM, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Specialty: Special interest and studies in exotic, bird, and wildlife
medicine and surgery.

Texas, Northeast region (Denton)..... 940-243-0177

Darlene Munger, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raccoons and opossums, stabilize and transport birds
(referrals and possible transport on all other species)

Texas, Northeast region (Fort Worth)..... 817-237-8500

Wildlife Species: native Texas wildlife
Comments: fax 817-560-1515

Texas, Northeast region (Ferris, Dallas-Fort Worth area)..... 972-842-2805 (or 972-283-5334)

Ann and Pierre Bradshaw, On the Wing Again
Wildlife Species: all birds, including threatened and endangered species
Specialty: raptors

Texas, Northeast region (Henderson, Rusk)..... 903-836-4017

Glinda Barron, Veterinary Technician, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals, bobcats
Specialty: squirrels

Texas, Northeast region (Hutchins, Dallas area)..... 972-225-4000

Kathy Rogers, owner, Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: birds (including aquatic) only

Texas, Northeast region (Longview)..... 903-663-5086

Robbi Goodrich, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small raptors, squirrels (grey, fox, flying), opossums

Texas, Northeast region (Naples)..... 903-884-3739

Prudi Koeninger, Rascals Retreat
Wildlife Species: raccoons (any age, any condition)

Texas, Northeast region, Smith County (Lindale)..... 903-882-7480

Beverly Grage, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raccoons, opossums, squirrels, skunks, fox
Comments: Federal permit for raptors only

Texas, Northwest

Texas, Northwest region (Amarillo)..... 806 622 9858

Joy and Alvis Graham, Timber Creek Veterinary Hospital

Texas, Northwest region, Lubbock County (Lubbock)..... 806-535-4220 or 806-863-3217

Gail Barnes (Asst. manager), home rehabber and South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: bats, owls, skunks (wildlife center all species)
Specialties: bats and barn owls

Texas, Northwest region, Lubbock county (Lubbock)..... 806-799-2142

Carol Mitchell (director), South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Debbie Tennyson (on-site manager)

Texas, Southern

Texas, Southern region, Nueces County (Corpus Christi)..... 361-881-1216

Texas State Aquarium
Wildlife Species: Shore/sea birds, raptors, sea turtles

Texas, Southern region, Victoria County (Victoria)..... 361-576-3806

Janene Adamson (volunteer), Gulf Coast Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: small mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians--nothing endangered
Specialty: raptors

Texas, South Central

Texas, South Central region (San Antonio)..... 210-385-7800

Karen Maxfield, Lone Oak Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: Deer, small mammals, reptiles

Texas, South Central region, Travis County (Leander)..... 512-731-9386

Kim Johnson (Director), All Things Great and Small
Wildlife Species: All species except reptiles
Specialties/Knowledge: Raccoons, Deer, Squirrels, Fox, Oppossum
Comments: We are owners of a small animal clinic and my husband is the Veterinarian

Texas, Southeast

Texas, Southeast region (Angleton, South of Houston)..... 979-849-0184

Dana Simon, Gulf Coast Wildlife Rescue

Texas, Southeast region, Brazoria County (Brazoria)..... 979-798-6581

Patty Brinkmeyer (rehabilitator), Gulf Coast Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: mammals and reptiles only

Texas, Southeast region, Brazoria County (Lake Jackson)..... 979-299-6605

Ken High, licensed home rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Small mammals
Specialties: Squirrels, rabbits

Texas, Southeast region, Brazoria County (Pearland)..... 281-485-1900

Lavenia Fernandez (volunteer), Gulf Coast Exotic Bird Santuary
(subpermittee under Barbara House , Dickinson, TX)
Wildlife Species: all species of birds and reptiles
Specialty: extensive experience with bird and reptile care at an animal hospital specializing in exotics

Texas, Southeast region, Brazos County (Bryan)..... 979-822-3816

Eyes of Texas Wildlife Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Release
Wildlife Species: raptors, small mammals (not raccoons), songbirds, wading birds, waterfowl

Texas, Southeast region (Corpus Christi)..... 361-779-2840

Jan Amsden, permitted home rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Small mammals; opossums, squirrels, and cottontails

Texas, Southeast region (Dickinson)..... 281-337-3683

Barbara House, Wildlife Rehab and Education
Wildlife Species: high risk mammals, all birds

Texas, Southeast region, Galveston County (League City)..... 281-332-8319

Sharon Schmalz (executive director), Wildlife Rehab and Education, Inc.
Wildlife Species: all native wildlife
Specialties/Knowledge: oiled wildlife response, education, raptors, waterbirds

Texas, Southeast region, Harris County (Houston)..... 713-643-WILD

Wildlife Rehab and Education

Texas, Southeast region, Harris County (Tomball)..... 281-516-0739

Lisa Gibson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: white-tailed deer, raptors
Comments: have education permit, do programs at schools, scouts, etc.

Texas, Southeast region, Harris County (Houston)..... 281-855-7542

Barbara P. Young (superviser), Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition
Wildlife Species: mammals (except deer)

Texas, Southeast region, Harris County (Houston)..... 281-496-6380

Elaine Long, Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Songbirds, woodpeckers, swallows, purple martins, wrens,
chickadees, titmouse; Native Lagamorphs: Swamp Rabbits and Eastern Cottontails

Texas, Southeast region, Jefferson County (Port Neches)..... 409-727-4276

Cheryl S. Roberts, Wildlife Rehab and Education
Wildlife Species: songbirds and small mammals

Texas, Southeast region (LaPorte)..... 281-470-2307

Lisa Parker, Wildlife Rehab & Education
Wildlife Species: squirrels, oiled wildlife response

Texas, Southeast region, Montgomery County (Cut, Shoot)..... 281-592-8204

Elaine Kyle, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: baby squirrels ONLY

Texas, Southeast region, Montgomery County (Montgomery)..... 936-449-5135

Virginia, Hogan's Nut House Wildlife Rehabilitation (home rehabber)
Wildlife Species: Infant, Orphaned, Injured Adult, Squirrels, (Fox, Gray,
Flying Squirrels,) Small Mammals, Deer Fawns
Comments: Do not rehabilitate oppossums, nor reptiles, or rabbits, turtles;
Have rehabbed raccoons, deer fawns, skunks, all squirrels infant thru adult, Flying
squirrels, fox squirrels, gray squirrels.

Texas, Southeast region, Nueces County (Port Aransas)..... 512-749-6793

Andrea Wickham-Rowe, Animal Rehabilitation Keep (ARK)
Wildlife Species: sea turtle and shorebird rehabilitation

Texas, Southwest

Texas, Southwest region, El Paso County (El Paso)..... 915-920-7867

Josie Karam, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: All birds, small mammals, reptiles; turtles
Specialties: Birds

Texas, Western

Texas, Western region, El Paso County (El Paso)..... 505-882-2910

Chihuahuan Desert Wildlife Rescue (dispatch number for wildlife emergencies)

Texas, Western region, El Paso County (El Paso)..... 915-584-5553

Margaret J. Kirk (director/president), Little Wings Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: migratory songbirds

Texas, West Central

Texas, West Central region, Llano County (Kingsland)..... 325-388-8728

Jacque Bailey (Director), Second Chance
Wildlife Species: fawns all breeds and some small mammals as the staye permitts
Specialties/Knowledge: fawns

Utah, Central

Utah, Central region (Price)..... 801-637-0890 (Public Safety Dispatch [Police])

Utah, Central region (Price)..... 801-637-3310 (Division of Wildlife Resources)

Utah, Northern

Utah, Northern region (Heber City)..... 435-654-5124

Mike & Sharai Coffey, Second Chance Big Game Wildlife Rehab.
Comments: we raise goats, so have access to milk for fawns

Utah, Northern region, Salt Lake County (Salt Lake City)..... 801-412-7470

Candy Carlson, Tracy Aviary (subpermittee)
Wildlife Species: migratory birds

Utah, Northern region, Salt Lake County (Salt Lake City)..... 801-272-3779 or 801-597-9677

Heidi Harris (Director), Utah Bat Rescue and Rehabilitation- Bats''R''Us
Wildlife Species: Chiroptera - Bats
Specialties/Knowledge: Bat rehabilitation
Comments: We also do batproofing of homes and business.
Done safely for both bats and humans. Has federal license.

Utah, Northern region (South Jordan)..... 801-254-9042

Utah Wildlife Rehabilitation Inc.

Utah, Northern region, Weber County (Ogden)..... 801-621-7595

Ogden Nature Center
Wildlife Species: accept only wild birds (raptors, migratory birds, waterfowl, songbirds)

Vermont, Central

Vermont, Central region (Montpelier)..... 802-223-1859

Joanne Bilodeau, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: grey and red squirrels, chipmunks

Vermont, East Central

Vermont, Northern

Vermont, Northern region (Jericho)..... 802-899-3667

Craig Newman (co-founder), Outreach for Earth Stewardship
Wildlife Species: raptors and corvids only

Vermont, Northeast

Vermont, Northeast region (Concord, Northeast Kingdom area only)..... 802-695-4619

Aimee DeMaio, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: songbirds

Vermont, Northeast region (Groton)..... 802-584-3822

Janet Dresser, Vermont Raptor Center
Wildlife Species: Raptors

Vermont, Northwest

Vermont, Northwest region (Shelburne)..... 802-985-8738

Eveleen Cecchini, Outreach for Earth Stewardship
Wildlife Species: raptors and corvids (crows, etc.) only
Specialty: education

Vermont, Northwest region (Winooski)..... 802-864-4311

Helena Nordstrom (Director), NorthStream Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: small mammals
SPECIALTIES and KNOWLEDGE: Special love for squirrels, woodchucks, opossums, mice

Vermont, Southern

Vermont, Southern region (Londonderry)..... 802-824-6577

Wendy Arace, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: rabies vector species and other mammals

Virginia, Central

Virginia, Central region (Blue Ridge)..... 540-947-2794

Christine Haynes, Wildlife Care Alliance
Wildlife Species: only raccoons

Virginia, Central region, Chesterfield County..... 804-743-9702

Eve Wilson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Virginia, Central region (Elk Creek)..... 276-655-4822 (office/home/fax/ans) or 276-233-2848 (cell)

William Roberts, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: opossum and raptor rehabilitation

Virginia, Central region (Waynesboro)..... 540-942-9453

The Wildlife Center of Virginia
Wildlife Species: all native Virginia species
Comments: large professionally staffed hospital for native wildlife

Virginia, Eastern

Virginia, Eastern region, Chesapeake County (Chesapeake)..... 757-410-5645 or (c)572-6701

Brenda Dain, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals, RVS (raccoon and fox and other RVS),
deer, opossum
Comments: I do not accept bird calls except for rescue. Then will transport to
Federally licensed rehabber

Virginia, Eastern region, Essex County (Tappahannock)..... 804-443-5599

Pat Chamberlain, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator (in association with
Wildlife Species: small mammals, all squirrels, opossums, cottontails,
chipmunks, voles, shrews, moles
Specialties/Knowledge: Neonates - adults cottontails and opossums
Comments: In an emergency will take in other species including birds to
transport to rehabbers with knowledge of that species.

Virginia, Eastern region (Mechanicsville)..... 804-550-1451

Bonnie Morales, member, Area Rehabbers Klub (ARK)
Wildlife Species: small mammals and birds

Virginia, Eastern region (Richmond)..... 804-561-6606

Susanna Ward, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raccoons and grey squirrels

Virginia, East Central

Virginia, East Central region, New Kent County (between Richmond and Williamsburg) (New Kent)..... 804-966-2164

Barb Rondeua, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: rabbits and squirrels mainly (but take in others and network them out to
other rehabbers
Limitations: do NOT accept skunks or snakes

Virginia, Northern

Virginia, Northern region, Clarke County (Millwood)..... 540-837-9000

Blue Ridge Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: All birds, small mammals, reptiles
Specialties/Knowledge: Raptor and corvid rehabilitation, small mammals, reptiles
Comments: Educational programs on native wildlife offered.
Veterinary care available at the Center.

Virginia, Northern region, Fairfax County (Alexandria)..... 1-800-293-3988, pin 05

Dennis and Rita Desmond (director), Northern Virginia Reptile Rescue
Wildlife Species: we only accept reptiles and amphibians

Virginia, Northern region, Fairfax County (Annandale)..... 703-973-3157

Leslie Sturges (director), Bat World NOVA
Wildlife Species: bats and turtles
Specialties/Knowledge: Bats, Big brown bats and silver hair in particular

Virginia, Northern region, Fauquier County (Midland)..... 540-788-7645

Julia Bolt, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all rabies vector species, small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians
Specialty: raccoons, fox, and bobcats

Virginia, Northern region, Loudoun County (Purcellville)..... 540-338-2133

Leslie McCasker, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raccoons, bats

Virginia, North Central

Virginia, North central region (Boston)..... 540-987-8431

Amo Merritt, Wildlife Rescue League of VA, Native Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: accept all wildlife
Specialty: raccoons

Virginia, North Central region, Hanover County (Hanover)..... 804-779-0224

Catherine (member), Area Rehabber's Klub (ARK)
Wildlife Species: Squirrels, rabbits, opossums, migratory birds,
reptiles to include snakes

Virginia, Northeast

Virginia, Northeast region, Fairfax County (Fairfax)..... 703-352-5474

Pat Chamberlain, Wildlife Rescue League (WRL)
Wildlife Species: Pinkies: Squirrels, Opossums, flyers, Chipmunks, Neonate
Cottontails; Will treat injured adult Squirrels, Opossums, Cottontails, Chipmunks, and flyers

Virginia, Northeast region (Falls Church)..... 703-532-1475

Kimberly Manthy, Wildlife Rescue League, Falls Church Animal Warden,
Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries, Arlington Animal Welfare League
Specialty: Very young "pinky" mammals -- flying squirrels, mice, squirrels, fawns,
beaver, rats, moles, otters, etc. Mostly orphans. No raccoons. Also injured and
orphaned birds, including herons

Virginia, Northeast region (Falls Church)..... 703-578-4729

Kent N. Knowles, Wildlife Rescue League of Virginia
the Raptor Society of Metropolitan Washington
Specialty: Raptor rehabilitation, handling, and conditioning.
Education talks with non-releaseable raptors. Falconry techniques with raptors.

Virginia, Northeast region (Manassas)..... 703-368-5539

Madeline Libre, Center for Rehabilitation of Wildlife (C.R.O.W.)
Wildlife Species: pigeons, crows, gulls, opossum, groundhog, hawks, owls, and vultures

Virginia, Northeast region, Prince William County..... 703-897-0340

Robin C. McClary, Citizens for the Preservation of Wildife, Inc.
Wildlife Rescue League of Northern Virginia
Specialty: Designed, developed, and implemented a rescue program
for Canada Geese. How to recognize seriousness of injuries, how to recognize
its mate, capture techniques, and getting parents and goslings off highrise office
buildings and relocation to pond safely.

Virginia, Northwest
Virginia, Northwest region, Roanoke County (Salem)..... 540-389-3959
Sharon Reese (Category II rehabber), Wildlife Care Alliance
Wildlife Species: rabbits squirrels mice birds(subpermitee, Federal)opposum
Specialties/Knowledge: rabbits,squirrels
Comments: also take care of domestic baby rabbits(dead mother or mother has no milk)

Virginia, Southeast

Virginia, Southeast region, Chesapeake County (Chesapeake)..... 757-424-3524

Robyn Lee Jones, Wildlife Response Inc.
Wildlife Species: squirrels

Virginia, Southeast region, Chesapeake County (Chesapeake)..... 757-482-4796

Connie and Wilton Sale, Wildlife Response, Inc.
Wildlife Species: hummingbirds

Virginia, Southeast region (Franklin)..... 757-562-0979

Michelle Westervelt, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals and rabies vectors

Virginia, Southeast region (Norfolk)..... 757-423-2584

Joan M. Bryan (volunteer rehabber), Wildlife Response
Wildlife Species: squirrels

Virginia, Southeast region (Oak Grove)..... 804-224-0596

Diana O'Connor, licenced home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raccoons, waterfowl, bats, opossums

Virginia, Southeast region, Princess Anne County (Virginia Beach)..... 757-286-5262

Becky Cattani, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator or
Wildlife Species: ALL RVS (raccoon, fox, bat, etc.), opossum
Specialties/Knowledge: raccoon
Comments: Pro Active Rehabilitation, Information on Living Peacefully with Wildlife

Virginia, Southeast region, Princess Anne County (Virginia Beach)..... 757-481-3162

Jamersom Hook, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: hawks/owls/eagles
Specialties/Knowledge: raptors
Comments: I am working with the game and inland fisheries dept. for rehabbing
eagles and to train other rehabbers to handle them. Federally licensed

Virginia, Southeast region, Sussex County (Stony, Creek)..... 434-246-6623

Joy Bulls, Creek Critters Rehab (home rehabber)
Wildlife Species: mammals and rabies vector species

Virginia, Southeast region, Virginia Beach County (Virginia Beach)..... 757-469-5575 cell

Deborah Hoover-Powers, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: specializing in the Virginia Opossum, Cottontails and Squirrels

Virginia, Southeast region, Virginia Beach County (Virginia Beach)..... 757-486-5339

Heidi Pocklington, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
(affilitated with VA beach SPCA Wildlife
Wildlife Species: songbirds, pigeons, doves
Specialties/Knowledge: pigeons
Comments: If I cannot be reached by phone you can call the
vbspcawildlife at 757-427-0070

Virginia, Southeast region, Virginia Beach County (Virginia Beach)..... 757-481-2143

Jamerson Hook, Virginia Beach Raptor Care
Wildlife Species: raptors

Virginia, Southeast region, Virginia Beach County (Virginia Beach)..... 757-235-3189

Lisa Barlow (President), Wildlife Response, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Raptors, shore, marsh, and pelagic birds

Virginia, Southeast region, Virginia Beach County (Virginia Beach)..... 757-481-4616

Susan Hellstrom, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals and songbirds
SPECIALTIES and KNOWLEDGE: specialize in squirrels

Virginia, Southeast region, Virginia Beach County (Virginia Beach)..... 757-430-2409

Suzanne Eason, Wildlife Response, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Virginia opossums

Virginia, Southeast region (Williamsburg)..... 757-564-3305

Stephanie Thomas, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Virginia, Southeast region (West Point)..... 804-843-2266

Dyan R. Wood, Furnfeather Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: bunnies, opossums (especially pinkies),
rabies species (i.e. raccoons, fox, other small mammals)

Virginia, Southeast region (Zuni)..... 757-242-4307

Dyan R Wood, Furnfeather Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: Caring for orphaned bunnies and oppossums especially (pinkies)

Virginia, Southwest

Virginia, Southwest region, Scott County (Nickelsville)..... 276-479-1405

Monica Hutchinson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all large/small mammals, specialize in opossums, raptors,
turtles, gamebirds/waterfowl; no infant songbirds

Virginia, Southwest region, Scott County (Nickelsville)..... 540-479-3316

Alanna Dingus, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Specialty: all animals, licensed veterinary technician

Virginia, Southwest region, Wise County (Coeburn)..... 276-395-2571

Jo and Johnny Combs, 'Possum Tracks Wildlife Rescue Service
Wildlife Species: opossums, squirrels, fawns, bats and other rabies vector species
Comments: we rehab all wildlife, serve 5 counties in southwestern Virginia

Washington, Central

Washington, Central region (Chelan)..... 509-687-3246

Debra A. Burnett (director), Tsillan Wildcare
Wildlife Species: raptors, songbirds, small mammals, herps

Washington, Eastern

Washington, Eastern region, Latah/Whitman County (Moscow/Pullman)..... 208-883-4349

Kristina Janzen, Animal Care Center
Wildlife Species: small to medium mammals, passerines, and some birds of prey

Washington, Northwest

Washington, Northwest region (Arlington)..... 360-435-4817

Kaye Baxter, Sarvey Wildlife Care Center
Specialty: raptors, general mammals, raptor flight cages, medical

Washington, Northwest region (Friday Harbor)..... 360-378-5000

Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehab Center
Comments: cover Skagit and San Juan Counties

Washington, Northwest region (Gig Harbor)..... 253-884-3253

Jim Styers, Fathom 23, Inc., Wildlife Rapid Response Team &
Oil Spill Wildlife Management
Wildlife Species: Marine mammals and birds
Comments: We are marine wildlife consultants specializing in wildlife
impacted by oil spills. Director of Sea Otter Rescue Center/Seward,
Alaska/ExxonValdez oil spill. Many others.

Washington, Northwest region, Snohomish County (Lynnwood)..... (425) 787-2500 ex.817

The Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
Wildlife Species: all species
Comments: PAWS treats approximately 5000 injured and orphaned patients each year

Washington, Northwest region, Snohomish County (Stanwood)..... 360-652-7690

Meg Lunnum, (sub-permitee), Happy Valley Bats and Sarvey Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: Bats
Comments: Will answer any questions about bats. Will also pick up bats locally
and make arrangements for those that are further away

Washington, Southern

Washington, Southwest

Washington, Western

Washington, Western region (McCleary)..... 1-800-750-3296

Randy Marston, Wild Animal Rescue Mission (WARM, Inc.)
Wildlife Species: black bears, raptors (eagles, hawks, owls)
Comments: have large flight cage (120,000 cubic feet)
Cover Grays Harbor, Thurston, Pierce, Lewis, and Pacific Counties

West Virginia, Eastern

West Virginia, Eastern region, Berkeley County (Martinsburg)..... 304-267-7001

Patricia Hoffman-Butler, Wildcare WV
Wildlife Species: Mammals, all species
Specialties: Raccoons

West Virginia, Southern

West Virginia, Southern region (Brooks)..... 304-466-4683

Wendy Perrone, Three Rivers Avian Center

West Virginia, Western

West Virginia, Eastern region, Jefferson/Berkely Counties..... 304-267-3482

Diana Mullis, Rehab Coordinator for the Potomac Valley Audubon Society
Comments: coordinate the placement of injured and orphaned wildlife with local
rehabilitation facilities

West Virginia, Western region, Putnam County (Poca)..... 304-586-2714

Beth Bryan, Windsmeet Farm Wildlife Recovery Station

West Virginia, West Central

West Virginia, West Central region, Wood County (Parkersburg)..... 304-485-6694 and 304-488-5709

Sarah Stapp, home based "The Pudgy 'Possum"
Wildlife Species: Opossums

Wisconsin, Central

Wisconsin, Central region, Waupaca County (New London)..... 920-982-6825

Wind River Wildlife Rehabilitation

Wisconsin, Eastern

Wisconsin, Eastern region, Manitowoc County..... pager 920-323-5609 (home 920-732-3918)

Susan Theys (vice-chair), Wildlife Of Wisconsin, Manitowoc Area Rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: all species

Wisconsin, Northern

Wisconsin, Northern region (Arbor Vitae)..... 715-356-5490

Dave & Jacquie De Bauche, Feathered Friends Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center
Specialty: feeding, housing, capture, medical care of all Wisconsin wild birds

Wisconsin, Northern region (Minocqua)..... 715-356-7400

Mark Naniot (director of rehab), Northwoods Wildlife Center

Wisconsin, Northern region, Sawyer County (Couderay)..... 715-945-3033

Becky Cardinal, White Pine Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: infant squirrels and woodchucks
Specialty: pinkie squirrels

Northeast Wisconsin

Wisconsin, Northeast region, Marinette County (Coleman)..... 920-897-5199

Marla Ross, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator">
Wildlife Species: Small mammals, Raccoons
Specialties/Knowledge: injured mammals and very tiny orphans; specializing
in Raccoons, also other seriously injured and emergency infant wildlife [including
Sandhill Cranes for transport to the proper facilities.
Comments: Additional wildlife rescue and rehabber location information can
be found at

Wisconsin, Northeast region, Waupaca County (New London)..... 920-982-6578

Pat Fisher, The Feather Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: birds of prey, waterfowl, whitetail deer, sandhill cranes, all birds

Wisconsin, South Central

Wisconsin, South Central region, Jefferson County (Fort Atkinson)..... 608-444-7701

Angela Martin Licari, CVT, (director/founder), Atagahi Wildlife Haven
Wildlife Species: Any species native to the state of Wisconsin are welcome
Specialties/Knowledge: Raccoons, Veterinary Medicine
Comments: Looking for land in Jefferson County for permanent home for Atagahi Wildlife Haven!
Monetary donations accepted. Thank you!

Wisconsin, Southern

Wisconsin, Southern region, Dane County (Mount Horeb)..... 608-437-4950

Peggy Popp, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: orphan small mammals (rabbits, squirrels, opposums, etc.)
Comments: email access generally only M-Th

Wisconsin, Southeast

Wisconsin, Southeast region (Fredonia)..... 262-692-9021

Pine View Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center

Wisconsin, Southeast region (Germantown)..... 262-424-3391

Mary A. Schmaus , licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raptors and squirrels
Comments: using almost exclusively homeopathy (acupuncture, accupressure, etc.)

Wisconsin, Southeast region, Milwaukee County (Milwaukee)..... 414-483-1210

Connie Davey, Wisconsin Humane Society
Wildlife Species: foster parent for orphaned squirrels

Wisconsin, Southeast region, Milwaukee County (Milwaukee)..... 414-489-0041

Linda Eisert, lisenced wildlife rehabilitator or
Wildlife Species: rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, non-native birds

Wisconsin, Southeast region, Milwaukee County (Milwaukee)..... 414-431-6204

Wisconsin Humane Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Specialty: raccoons, wildlife rescue/capture, capture and
translocation of white-tailed deer, cage design and building
Comments: large urban wildlife rehabilitation center

Wisconsin, Southeast region, Rock County (Milton)..... 608-868-3708

Dianne Moller (director/owner), Hoo's Woods Raptor Center
Wildlife Species: raptors only
Specialties/Knowledge: raptors, education, falconry

Wisconsin, Southeast region, Walworth County (Lake Geneva)..... 262-248-5055

Fellow Mortals Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: all species EXCEPT raccoons, skunks, and deer
Comments: fax 262-248-1557

Wisconsin, Southeast region, Washington County (Hubertus)..... 262-628-0885

Mary Schamaus (rehabber), Web of Life Environmental Education Center
Wildlife Species: All

Wisconsin, Southeast region (Waukesha).....

Susan Saliga, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: squirrels

Wisconsin, Southeast region, Waukesha County (Oconomowoc)..... 262-965-4335

Susan Verden, The Wildlife In Need Center (WINC)
Wildlife Species: raccoons and other small mammals, herps

Wisconsin, Southeast region, Waukesha County (Oconomowoc)..... 262-968-5075

Wildlife In Need Center
Wildlife Species: We rehab all Wisconsin native wildlife

Wisconsin, Western

Wisconsin, Western region (Fall Creek)..... 715-877-2372

John & June Owens, White Pine Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Wisconsin, Western region, Vernon County (Chaseburg)..... 608-483-2610

Suzanne Broten, Coulee Wildlife Rehab Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: infant mammals and raptors

Wyoming, Northwest

Wyoming, Northwest region (Cody)..... 307-527-7027

Susan Ahalt, Ironside Bird Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: raptors

Wyoming, Southeast

Wyoming, Southeast region (Laramie)..... 307-721-9841

Catherine Symchych, Laramie Raptor Refuge

NOTE:  If you still are not finding a rehabber in your area, try checking on the following site:

OUTDOORS 411: Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers in the US

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