Animal Advocates, How To Locate a Wildlife Rehabilitator - Mary Cummins

U.S. Wildlife Rehabilitator Contacts by State


Alabama, Central

Alabama, Central region, Shelby County (Birmingham)..... 205-621-3333

The Wildlife Center (formerly the Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitation Center)
Wildlife Species: The Wildlife Center receives 2,500 injured and
orphaned wild birds, mammals and reptiles of over 100 species annually. Animals
include raptors (eagles, hawks, owls) and other birds (songbirds, water and shore
birds), mammals (cougar, fox, bobcat, bats, deer, etc.) and reptiles (alligators,
Specialties/Knowledge: Raptor rehabilitation, raising juvenile raptors,
reuniting baby birds and mammals with their parents.
Comments: The Wildlife Center is Alabama's oldest and largest wildlife
rehabilitation and education center. Each year the Center cares for over 2,000 injured
and orphaned native wild creatures, using special rehabilitation techniques tailored to
the needs of each animal patient, so that they can recover and return to the wild.

Alabama, Central region, Shelby County (Birmingham)..... 205-403-7394

Mary Stockard, home licensed wildlife rehabilitator
Specialty: small mammals, also assist with volunteer training and writing
instructional materials

Alabama, Central region, Shelby County (Birmingham)..... 205-664-3349

Sharon Posey, volunteer foster parent-small mammals, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals
Specialty: squirrels, oppossums, and rabbits
Comments: also a member of the raptor transport team

Alabama, Central region, Jefferson County (Birmingham, S. Roebuck/CenterPoint)..... 205-836-0251

Rae S. Long, RN, foster parent, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all small mammals
Specialty: squirrels, flying squirrels, opossums, raccoons, and rabbits
Comments: Home 24/7 QUICK return answers to emails

Alabama, Central region, Tuscaloosa County (Tuscaloosa)..... 205-344-4423

Christen Hassell, Shaver Veterinary Hospital
Wildlife Species: squirrels only

Alabama, East Central
(no listings) Alabama, Northern

Alabama, Northern region, Madison County (New Hope/Huntsville area)..... 256-723-7890

Tobie Lee Messina, permitted wildlife rehabilitator, North Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: Southern Flying Squirrels, Grey and Fox Squirrels, and Chipmunks
Specialites: Pinkies
Comments: If you find a baby squirrel please keep it warm, and call a rehabilitator as soon as possible

Alabama, Northern region, Madison County (Huntsville)..... 256-883-0667

Jamie Kitchens (volunteer and board member), North Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: any and all wildlife
Specialties/Knowledge: we have volunteers that specialize in just about all
types of wildlife

Alabama, Northeast

Alabama, Northeast region, DeKalb County (Collinsville)..... 256-524-4150 or 256-458-4051

Ty Harris (director), Bluegrass Farms Wildlife Sanctuary

Alabama, Northwest

Alabama, Northwest region, Colbert County (Phil Campbell)..... 205-993-8515

Jennifer Harris, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: I accept all wildlife species
Specialties/Knowledge: Opossums

Alabama, South

Alabama, Southern region, Baldwin County (Foley)..... 251-978-6690

Janet De La Oliva-Ripp (Director), Coastal Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: Presently due to IVAN we are homeless. We offer a
transport or triage for animals as they are brought to other facilities. We are
planning to reopen this summer.
Specialties/Knowledge: yes, avian
Comments: Presently I try to keep people from rescuing anything that isn't
really in need of rescue and help wiht urban wildlife issues until we are up and
running again.

Alabama, Southern region, Baldwin County (Summerdale)..... 251-967-4707

Anedia Monti, Wildlife Rescue Council of Baldwin County

Alabama, Southeast

Alabama, Southeastern region

Southeastern Raptor Rehabilitation Center, Auburn University College of Vet. Med.

Alabama, Southeast region (Enterprise)..... 334-894-5305

Jennifer Brouillard, permitted rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: squirrels, rabbits, bats, coyotes, fox, armadillo,
chipmunk, raccoon, opossum.
No birds, but I have a contact in my area with Federal permits for birds.

Alabama, Southeast region, Tuscaloosa County (Tuscaloosa)..... (205) 344-4423

Christen Hassell, DVM, Tidmore Veterinary
Wildlife Species: squirrels

Alabama, Southwest

Alabama, Southwest region (Lillian)..... 334-961-1483

Tauna Pierce (Registered Veterinary Technician), All Health Pet Care, Southeastern Raptor Rehab Center
Wildlife Species: Migratory birds, mammals, raptors (orphans and injured adults)
Specialties: indiginous mammals, raptors, and shorebirds
Comments: Veterinary Technician specializing in Wildlife Rescue,
Rehabilitation and Release

Alabama, Southwest region (McIntosh)..... 251-944-2034

Leah Lewis, licensed wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: beavers

Alaska, Central

Alaska, Central region (Portage Glacier)..... 907-783-2025

Big Game Alaska Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: Large mammals, esp. Cervids (moose, Sitka black-tailed deer, caribou,
bears, raptors, small mammals)

Alaska, South Central

Alaska, South Central region (Anchorage)..... 907-562-4852

Bird Treatment & Learning Center
Comments: fax 907-562-2241

Alaska, South Central region (Seward)..... 907-224-6236 or 907-224-6395

Natalie Noll, DVM (Rehabilitation Coordinator), Alaska SeaLife Center
Wildlife Species: marine mammals and birds (raptors and potential long-term rehab cases
of corvids and song birds will be transferred to Bird TLC in Anchorage)
Comments: fax 907-224-6320

Alaska, Southeast

Alaska, Southeast region (Juneau)..... 907-586-8393

Kathy Benner, board member in charge of education, bird rehabber, and trainer
Juneau Raptor Center
Comments: Focus is on raptors but we treat all birds

Alaska, Southeast region (Sitka)..... 907-747-8662

Maria Tsonis, Alaska Raptor Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: Bald eagles, other raptors, non-passerines, passerines

Alaska, Southeast region (Sitka)..... 907-747-8662

Dr. Vicky Vosburg, Alaska Raptor Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: Bald eagles, other raptors found in Southeast Alaska
Comments: We offer a class twice a year that allows our volunteers and
other rehabbers from around the country to learn about working with bald eagles
and other raptors.

Arizona, Central

Arizona, Central region, Maricopa County (Chandler)..... 480-899-1513

Nancy Eilertsen, East Valley Wildlife

Arizona, Central region, Maricopa County (Fountain Hills)..... 480-816-9095

Ginny Thome, Cottontails, Jackrabbits, and Squirrels Rescue and Rehabilitation
(Subpermittee of Liberty Wildlife - for wild rabbits & squirrels)
Wildlife Species: cottontail rabbits, jackrabbits, squirrels
Specialties/Knowledge: cottontail rabbits, jackrabbits, squirrels

Arizona, Central region, Maricopa County (Phoenix)..... 480-971-9366

Bob and Sam Fox, Wild At Heart

Arizona, Central region, Maricopa County (Phoenix)..... 480-942-9281

Raydene L Harris, Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: Hummingbird Rehabilitation

Arizona, Central region, Maricopa County (Phoenix)..... 602-ANIMALS (602-264-6257)

Dave Roth, Urban Wildlife Society
Specialty: rehab and advocacy of urban wildlife, birds, humane bird control, pigeon issues

Arizona, Central region (Queen Creek)..... 480-987-3544

Regina Whitman (founder), Desert Cry Wildlife
Note: must list phone number on emails!
Wildlife Species: all small mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: Cottontail rabbit/jackrabbit (hare)
Comments: assist with nusiance wildlife situations and lifelong care for non-releasable

Arizona, Central region (Scottsdale)..... 480-998-5550

Libery Wildlife
Comments: we take in all native & migratory Arizona wildlife

Arizona, Central region (Scottsdale)..... 480-471-9109

Linda Searles, Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitation & Educational Foundation
Wildlife Species: coyote, javalilna

Arizona, Central region (Tonopah)..... 602-436-5445

Geni Gellhaus, Cry in the Wilderness
Wildlife Species: Raptor, mammals, herons

Arizona, Northern

Arizona, Northern region (Phoenix)..... 602-283-4031

Mary Anna Cook-Babcock (Director/Founder), Desert Hope Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: small mammals, tree squirrels, bats, cottontails, jackrabbits
Comments: neonate care, emaciation protocols, nutrition, natural history

Arizona, Northern region, Yavapai County (Prescott)..... 520-778-4142

George and Mary Leeper (Prescott Coordinators), For The Birds Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: All species of wild birds
Comments:Also assist callers/birds in Coconino County

Arizona, Northwest

Arizona, Northwestern region, Mohave County (Lake Havasu)..... 928-855-5083 (humane society #)

Pam Short (rehabber), Havasu Wildlife Rebilitation Center
Wildlife Species: all species of birds and small mammals as well as birds of prey and hummingbirds
Comments: If you need to contact by phone, I work through the Lake Havasu City Western
Arizona Humane Society. You may drop off animals there for me to pick up. Their phone number is above.

Arizona, Southern

Arizona, Southern region, Pima County (Tucson)..... 520-290-9453

Lisa Bates, director, Tucson Wildlife Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: raptors, javelina, coyote, small animals
Specialty: raptors, javelina
Comments: fax 520-290-9379

Arizona, Southern region, Pima County (Tucson)..... 520-903-1104

Wildlife Helpline for Tuscon and Vicinities, Wildlife Helpline for Tuscon and Vicinities
Wildlife Species: HELPLINE ONLY for Southern AZ and vicinities
Specialty: Objective is to refer you to the nearest licensed rehabilitator for the species you are
calling about, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

Arizona, Southern region, Pima County (Tucson)..... 520-721-8444

Diane McCollum (Director/Rehabilitator), Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: Small birds and rabbits only.

Arizona, Southern region, Pima County (Tucson)..... 520-792-3947

Tucson Wildlife Rehabilitation Council/ Wildife Helpline
Wildlife Species: All Arizona Wildlife, Raptors

Arizona, Southern region (Vail)..... 520-762-5864

Diana Roche, Wild Things Animal Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: birds and small mammals of the Sonoran desert

Arizona, South Central

Arizona, South Central region, Pima County (Tucson)..... 520-721-8444

Diane McCollum (rehabilitator/director), Diane McCollum Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Comments: call anytime; also call our WILDLIFE HELPLINE for Tucson (520-903-1104) for
different parts of the city

Arizona, South Central region, Pima County (Tucson)..... 520-722-6133

Tina Myers (subpermittee), Second Chances Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: will accept all animals

Arizona, South Central region, Pinal County (Queen Creek)..... 480-987-3544

Regina Whitman, Desert Cry Wildlife
Wildlife Species: Jackrabbits, all small mammals, birds of
prey. Able to assist with any wildlife situation.
Specialty: rabbits and jackrabbits (expert)

Arizona, Southeast

Arizona, Southeast region, Cochise County (Sierra Vista)..... 520-459-0457

Ilse Beebe, licensed wildife rehabilitator

Arizona, Southwest

Arizona, Southwest region, Maricopa County (Scottsdale)..... 480-471-9109

Linda Searles (Executive Director), Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitaion and Educational Foundation Inc.
Wildlife Species: mammals
Specialties/Knowlege: javelina, black bear, gray fox, kit fox, raccoons,
bobcats, cougars, coyotes, wolves, badgers, coati, ringtail, porcupine
Comments: Soutwest Wildlife is accredited by both The American Sanctuary
Association and The Association of Sanctuarys; Federally licensed

Arizona, Southwest region, Pima County (Northwest Tucson)..... 520-825-1076

Kathie Schroeder, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: I care for all native wildlife with special focus on
Bobcat, Cougars, Birds of prey, and other carnivores.
Specialties/Knowledge: Bobcats, Mountain lions, Bighorn Sheep, birds of Prey

Arizona, Southwest region, Pima County (Tucson)..... 520-883-1380

Mary Powell-McConnell (Records and Quarantine Tech), Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Widlife Species: All
Specialties/Knowledge: Pelicans, Arizona wildlife
Comments: federally licensed

Arkansas, Central

Arkansas, Central region (Humphrey)..... 501-873-4651

Karen Rowe, Endangered Species and Non-game Wildlife Biologist
Wildlife Species: raptors, non-game animals, barn owls

Arkansas, Central region (Little Rock)..... 1-800-482-9262

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Arkansas, Central region (Little Rock)..... 501-847-8429

Jerome Smith, Hilldale Game Farm
Wildlife Species: bats, small mammals, wild game

Arkansas, Central region, Pope County (Russellville)..... 479-498-5147 (24 hr pager) or 479-293-3135

Lynne Slater (Co-Founder, Director), HAWK (Helping Arkansas Wild "Kritters")
Wildlife Species: raptors, passerines, waterbirds, small mammals

Arkansas, Central region, Pope County (Russellville)..... 479-968-8168

Denise Williamson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all species

Arkansas, Central region, Pulaski County (Cabot)..... 501-988-4956

Carol Smith (executive director), The Arkansas Wildlife Rescue and
Rehabilitaiton Association
Limitations: no skunks
Specialties/Knowledge: specialize in raptor rehab and wildlife education through our

Arkansas, Central region, Yell County (Dardanelle)..... 1-800-238-4592

John Davis, DVM, HAWK (Helping Arkansas Wild "Kritters")
Wildlife Species: raptors
Arkansas, Central, Western

Arkansas, Central, Western..... 479-393-9032/479-299-4535

Louise Tinz
Planet Possum
Wildlife Species: Only opossums

Arkansas, Northern

Arkansas, Northern region, Baxter County (Lakeview)..... 870-431-5521

Joseph Tobin (volunteer/rehabber), Bull Shoals - White River State Park
Wildlife Species: any bird of prey (up to eagles)
Comments: we can handle up to 11 birds

Arkansas, North Central

Arkansas, Northeast

Arkansas, Northwest region, Benton County (Gravette)..... 501-795-1515

Lynn Sciumbato, Morning Star Wildlife Rehabilitation

Arkansas, Northwest region, Washington County (West Fork)..... 501-839-3828

Sherry Bolstad, West Fork River Rescue
Wildlife Species: raccoons and opossums (National Opossum Society member),
veterinary technician

Arkansas, South Central

Arkansas, South Central region, Pope County (Russellville)..... 479-264-8177

Mary Ellen Reid, Permitted Rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: deer, raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, etc.

Arkansas, Western

Arkansas, Western region (Branch)..... 479-635-0619

William and Kathleen Mc Lean, owner/operator, Hope Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: raccoons, opossum, squirrels, deer, rabbits, ducks, geese, and other small mammals

Arkansas, Western region, Polk County (Mena)..... 501-243-0976

Thomas Young, Ouachita Mountain Rehab
Wildlife Species: Endangered species rehab, Black Bear rehab for
Arkansas, raptor chicks, falconry, and ornothologist

Arkansas, Western region, Washington County (West Fork)..... 479-839-8155

Mitzi Rankin (sole rehabilitator), Wings and Claws Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Raptors, deer, other small mammals, esp. raccoons and squirrels

California, Central

California, Central region, Fresno County (Fresno)..... 559-298-3276

Cathy Garner, Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation

California, Central region, Fresno County (Fresno)..... 559-269-1957

Eileen Sutterfield (songbird team leader), Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: mainly songbirds, specializing in hummingbirds

California, Central region, Fresno County (Squaw Valley)..... 559-338-2415

Dan Turner (Operations Manager), Critter Creek Wildlife Station

California, Central region (Grass Valley)..... 530-273-8499

Mike and Leslie Furtado, Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release

California, Central region (Hughson)..... 209-883-9414

Roselyn Cunningham, Stanislaus Wildlife Care Center

California, Central region, (Morro Bay)..... 805-772-4065

Pat McCullough, Pacific Wildlife Care
Wildlife Species: All baby birds...especially hummingbirds

California, Central region, Sacramento County (Sacramento)..... 916-965-WILD

Aundrea Judd (member of board of directors/volunteer), Sacramento Wildlife Care Association
Wildlife Species: all wildlife excluding skunks
Specialties/Knowledge: Wildlife medical attention, rehabilitation and release.
Comments: We are in great need of volunteers. For those interested please email us at; Federally licensed

California, Central region, Sacramento County (Sacramento)..... 916-689-5527

Janice Paul (President), Fur, Feathers, and Scales Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Opossums, Fox Squirrels, and California Gray Squirrel
Specialties/Knowledge: Advanced opossum care and injured or orphaned squirrels
Comments: I teach an accredited 4 hour class on advanced opossum care. Have also
served as a consultant for the National Opossum Society for the care of opossums
suffering from Metobolic Bone Diease.

California, Central region, Siskiyou County (Ft. Jones)..... 530-468-5287

Nancy & Rick Meredith, WRI Wildlife Rescue Center

California, Central region, Stanislaus County (Modesto)..... 209-883-9414

Stanislaus Wildlife Care Center

California, Central region (Sutter Creek)..... 209-267-5867 (animal care, rescues, and emergencies only)

Tri County Wildlife Care
(Amador, Calaveras, and San Joaquin counties) (director of animal care)

California, Central region (Yolo County)..... 530-753-9453

Liz Cook, Yolo Wildlife Rescue
Specialty: Opossum care and handling; Wildlife around the home -
appreciating, discouraging, humane removal

California, Eastern

California, Eastern region, Inyo County (Bishop)..... 760-872-1487

Cindy Kamler (director), Wildcare Eastern Sierra formerly Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care is dedicated to helping native wildlife through rehabilitation of injured, ill and orphaned birds, mammals, and reptiles, and by furthering public knowledge and appreciation of wildlife through education.
Wildlife Species: all birds, small mammals, reptiles

California, Northern

California, Northern region (Arcata)..... 707-822-8839

Kathi Pollard, Humbolt Wildlife Care Center

California, Northern region, Alameda County (Oakland)..... 510-421-9897

Lila Travis, (director), Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: We specialize in mammals; Tree and ground squirrels,
raccoons, and opossums.
We do NOT take birds, but can refer people to local centers who do.
Specialties: Squirrels

California, Northern region, Alameda County (Newark)..... 510-797-9449

Ohlone Humane Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: All manner of birds, from raptors to songbirds, squirrels,
opossums, raccoons, and more

California, Northern region, Butte County (Paradise)..... 530-877-2749

Sue Bernard, Bidwell Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Comment: 24 hr emergency number is 916-343-9004 (recorded message
with names and numbers of members on call)

California, Northern region, Eldorado County (Eldorado Hills)..... 916-628-1364

Kelley Brock (home rehabber, veterinary technician), Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: raccoons, raptors
Comments: please do not handle these animals until you have contacted a wildlife
rehabilitator; these animals can cause serious injury. Thank you for caring.

California, Northern region, Mendocino County (Willits)..... 707-354-1875

Jacki Pealatere (Director), Willits Wildlife Rehabilitation Team

California, Northern region, Santa Clara County (San Jose)..... 408-929-9453 ext 304

Carmel de Bertaut (Animal Care Coordinator), Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley
Wildlife Species: All bird and mammals allowed under California law
Specialties/Knowledge: Corvids and coyotes

California, Northern region, Shasta County (Anderson)..... 530-365-9453

Daryl Chase, Shasta Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: All wildlife (except large adult mammals, skunks and poisonous snakes)
Specialty: Raptors

California, Northern region, Solano County (Suisun/Fairfield)..... 707-429-4295

Pamela Schmuhl (Board Member), Suisun Marsh Natural History Association
Wildlife Species: We accept the vast majority of wildlife species.
Non-native species do not fall under our federal or state rehabilitation licenses and
therefore can not receive care at our facility.
Comments: has a federal license

California, Northern region, Sonoma County (Petaluma/Santa Rosa area)..... (CALL CELL FIRST): 415-250-0518,
then 707-775-3705

Mary Jo Wheeler, Santa Rosa Bird Rescue Center
Wildlife Species: Hummingbirds only
Specialty: extensive experience in hummingbird rehabilitation since 1998

California, Northern region, Sonoma/Mendocino Counties (Laguna Niguel)..... 949-831-1178 or 949-440-6247

Linda Evans (Executive Director), Pacific Wildlife Project (Note: online help/species information/urgent help)
Specialty: 22 years rehab experience. Training for volunteers, rehabilitators
and wildlife professionals. Published articles, help publications and training materials. Very
experienced in hummingbirds, and all passerines. Special expertise in care of Pelicans and seabirds.
treated over 3000 pelicans. networking agency with other facilities and individuals
Wildlife Species: Pelicans, seabirds, waterbirds, hummingbirds, gamebirds,
songbirds (all non-raptor species) and small mammals, Raccoons, squirrels, skunks,
opossum, rabbits
Comments: Field Services: Pelican & Seabird Rescues & Beach Patrol in Los Angeles
and Orange County
Other Services: Emergency help and follow-up referrals for all species

California, North Central

California, North Central region (Dunsmuir)..... 530-235-4783

Susan Thomas, Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation
Specialty: raptors, creance conditioning, songbirds, orphans

California, Northeast

California, Northeastern region, El Dorado County (El Dorado)..... 530-647-1089

Nan Powers, (Rehabber/Trainer), Sierra Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: Squirrels, foxes, coyotes
Specialties/Knowledge: Squirrels � all species

California, Northeastern region, El Dorado County (El Dorado)..... 530-621-4661

Sierra Wildlife Rescue (CA DF&G Licensed Wildlife Rehabber Organization)
Wildlife Species: Squirrels, rabbits, hares, foxes, coyotes, bobcats, raccoons,
opossums, fawns, songbirds, corvids, raptors, and bats

California, Northeastern region, Lassen County (Westwood)..... 530-256-2744

Pam Yeates, Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: raptors, small mammals and songbirds

California, Northwest

California, Northwest region, Humboldt County (Eureka)..... 707-822-8839

Cindy Jassar (small mammal team leader), Humboldt Wildlife Care Center

California, Northwest region, Humboldt County (Eureka)..... 707-476-9479

January Bill (director), Humboldt Wildlife Care Center
Limitations: no large mammals

California, Northwest region, Lake County (Loch Lomond)..... 707-928-6665

Sandie Elliott (director), Lake County Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Center
Limitations: no skunks, no deer
Specialties/Knowledge: Birds and small mammals; over 24 years wildlife rehabilitation
experience; BS Avian Science UCD

California, Northwest region, Marin County (San Rafael)..... 415-456-SAVE (7283)

Marian Eschen (Administrative Manager), WildCare: Terwilliger Nature Education and Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: all native and migratory species of Northern California.
Comments: WildCare's courtyard and wildlife museum are open to the public from
9-5 seven days a week. In addition to wildlife rehabilitation we also have nature
education programs available including nature camps, field trips and more.

California, Northwest region, San Francisco County (San Francisco)..... 415-350-WILD

Jamie Ray (director), San Francisco Rescued Orphan Mammal Program (SF ROMP)
Wildlife Species: All Mammals. We do not take birds.

California, Northwest region, Santa Cruz County (Santa Cruz)..... 831-462-0726

Vikki Krupp (rehabber/board member), Native Animal Rescue
Wildlife Species: all birds, mammals, and reptiles
Comments: Native Animal Rescue is the only wildlife rehabilitation center in Santa Cruz Co.
All volunteers are trained and veterinary care is given to all animals

California, South Central

California, South Central region (Apple Valley/Mojave Desert)

Annie Lancaster, TortoiseAid International
Wildlife Species: turtles, tortoises (all species), reptiles and amphibians, small mammals

California, South Central region (Joshua Tree)..... 760-369-1235

Rae Packard (Director), Joshua Tree Tortoise Rescue
Wildlife Species: California Desert Tortoise

California, South Central region, Kern County (Bakersfield)..... 661-664-3167

Marlene Benton (coordinator), FACT - Facility for Animal Care & Treatment
Wildlife Species: Raptors mostly (hawks, eagles, owls), will accept
some carnivores especially kit fox. We do not accept perching birds, our website
has a FAQ page on how to raise baby birds.
Specialties/Knowledge: Raptor Rehab
Comments: Donor funded program on the California State University Bakersfield campus.

California, South Central region (Morongo Valley)..... 760- 363-1966

Jim Byrd, Morongo Basin Wildlife Rehab. Station
Wildlife Species: birds

California, Southwest

California, Southwest region (Lakeside)..... 619-561-9169

Grace Parrott, San Diego Humane Society and Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: birds and mammals

California, Southwest region (Long Beach)..... 562-434-0141

All Wildlife Rescue and Education

California, Southwest region, Los Angeles County (Los Angeles)..... 310-208-3631

Daniela Ortner, International Wildlife Education & Conservation (IWEC)
Specialty: Enrichment Specalist, Animal Trainer & Behaviorist
Certfied Animal Evaluator

California, Southwest region, Los Angeles County (Los Angeles)..... 310-877-4770

Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates
Animal Advocates on Facebook
Wildlife Species: All small mammals (coyotes, bobcats, foxes, raccoons, skunks,
opossums, tree/ground/flying squirrels, mice, rats, moles, voles, gophers,
rabbits, bats... no birds).

California, Southwest region, Los Angeles County (Malibu)..... (310) 458-WILD

Glenda Singer(Director), California Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: all native California wildlife- raptors, coyotes, deer, pelagic birds,
marine mammal rescue.
Comments: Contracted agency for the City of Malibu for wildlife rescue.

California, Southwest region, Los Angeles County (Malibu)..... 800-938-3553

Susan Tellem, executive director, American Tortoise Rescue
Wildlife Species: turtles and tortoises only
Comments: fax 310-589-6101

California, Southwest region, Los Angeles County (Rancho Palos Verdes)..... 310-378-9921

Ann Lynch (director), South Bay Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: birds of prey, songbirds, hummingbirds, bats (bat number 310-365-5656)
Specialties/Knowledge: birds of prey; referrals to other agencies for wildlife
not covered; wildlife education available

California, Southwest region, Los Angeles County (San Dimas)..... 909-592-4900

Judy Everett, Wild Wings of California
Wildlife Species: Passerines, non-passerines, and raptors

California, Southwest region (Mission Viejo)..... 949-380-8719

Leslie Hall, Opossum Society of U.S., Critter Care of CA
Specialty: opossums and other small mammals, veterinary technician

California, Southwest region, Orange County (Irvine)..... 714-536-3538

The Opossum Society of the United States
Wildlife Species: orphaned and injured opossums
Specialty: public education

California, Southwest region, Orange County (Irvine/Laguna Niguel)..... 949 831-1178

Linda Evans (director), Pacific Wildlife Project
Wildlife Species: all bird species and small mammals
Limitations: no facilities for large mammals (deer, coyotes, etc.)
Specialties/Knowledge: Pelicans, all waterbirds and shorebirds, small songbirds

California, Southwest region (Ramona)..... 619-789-2324

The Fund for Animals Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Comments: fax 619-788-2029
Wildlife Species: coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions, and birds of prey

California, Southwest region, San Bernardino County (San Bernardino)..... 909-887-8267

Linda Chalk, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: birds of prey
Specialties/Knowledge: neonate birds of prey

California, Southwest region, San Diego County (Poway)..... 858-679-0211

Dick Wilkins, Bat Rescue or
Wildlife Species: all bat species

California, Southwest region, San Diego County (San Diego)..... 619-225-WILD

Project Wildlife
Wildlife Species: native birds and mammals

California, Southwest region, San Diego County (San Diego)..... 619-749-8160

Marvin Snell, Wildlife Center of San Diego
Comments: fax 619-749-8304

California, Southwest region, Santa Barbara County (Goleta)..... 805 966-9005

Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network
Wildlife Species: seabirds, songbirds, birds of prey, and small mammals
Comments: If you have a wildlife emergency, do not send an email but instead
call our help line number above. Our Care Center at 819 Garden Street in Santa Barbara.
Open from 9am to Dusk daily.

California, Southwest region, Santa Barbara/Ventura County (Santa Barbara)..... 805-649-6884

Ojai Raptor Center
Wildlife Species: we have rehabbed raptors, sea birds, mammals, songbirds

California, Southwest region, San Diego County (Muth Valley)..... 619-443-3692

Sally Lembert, Emergency Wildlife Rehab

California, Southwest region (Topanga)..... 310-455-4088

Susan Alice Clark and Ken Mazur, Topanga Animal Rescue
Wildlife Species: birds and small mammals (can stabilize/transport large
mammals), veterinary technician (ER/critical care)
Comments: cover only the Topanga Area

California, Southwest region, Ventura County (Camarillo)..... 805-482-7617

Nicky Thole (Director), Camarillo Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Songbirds, raccoon, coyote, bobcat, fox, and skunk
Comments: Intake of all species for critical care, then transport

California, Southwest region, Ventura County (Ojai)..... 805 646-0920

Judi Kelly (president) or Bob Kilpatrick (vice president), Ojai Valley Wildlife Rehabilitation (Bob)

California, Southwest region, Ventura County (Thousand Oaks)..... 805-498-2794

Anna Reams (President), Wildlife Care of Ventura County (WCVC)
Wildlife Species: tree squirrels
Specialty: rehabilitation of California native birds and mammals (including
raccoons, bobcat, and coyote); education on urban and nuisance wildlife

California, Southwest region, Ventrua County (Thousand Oaks)..... 805-498-8653

Sharron Baird (rehabilitor), Wildlife Care of Ventrua County
Wildlife Species: squirrels only

California, West Central

California, West Central region (Berkeley)..... 510-848-0729

Robin G Pulich, Lindsay Wildlife Museum (volunteer)
Specialty: 12 years of experience with orphaned and injured
hummingbirds and poorwills

California, West Central region (Campbell/San Jose/Santa Clara)..... 408-559-7379

Norma Campbell (President), Injured and Orphaned Wildlife, Inc.
Wildlife Species: ground squirrels, tree squirrels, oppossums, other rodents
Wildlife Species: small mammals-- specialty all squirrels tree and ground also
opossums. also do woodrats

California, West Central region (Concord)..... 510-223-8350

Wanda Nash, Lindsay Wildlife Hospital
Wildlife Species: tree squirrels (species manager at facility), ground
squirrels, chipmunks

California, West Central region, Contra Costa (Orinda/Walnut Creek region))..... 925-253-1224

Lois Hoy (sub-permittee), Lindsay Wildlife Hospital
Wildlife Species: all

California, West Central region (Fairfield)..... 707-207-0380

Coleen Doucette (Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager), International Bird Rescue Research Center
Wildlife Species: waterfowl and aquatic birds only
Comments: IBRRC specializes in oiled bird rescue and rehabilitation and does extensive research related to oiled birds

California, West Central region (Fresno)..... 559-269-1957

Eileen Sutterfield, (Songbird Team Leader) Fresno Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Our organization accepts orphaned and injured Raptors, small
and large mammals, Songbirds, Foxes, Ducks, and Deer
Specialties: All SONGBIRDS in the Central Valley of CA and specialize in Hummingbirds

California, West Central region (Kenwood)..... 707-833-6727

Marjorie Davis, Wildlife Fawn Rescue
Wildlife Species: Black-tailed Fawns and Western Gray Squirrels

California, West Central region, Lake County..... 707-928-6665

Sandie Elliott, Lake County Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Center
Specialty: hold a BS in Avian Science

California, West Central region, Marin County (Sausalito)..... 415-289-7325

Kathy Zagzebski (stranding manager), The Marine Mammal Center
Wildlife Species: seals, sea lions, sea otters, whales, dolphins, porpoises, sea turtles

California, West Central region, Monterey County (Pacific Grove).....

Peggi Rodgers, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

California, West Central region (Morgan Hill)..... 408-779-9372

Sue Howell, W.E.R.C., Wildlife Education & Rehabilitation Center
Specialty: native wildlife rehabilitation - primarily birds, wildlife education,
and internships
Comments: IWRC accredited facility; member of CCWR, NWRA, and IWRC

California, West Central region (Napa)..... 707-224-HAWK

Wildlife Rescue Center of Napa County

California, West Central region (Newark)..... 510-797-9449

Patricia Castle, Ohlone Humane Society Wildlife Rescue and Rehab
Wildlife Species: raccoons

California, West Central region (Novato)..... 415 893-9532

Patricia Winters, educational/rehabilitation director, California Bat Conservation Fund
Wildlife Species: bats only
Comments: alternate phone No. 510 843-0620 Maggie Hooper

California, West Central regino (Paicines)..... 831-628-3400

Meredith Pipestem, director, Nan Pipestem Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Comments: fax 831-628-3641

California, West Central region (Palo Alto)..... 650-494-2578

Susie Brain, Wildlife Rescue, Inc.

California, West Central region, San Benito County (Hollister)..... 831-628-3400

Meredith Pipestem (director), Nan Pipestem Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: We accept all migratory birds and all species of wildlife native
to San Benito County

California, West Central region (San Jose)..... 408-929-WILD

Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley

California, West Central region, San Luis Obispo County..... 805-543-WILD

Pacific Wildlife Care
Comments: For wildlife emergencies please do not send e-mail; call the hotline number listed above.

California, West Central region, San Luis Obispo County (Arroyo Grande)..... 805-473-8047

Melinda Alvarado (permitted volunteer/board member), California Bat Conservation Fund
Wildlife Species: bats only
Comments: I am also available for bat education programs. I have permits to possess
non-releasable bats which are a part of my programs. Federally licensed

California, West Central region (San Mateo County)..... 650-340-8200

Peninsula Humane Society, Wildlife Department

California, West Central region (San Rafael)..... 415-382-8674

Coral Cotten, WildCare

California, West Central region (San Rafael).... 415-456-7283

WildCare, 24 hr. Wildlife Hotline

California, West Central region, Santa Clara County (San Jose)..... 408-929-9453

Janet Alexander (director of operations), Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley
Limitations: cannot rehab red fox in state of CA

California, West Central region (Santa Rosa)..... 707-526-9453

Debra Gracia, Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: small mammals

California, West Central region, Solono County (Suisun City)..... 707-429-4295

Monique Liquori (director), Suisun Wildlife Center

California, West Central region (Walnut Creek)..... 925-935-1978

Lindsay Wildlife Museum
Specialty: California native wildlife: rehabilitation and medical care, volunteer management

California, West Central region (Walnut Creek)..... 925-937-3917

Lisa Windflower, Lindsay Wildlife Museum
Specialty: Bats, Bat Education Programs

California, West Central region (Windsor)..... 707-838 2659

Al Ravani, Bird Rescue of Sonoma County
Wildlife Species: Swallows (all kinds) Swifts and Crows and Ravens-(advice only)

Colorado, North Central

Colorado, North Central region, Boulder County (Longmont/Boulder/Denver)..... 303-774-8347

Annette Archambeau (wildlife/operations director), Archway Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc.
Wildlife Species: young/baby mammals (small and medium sized), young/baby ducks
and geese
Specialties/Knowledge: Newborns, tracking wildlife, alternative methods of healing
Comments: for a $20.00 donation, we will pick up wildlife in need IN OUR AREA.

Colorado, Northeast

Colorado, Northeast region (Aurora)..... 303-340-4911

Jack & Penny Murphy and Sean Kalahar, Urban Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
Specialty: bat rehabilitation, capture and handling techniques,
humane solutions to wildlife problems, educational programs,
rehabilitation of small mammals (Coyote size on down), humane nuisance control

Colorado, Northeast region (Black Forest)..... 719-510-4779

Eric Ma (volunteer, rescue, transport, rehab), Wild Forever Foundation
Wildlife Species: fawns, porcupines, fox, most birds including raptors
Comments: Foundation Hotline: 719-495-3345

Colorado, Northeast region (Broomfield)..... 303-460-0674

Sigrid Ueblacker, Birds of Prey Foundation
Specialty: Housing and pre-release training of raptors, special care of nightjars,
such as poorwills and night hawks

Colorado, Northeast region, Larimer County (Fort Collins)..... 970-226-3647

Bob Nightwalker (Director), Larimer Humane Society
Wildlife Species: licensed for small mammals, all birds (except raptors),
reptiles and amphibians

Colorado, Northeast region, Larimer County (Fort Collins)..... 970-484-7756

Rocky Mountain Raptor Program
Wildlife Species: Raptors
Specialties/Knowledge: West Nile Virus, cage design

Colorado, Northeast region (Longmont/Lyons)..... 303-545-5849

Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: Non-preditory birds, songbirds,
small mammals, racoons, foxes, coyotes, etc.

Colorado, South Central

Colorado, South Central region, El Paso County (Colorado Springs)..... 719-540-9768

Amy Henry (President), Wild Forever Foundation
Wildlife Species: all birds and small animals, birds of prey (not eagles)
Limitations: we cannot rehab skunks due to Colorado regulations (rabies vector)

Colorado, Southeast

Colorado, Southeast region, El Paso County (Ellicott/Colorado Springs)..... 719-683-8152

Donna Ralph (director/rehabber), Ellicott Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: all birds and small mammals, birds of prey including eagles, bats, hog-nosed and spotted skunks.
Specialty: raptors and cottontails
Limitations: no raccoons or skunks
Comments: We are a 501c3 organization that welcomes donations to help with animal food and
medical care. Due to the large volume of calls, please leave a message and we will return your call shortly.
Volunteer/Scout opportunities. Educational programs.

Colorado, Southeast region, Pueblo County (Pueblo)..... 719-543-1946

Nancy Kelly (director/rehabilitator), Second Chance Wildlife Rehab Center
Limitations: no large game, no snakes

Colorado, Southwest

Colorado, Southwest region (Durango)..... 970-382-0827

Denise Martin, Nuepe Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Durango
Wildlife Species: Raptors, deer and elk (but I take everything from
songbirds to porcupines)

Colorado, Southwest region, San Miguel County (Telluride)..... 970-728-4275

Melissa Margetts (executive director), Rocky Mountain Ark Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: all Colorado native species from cougars to eagles to songbirds
Specialty: North American River otters are our speciality. We have an
endangered species breeding and reintroduction program in place with 18
resident river otters, We are not only a rescue, rehabilitation and release
facility, we also provide permanent refuge for many non-releasable animals who
are ambassadors for their species in our education programs.
Comments:We also provide externships for third and fourth year veterinary students.

Colorado, Western

Colorado, Western region, Mesa County (Loma)..... 970-858-0337

Cheri Livingston (director), The Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc.
Wildlife Species: all small mammals including bats

Connecticut, Central

Connecticut, Central region, Middlesex County (Durham)..... 860-349-1433 (H) or 860-349-3485 (Durham Vet Hospital)

Gina D'Alessio, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Specialty: rabies vector species

Connecticut, Central region (East Hampton)..... 860-267-0061

Skip Hilliker, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all mammals and birds

Connecticut, Central region (Southington)..... 860-276-8433

Jayne Amico, The Recovery Wing">
Wildlife Species: migratory songbirds

Connecticut, Eastern

Connecticut, Eastern region (Baltic)..... 860-822-8530

Colleen Caplet (director), Second Hand Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: rabies vector species and small mammals

Connecticut, North Central

Connecticut, North Central region, Hartford County (Manchester)..... 860-643-0949 x11

Stephanie Radowitz (animal program curator), Lutz Children's Museum
Wildlife Species: only available for advice and to take in non-releasable animals
Limitations: no rabies vector species
SPECIALTIES/KNOWLEDGE: rabbits and squirrels

Connecticut, Northeast

Connecticut, Northeast region, Windham County (Ashford)..... 860-429-2181

Mary-Beth Kaeser (owner/director), Horizon Wings Raptor Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: raptors only

Connecticut, Northeast region, Windham County (Dayville)..... 860-617-3042

Sherry Hart (rehabilitator), Nutmeg Acres Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Accept injured/orphaned mammals, rabies vector species
Comments: If you send an email, please include your location and
telephone number so that I can give you a timely response to
your emergency or question.

Connecticut, Southern

Connecticut, Southern region (Branford)..... 203-488-2610

Karen L. Hannon, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Specialty: raptor rehabilitation, osprey conservation programs, and pesticides

Connecticut, Southern region (Clinton)..... 860-669-4004

Hope Douglas (IWRC boardmember), Wind Over Wings, Inc.
Comments: fax 860-664-9262
Wildlife Species: Great Blue Herons

Connecticut, Southern region, Fairfield county (Stratford)..... 203-380-1374

Catharine Fortin (rehabber), Wildlife Orphanage
Wildlife Species: small mammals

Connecticut, South Central

Connecticut, South Central region, Hew Haven County (Naugatuck)..... 203-723-8630

Karen Withstandley (volunteer RVS rehabber), Fund For Animals
Wildlife Species: rabies vector species, bats, and snakes only (no small mammals or birds)
Specialties/Knowledge: raccoons

Connecticut, Southeast

Connecticut, Southeast region, Fairfield County (Stamford)..... 203-246-4135

Michelle Pavia, The Wildlife Orphange
Wildlife Species: small mammals, RVS

Connecticut, Southwest

Connecticut, Southwest region (Greenwich)..... 203-869-5415

Jean Seward, Wildlife Trust Inc.
Specialty: breeding of endangered species

Connecticut, Southwest region (Oxford)..... 203-881-1986 or 203-261-9223

Dawn D. Sotir, rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: RVS and small mammals only
Specialty: RVS

Connecticut, Southwest region, Fairfield County (Stamford)..... 888-727-6774

Cathie Kovacs (president), The Wildlife Orphanage, Inc.
Wildlife Species: mammals including raccoon, skunk, and fox; no birds accepted at this time

Connecticut, Southwest region, Fairfield County (Stamford)..... 203-253-7584

Florence Chaippetta (vice president), The Wildlife Orphanage
Specialties/Knowledge: small mammals and rabies vector species

Connecticut, Southwest region (Orange)..... 203-799-0871

Marilyn Kappel (founder), Raptor Rehab
Wildlife Species: Rehabilitation of sick and injured birds of prey

Connecticut, Southwest region (Stamford)..... 203-253-7584

Florence Chiappetta (vice president), The Wildlife Orphanage
Limitations: not licensed to do deer
Wildlife Species: small mammals, raccoons, skunk, fox

Connecticut, Southeast

Connecticut, Southeast, New London County (Norwich)..... 860-887-0606

Jean Walsh Presslitz, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: birds (including raptors and terns) and mammals

Connecticut, Southwest

Connecticut, Southwest region, Fairfield County (Old Greenwich)..... 203-637-9822

Meredith Sampson (Director), Wild Wings, Inc.
Wildlife Species: small mammals, all bird species, turtles
Comments: Certified supervisor/coordinator for rescue and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife;
Humane solutions for wildlife problems

Connecticut, Southwest region, Fairfield County (Redding)..... 203-438-0618

Darlene Wimbrow (director), Back to the Wild Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: birds (including raptors), and mammals
Specialty: owls

Connecticut, Southwest region (Weston)..... 203-544-9913

Dara Reid (director), Wildlife in Crisis, Inc.
Wildlife Species: migratory birds, rabies vector species and other small mammals and deer
Specialty: owls, songbirds, rabies vector species, and deer

Connecticut, Southwest region, Fairfield County (Weston)..... 203-544-9913

Dawn Davis (intern), Wildlife in Crisis, Inc.
Wildlife Species: all species of wild birds and mammals

Connecticut, Western

Connecticut, Western region, Litchfield County (Woodbury)..... 203-263-4006

Penelope Eastham, Twinbrook Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: referrals and advice only at this time

Connecticut, Western region (Plymouth)

Veronica Scalora, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: red fox and skunks

Delaware, Central

Delaware, Central region, Kent County (Dover)..... 302-698-1047

Robin Coventry, stabilizer Tristate Bird Rescue and Research and DWRA
Wildlife Species: all birds and small mammals only

Delaware, Central region, Kent County (Dover)..... 302-674-9131

Cathy Martin (president), DE Council of Wildlife Rehabilitators & Educators
Wildlife Species: Mammals including RVS species & turtles
Do not accept birds
Comments: Have members located throughout Delaware

Delaware, Eastern

Delaware, Eastern region, New Castle County (Townsend)..... 302 378-4761

Bonnie Kruch (director), Townsend wildlife rehabililtation center
Limitations: most birds go to Tri-State Bird Rescue
Specialties/Knowledge: turtles
Comments: we take approx. 900+ animals/year at each of 3 facilities

Delaware, Northern

Delaware, Northern region (Newark)..... 302-737-9543

Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Inc.
Comments: fax 302-737-9562

Delaware, Northern region, New Castle County (Bear)..... 302-834-4604

Hilary Taylor, wildlife rehabilitator, Delaware Wildlife Rehabilitators Association
Wildlife Species: No adult deer accepted

Delaware, Northeast

Delaware, Northeast region, Sussex County (Laurel)..... 302-875-1452

Ruth Townsend (owner/operator), The Squirrel's Den Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic

Delaware, Southern

Delaware, Southern region, Sussex County.....

Ms Lenny Truitt, Fur & Feathers Wildlife Rehabilitation Farm

Delaware, Southeast

Delaware, Southeast region, Sussex County (Milford)..... 302-422-9262

Nina Bunting (owner), Little Eden's Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitaiton Haven or
Wildlife Species: Specialize in raccoons; I can put you in touch with other
rehabbers that see other species

Delaware, Southwest

Deleware, Southwest region, Sussex County (Seaford)..... 302-629-3748

Lenny Truitt, Delaware Wildlife Rehabilitation Assoc.

Florida, Central

Florida, Central region (Deltona)..... 407-324-0647

Laura Seckbach Finn, Fly By Night
Wildlife Species: bats (only)

Florida, Central region (Gainesville)..... 352-472-7626

Deborah Cottrell, West End Animal Hospital (Veterinarian)
Wildlife Species: insectivorous bats

Florida, Central region (Gainesville, all North FL)..... 352-371-4400 (24 hr helpline)

Leslie E. Straub (director), Florida Wildlife Care
Wildlife Species: assisting with all native wildlife,
all species large and small
Comments: North Central Florida's largest wildlife center
covering 11 counties, handling all wildlife issues; conservation of
native wildlife and habitat through education, rehabilitation, and study

Florida, Central region (Longwood, Orlando region)..... 407-461-1056

Carol McCorkle (CVT), The Avian Reconditioning Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: birds of prey
Comments: we accept raptors from other facilities and focus on reconditioning
birds after rehabilitation and training orphaned birds of prey to fly and hunt prior to release
back into the wild; also focus on wildlife education

Florida, Central region, Marion County (Ocala)..... 352-236-2121

Silver Springs Park, Wildlife Department/Vet Clinic

Florida, Central region (Ocklawaha)..... 352-288-6754 (24 hours)

Tish Hennesy, Foundation for Environmental Awareness (director)

Florida, Central region (Ocoee/Winter Garden/Geneva)..... 407-292-5232 (Nancy), 407-656-3709 or
407-570-7153 (Laurie), 407-349-2889 (Diane)

Nancy Michalko, Laurie Stogsdilll, Diane Mansen, EarthAngels Wildlife (Nancy) (Laurie)
Wildlife Species: squirrels, raccoons

Florida, Central region (Okeechobee)..... 863-763-4630

Sue Arnold, Arnold's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center,Inc.
Wildlife Species: all species accepted

Florida, Central region, Orange County (Maitland)..... 407-644-0190

Dianna Flynt or Drew Bickford, CVT, Audubon of Florida Center for Birds of Prey"
Wildlife Species: raptors only
Specialty: native raptor rehabilitation, care, management and cage design, especially Bald Eagle.

Florida, Central region, Orange County (Orlando)..... 407-568-5138

Debbie Helsel (Assistant Curator), Back To Nature Wildlife Refuge

Florida, Central region, Orange County (Orlando)..... 407-737-0015

Thomas Rudge, Tom's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: small wildlife, birds, squirrels, etc. (but can refer others)
Comments: Webcam at

Florida, Central region, Pasco County (Dade City)..... 352-518-9443

Mary Rich, Nature's Classroom
Wildlife Species: native animals
Specialties/Knowledge: Mammals and birds of prey
Comments: I am also a zookeeper at the educational facility above

Florida, Central region (Sebring)..... 863-385-2770

David & Karen Wrede, Wrede's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: raising of baby deer

Florida, Central region (Webster)..... 352-793-3094

La Guardar Inc. Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center (Judi Carter)
Comments: fax 352-793-8792

Florida, Eastern

Florida, Eastern region (Elkton)..... 904-692-1777

Melanie Cain-Stage (curator), HAWKE INC.
(Humane Association Of Wildlife Care & Educ, Inc.)
Wildlife Species: River otters, bobcats, birds of prey, all native wildlife including
reptiles; environmental educational programs
Comments: this is the largest multi-species wildlife rehabilitation facility
in NE Florida

Florida, Eastern region (Malabar)..... 321-951-0889

Doreen Friswold, Malabar Wildlife
Wildlife Species: song birds, small mammals, and pond birds
Comments: experienced in using homeopathic medicines and other natural
medicines on wildlife.

Florida, Eastern region (Port St. Lucie)..... 561-871-6677

Pat Larsen, Corbett Bird of Prey & Wildlife Society, Inc.

Florida, Eastern region (Rockledge)..... 407-632-9582

Janice Campbell & Lou Ann Hawes, Coon's Run Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Birds of Prey, migratory birds, indigenous species of mammals of Florida
Comments: Coon's Run Wildlife Sanctuary is a wildlife rehabilitation
center dedicated to the preservation of Florida's wildlife heritage

Florida, Eastern region (Royal Palm Beach)..... 561-793-8075

Ellen Rosenberg, WildLife Resource Center of the Palm Beaches, Inc.
Wildlife Species: wild birds

Florida, Eastern region (Satellite Beach)..... 321-779-1583

Crystal Lee Gilbert, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: specialize in opossums, but accept all wildlife

Florida, Eastern region, St. Lucie/Indian River Counties (Fort Pierce)..... 561-468-6616

Winnie Burns (director), Creature Safe Place
Wildlife Species: take in wildlife classified for federal and class III permit
Specialty: small mammals, deer, wading birds

Florida, Eastern region, Volusia County (Daytona Beach)..... 386-767-2500 or 386-235-3751

Jackie or Michelle Anthony, Wildlife Rehabilitation of Daytona Beach, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Handle primarily mammals, refer to bird and reptile rehabbers
Comments: Licensed nuisance wildlife trapper

Florida, Eastern region (West Palm Beach)..... 561-791-3441

Barbara Perrone (president), Universal Wildlife Rehabilitation Foundation,Inc.
Wildlife Species: song birds, small mammals, raptors
Specialty: song birds and small mammals

Florida, Eastern region (West Palm Beach)..... 561-471-3403

Diane Suave, Pam Fields, Ocean Impact Foundation, Wildlife Care Center

Florida, East Central

Florida, East Central region, Brevard County (Cocoa/Canaveral Groves)..... 321-639-8655

Jennifer Sypien (Director), Wildlife Care Center of Florida, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Any and all indigenous species, (excluding venomous snakes).
Specialties/Knowledge: raccoons
Comments: We also provide a permanent haven for unwanted wild animals kept as pets.
Available 24/7. Licensed trappers.

Florida, East Central region, Brevard County (Melbourne)..... 321-254-8843

Florida Wildlife Hospital
Wildlife Species: native wildlife only

Florida, East Central region, Brevard County (Satellite Beach)..... 321-779-1583

Crystal Lee Gilbert (director), Beach Wildlife Rehab Center, Inc.
Specialties/Knowledge: opossums
Comments: open 24 hours/day to accept any wildlife

Florida, East Central region (Christmas)..... 407-568-3200

Carol Hardee, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Central Florida

Florida, East Central region, Volusia County (Holly Hill)..... 386-252-2794

Mary Keller, Wild Bird Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: Baby birds ONLY

Florida, North Central

Florida, North Central region, Lake County (Eustis)..... 352-357-5153

Jill Rodgers, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Central Florida
Wildlife Species: all species native to Florida
Specialty: mammal, especially raccoons
Comments: DO NOT use e-mail to leave information about animals needing immediate attention!

Florida, North Central region, Suwannee/Columbia County (Lake City)..... 386-935-3985

Vicki and Roger Waldren (owner), Critter Care Farm
Wildlife Species: accepts all native Florida wildlife

Florida, Northeast

Florida, Northeast region, Citrus/Levy Counties (Inglis)..... 352-447-2187

Sheila, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals only (no birds)
Specialties/Knowledge: 7+ years of opossum experience

Florida, Northeast region (Jacksonville)..... 904-771-4834

Kathleen Godwin, Raccoon Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: raccoons and other mammals

Florida, Northeast region, Duval County (Jacksonville)..... 904-381-0579

Mitzi Mobley, permitted rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Orphaned/injured BABY raccoons and other rabies vectors
Comments: Member FWRA, NWRA, IWRC and a Registered Nurse

Florida, Northeast region, Lake County (Paisley)..... 352-669-3463 (home), 407-323-4450 ext.143 (work)

Vickie Ballard, Sr. Reptile Keeper, Wildlife Rehabilitator, Central Florida Zoo
Wildlife Species: Reptiles, mammals, birds
Specialty: reptiles

Florida, Northeast region, St. Johns County (St. Augustine)..... 904-417-0336

Karen Ward-Lynch (president), Noahs Ark Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Sea birds, wading birds, marsh birds, songbirds, small mammals,
turtles, tortoises, sea turtles, birds of prey, any additional animals we will
place in an appropriate facility.
Specialties/Knowledge: songbirds, seabirds, wading birds. Marsh birds, gopher
tortoises, turtles

Florida, Northeast region, St. Johns County..... 904-692-1777

Melanie Cain (president), HAWKE (Humane Association of Wildlife care & Education)
Wildlife Species: all wildlife including river otters, bobcats, birds of prey
Specialty: river otter rehabilitation
Comments: We are the only multi-species professional full-time wildlife
center in NE FL complete with flight cages and inside/outside facilities located
in rural St. Johns County. We also have permits to possess wildlife used in
presenting educational programs to local schools.

Florida, Northeast region, St. Johns/Putnum/S.Duval Counties..... 904-829-9210

St. John's Wildlife Care, Inc.

Florida, Northwest

Florida, Northwest region, Calhoun County (Altha)..... 850-762-8685

Betsy R. Knight (Executive Director), Big Bend Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc.
Specialty: black bears
Comments: we accept all Florida wildlife that is injured, sick, or orphaned

Florida, Northwest region, Destin..... 850-650-1880

Julie Parvin, Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge, Inc.
Comments: fax 850-650-8965
Wildlife Species: baby raccoons

Florida, Northwest region, Gilchrist County (Bell)..... 352-463-7243

Susan Johnson (director), JUNGRALA INC.
Specialties/Knowledge: raptors, deer, reptiles
Comments: on call 24/7

Florida, Northwest region, Leon County (Tallahassee)..... 850-386-6296

St. Francis Wildlife Association, Inc.
Jon Johnson (executive director/wildlife rehabilitator),
Sandy Beck (education director),
Specialty: raptors, reptiles, all native wildlife
Comments: for quick response to emergencies, call our phone number (24 hrs/day);
Wildlife can also be left for us at the Northwood Animal Hospital, 1881 N. Martin Luther King Blvd.,
Tallahassee, FL, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

Florida, Northwest region, Levy County (Inglis)..... 352-447-2187

Sheila Stone (volunteer), Florida Wildlife Care
Wildlife Species: mammals only, no birds
Specialty: opossums

Florida, Northwest region, Okaloosa County (Fort Walton Beach, Destin)..... 850-243-3264 or 850-582-6836

Mary Coerver (vice-president/bird specialist), Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge
Wildlife Species: specialize in birds (songbirds, raptors, and seabirds)

Florida, Northwest region (Port St. Joe)..... 850-647-8238

Barbara Eells, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: shorebirds, raptors, sonbirds, mammals, reptiles

Florida, Northwest region (Port St. Joe)..... 850-229-1065

Marie Steele-Romanelli, St. Joe Wildlife Sanctuary & Educational Center (president/director)
Wildlife Species: extensive shorebird rehabilitation

Florida, Northwest region (Tallahassee)..... 850-536-9672

Donn Pulley, Goose Creek Wildlife Sanctuary

Florida, Northwest region (Wakulla, Jefferson, and Franklin)..... 850-926-8308

Florida Wild Mammals Association, Inc.

Florida, Southern

Florida, Southern region, Monroe County (Big Pine Key)..... 305-872-1982

Maya Totman (director), Florida Keys Wildlife Rescue Inc.
Wildlife Species: birds only

Florida, Southern region, Tavernier (Florida Keys)..... 305-852-2124

Karen Dettmann, Ark Angels Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: mammals

Florida, Southern region, Tavernier..... 305-852-4486

Laura Quinn, Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Waterbirds (pelicans, herons, egrets, cormorants, etc.) and birds of prey

Florida, Southern region (Tierra Verde)..... 727-864-0679

Lee Fox, Save Our Seabirds, Inc.
Specialty: Oiled Wildlife Response, and Oiled Wildlife Training

Florida, Southcentral

Florida, South Central region (Okeechobee)..... 863-697-2082

Amanda Ebenhack, (owner) South Florida Reptile Rescue
Wildlife Species: Turtles, tortoises, ducks, and squirrels. Will transport most anything
Specialties: Turtles and tortoises
Comments: Specialize in turtles and tortoises

Florida, Southeast

Florida, Southeast region (Broward)..... 954-524-4302

Wildlife Care Center
Comments: Treat over 10,000 animal patients annually. Specialize
in native FL wildlife but also accepts certain domestic/exotic species that
are abused, abandoned, stray, or cruelty cases

Florida, Southeast region, Broward County (Deerfield Beach)..... 954 779 0364

Sharen Payberg, Rascals Wildlife Care Network. Inc.

Florida, Southeast region, Broward County (Fort Lauderdale)..... 954-434-4565

Beatrice Martin, Rascals Wildlife Care Network, Inc.
Wildlife Species: all species, esp. raccoons

Florida, Southeast region, Broward County (Fort Lauderdale)..... 954-746-1816

Jacque Corricelli, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Florida mammals, orphaned birds of prey

Florida, Southeast region, Broward County (Fort Lauderdale)..... 954-524-4302

SPCA Wildlife Care Center
Comments: we treat over 10,000 patients each year (over 300 species)

Florida, Southeast region, Dade county (Homestead)..... 305-247-7885

Freddy Vazquez, webmaster, South Florida Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: The SFWRC accepts numerous forms of wildlife ranging from emus to several
species of monkey, but we specialize mainly in the care of big cats such as lions, tigers, cougars, and panthers.

Florida, Southeast region (Jupiter)..... 561-744-1646

Busch Wildlife Sanctuary
Comments: over 2,000 patients per year; offer extensive
environmental educational programs

Florida, Southeast region, Martin County (Hobe Sound)..... 561-546-8281

Dan Martinelli (Executive Director), Treasure Coast Wildlife Hospital, Inc.
Specialty: All native species. Resource for information regarding medical
and surgical care, caging construction, public education and display, charitable
organizations [501(c)(3)], other

Florida, Southeast region, Martin County (Palm City).....

Patrick BATMAN Walsh, Bat World Florida Sanctuary & Educational/Resource Center
Wildlife Species: bats
Comments: also see:

Florida, Southeast region, Martin/St. Lucie Counties (Palm City)..... 772-221-1231 or 772-335-6606 (pager)

Susan Beattie (director), Wildlife Rehabilitation and Refuge Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: orphaned, injured, and disabled wild birds and mammals
Specialty: small mammals, especially raccoons
Comments: fax 561-221-1231

Florida, Southeast region (Miami)..... 305-235-5315

Lloyd Brown (director, rehabilitator), Wildlife Rescue of Dade County
Wildlife Species: all birds and mammals (no reptiles)

Florida, Southeast region (Miami)..... 305-751-9840

Harry Kelton, Pelican Harbor Seabird Station
Wildlife Species: We specialize in seabirds (primarily Eastern Brown Pelicans),
but we will accept any injured wild bird that is brought to us

Florida, Southeast region (Miami)..... 305-646-4440

Brian Mealey, Falcon Batchelor Bird of Prey Center
Specialty: rehabilitation and ecological research of birds of prey

Florida, Southeast region, Miami/Dade Counties (Miami, Homestead)..... 305-247-8000

Don Morris (board member), Everglades Outpost
Specialties/Knowledge: reptiles (especially venomous snakes and crocodilians), exotics

Florida, Southeast region (Pembroke Pines)..... 954-779-0364

Angela Mongelli, Rascals Wildlife Care Network, Inc.
Wildlife Species: hand raising babies (see all wildlife)

Florida, Southeast region (Sunrise)..... 954-779-0364

Andrea Smith, Rascals Wildlife Care Network, Inc.
Wildlife Species: opossums (see all wildlife)
Comments: on call 24 hours

Florida, Southwest

Florida, Southwest region, Lee County (Sanibel)..... 239-472-3644

PJ Deitschel, DVM, Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW)
Wildlife Species: Native and migratory birds, reptiles and mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: Integration of Eastern (Chinese) medicine and traditional Western medicine
Comments: Established in 1968, CROW has 2 full-time Veterinarians and 3 rehabbers on staff

Florida, Southwest region, Manatee County (Bradenton Beach)..... 941-778-6324

Gail Straight, Wildlife, Inc. (Education and Rehabilitation)
Wildlife Species: birds of prey, mammals, songbirds, reptiles (no domestics)
Comments: members of the Florida Wildlife Rehabilitators Association

Florida, Southwest region (Punta Gorda)..... 941-637-3830

Peace River Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: birds of prey

Florida, Southwest region, Sarasota County (Sarasota)..... 941-388-4444

Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: All native and migratory birds, reptiles and mammals
Comments: Established in 1981, the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary has full-time
licensed rehabbers and veterinarians on staff

Florida, Southwest region, St. Lucie County (Fort Pierce)..... 772-343-9453

All God's Creatures, Inc.
Wildlife Species: birds
FAX: 772-785-5240
Comments: Treasure Coast Wildlife Hospital Member

Florida, Western

Florida, Western region, Palm Beach County (Lake Worth)..... 561-641-9199

Amanda Ebenhack (director), South Florida Reptile Rescue or
Wildlife Species: turtles and toroises; can help with other small mammals

Florida, West Central

Florida, West Central region (Altamonte Springs)..... 407-260-6137

Mary Jane Isner (director), Haven for Injured and Orphaned Wildlife
Wildlife Species: all Florida wildlife
Specialty: mammals
Comments: fax 407-260-6137

Florida, West Central region (Brooksville)..... 352-544-2656

Debbie Bower, Nature Coast Wildlife Society, Inc.
Specialty: wildlife rescue, backyard habitat supplies, wildscape for wildlife

Florida, West Central region, Citrus County (Inverness/Floral City)..... 352-637-2674

Nancy Crusan (volunteer), Nature World
Wildlife Species: raccoons

Florida, West Central region, Citrus County (Inverness, Homosassa, Crystal River)..... 352-628-9464

H.O.P.E. Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc.
Wildlife Species: birds native to Florida

Florida, West Central region, Citrus County (Inverness, Homosassa, Crystal River, etc.)..... (352) 506-7790 (beeper)

Nature World Wildlife Rescue, Midway Animal Hospital
Comments: use number for emergency rescue in Citrus County

Florida, West central region, Hernando County (Brooksville)..... 352-688-7818

James Jablon (director), Wildlife Rehabilitation of Hernando, Inc.
Limitations: no big cats

Florida, West Central region, Pasco County (Hudson)(near Port Richey)..... 727-379-0343 or (c)727-4274-9644

Lynda Barhorst (Director), Sky Harbor
Wildlife Species: Any and all birds, songbirds to raptors, fawns, squirrels,
raccoons. Large network of responsible licensed rehabbers to handle other species.

Florida, West Central region, Pinellas County (Clearwater)..... 727-449-8176

Sally Hannameyer (Director), Safe Haven Wildlife Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Armadillos, Opossums, Squirrels, Rabbits

Florida, West central region, Pinellas County (Indian Shores)..... 727-391-6211

Barbara Suto (avian hospital supervisor), Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, Inc.
Wildlife Species: we treat, rehabilitate, and house all native wild birds
Specialties/Knowledge: treatment of seabirds; captive breeding program of Eastern Brown
Comments: The Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary is one of the largest wild bird rehabilitation
centers in the United States

Florida, West central region, Pinellas County (St. Petersburg)..... 727-522-1580

The Pelican Fund and Pinellas Seabird Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: pelicans and other seabirds (but also other birds)

Florida, West central region, Pinellas County (St. Petersburg)..... 727-323-0877

Mark and Carla Thomas, Angelic Animals Enterprises, Inc.
Wildlife Species: mostly small mammals, reptiles, and birds (and Class III wildlife); No venomous reptiles
Specialty: reptiles (especially snakes); have permit for trapping nuisance wildlife

Florida, West central region (Tampa)..... 813-932-9545

Debbie Bond, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals and birds
Specialties: opossums and other small mammals, birds,
non-venomous reptiles.

Florida, West central region (Tampa)..... 813-340-0529

Jeff Yorns, Permitted nuisance wildlife interventionist, First responder to injured/ill
wildlife for all authorities in region.
Specialty: wildlife rescue/capture only (delivery to wildlife rehabilitators)
Comments: extensive experience with trational species considered
"nuisance wildlife", behavior related to tracking, habitat, capture of all
wildlife, with emphasis on dangerous situations.

Georgia, Central

Georgia, Central region (Atlanta)

Sue Barnard, Basically Bats-Wildlife (exec. director), lead keeper of reptiles at Zoo Atlanta
Specialty: bats and reptiles; author of "Bats In Captivity", and numerous reptile books

Georgia, Central region (Atlanta)..... 770-720-1847

Monteen McCord (Director/Master Falconer), HawkTalk, Speaking For The Wild
Wildlife Species: raptors ONLY

Georgia, Central region (Atlanta)..... 404-255-0079 (home) or 404-944-6770 (cell)

Sandy Mitchell, Wildlife Care of Sandy Springs
Wildlife Species: squirrels, flyers, and other small mammals

Georgia, Central region (Buford)..... 1-888-259-0732 (pager)

Linda Dowis, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Turtles and small mammals; Can refer ANY animal; Have referral
system set up with other rehabbers in Ga

Georgia, Central region (Conyers)..... 770-918-8811 or 404-624-5607 (W)

Melanie Haire, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: orphaned or injured birds and mammals (esp. river otters), zoo vet tech

Georgia, Central region (Covington)..... 770-787-9088

Becky Boston, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Comments: if you cannot reach me in an emergency, call
Melanie Haire at 770-918-8811

Georgia, Central region, Fulton County (Alpharetta)..... 770-523-3050

Casey Levitt, Willowbank Wild Bird Care
Wildlife Species: songbirds ONLY

Georgia, Central region, Gwinnett County (Snellville)..... 678-344-7156 or 678-863-0100

Lisa Baxter, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raptors only

Georgia, Central region, Henry County (McDonough)..... 770-898-0557

Jeri Broxterman (owner, rehabber), Nature's Nurture
Wildlife Species: All animals, specializing in rabies vectors,
ie., raccoon, fox, skunk, bobcat and bats. Also deer.
Specialties/Knowledge: Rabies vectors and especially skunk
Comments: Veterinary tech

Georgia, Central region (Oxford)..... 770-787-1047

Mimi Lee, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: orphaned deer
Comments: orphand and injured mammals;
If this is an emergency and you can not reach me call Melanie Haire. 770-918-8811

Georgia, Central region (Stateboro)..... 912-764-8588

Kristy Strickland, E.A.K.S.
Wildlife Species: I am licensed to work with all animals but I do a
lot of work with the cats, birds of prey and deer

Georgia, Eastern

Georgia, Eastern region, Clarke County (Athens)..... 706-613-7317 or 706-542-4731

Jane Link, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: opossums only

Georgia, Northern

Georgia, Northern region (Ellijay)..... 706-276-2980

Grizzly Craig Cylke, Wildlife Rehabilitation Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: rehab all wild animals (including large mammals and
birds of prey)

Georgia, Northern region, Gwinnett County (Snellville)..... 770-979-0611

Debbie Pissott, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Small Mammals: opossums, squirrels, etc. Will stabilize and
triage all other wildlife.
Limitations: no adult raccoons or adult bats

Georgia, Northeast

Georgia, Northeast, Walton County (Oxford)..... 404-895-5203

Lisa Smith, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Do not accept birds - prefer raccoons, foxes, skunks
(all rabies vectors)
Comments: I am rabies certified and a veterinary technician

Georgia, Northwest

Georgia, Northwest region, Douglas County (Douglasville)..... 770-942-9077

Shannon Crowe-Kinion, D.V.M., Bankhead Animal Hospital
Limitations: no fish

Georgia, Southeast

Georgia, Southeast region, McDuffie County (Dearing)..... 706-595-0667

Maria Cavnor, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: any mammal that is not rabid prone
(foxes, bobcats, skunks, bats are all rabid prone in GA)
Specialties/Knowledge: Deer, squirrels.

Georgia, Southeast region, Ware County (Waycross)..... 912-287-0090 (daytime)

Sharen Mathis and Cindy Lee, Obediah's Okefenok
Limitations: We only accept newborn or baby mammals
Comments: We are a historical and zoological park with
over 30 acres as a wildlife refuge

Georgia, Western

Georgia, Western region, Coweta County (Grantville)..... 770-583-3903

Mary Lou Wooters (owner), Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Georgia, West Central

Georgia, West central region (Cataula)..... 706-628-5459

Charles and Dolores Quirk, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators

Georgia, West central region (Grantville)..... 770-583-3903

Mary Lou and Charles Hood, Second Chance Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: white-tailed deer and birds of prey (accept all wildlife)


Hawaii, Big Island (Hilo)..... 808-964-5058

Bobbie Fisher, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: specialize in birds

Hawaii, Hawaii County (Kona)..... 808-331-8773

Ann Goody (curator), Three Ring Ranch
SPECIALTIES and KNOWLEDGE: raptor and endangered Hawaiian species approved,
also an amnesty station for illegal alien species

Hawaii, Hawaii County (Papaikou)..... 808-964-5058

Bobbie Fisher (volunteer avian rehabilitator), Panaewa Rainforest Zoo and Dept of Wildlife
Limitations: non-native birds only; pigeons, raptors
Specialties/Knowledge: parrots also

Hawaii, Ohau..... 808-689-9229

Cyndi Georges, Wild Life Connection

Idaho, Northern

Idaho, Southwest

Idaho, Southwest region, Ada County (Boise)..... 208-853-3105

Sally Maughan, Idaho Black Bear Rehab, Inc.
Wildlife Species: black bears and coyotes ONLY; extensive experience
in rehab techniques and foster parenting of black bears and coyotes

Idaho, Southwest region, Ada County (Boise)..... 208-344-0468

Mady Rothchild, Animals In Distress Association, Inc (AIDA)
Wildlife Species: specialize in badgers, bats, and raccoons; also knowlegeable about
herons, pelicans, fox, skunk, and squirrels

Idaho, Southwest region, Ada County (Boise)..... 208-375-8664

Monte Tish, Tish Raptor Rehab
Wildlife Species: birds of prey

Idaho, Southwest region, Ada County (Eagle)..... 208-939-5485

Diana Siderides (Founder/President), Flight to Freedom, Rehabilitation Resource for Raptors, Inc.
Wildlife Species: raptors and nighthawks ONLY
Specialty: owls and Swainson's hawks of all ages

Illinois, Central

Illinois, Central region, Douglas County (Tuscola)..... 217-253-2966

Vicki Hall, Scattering Forks Rehab
Wildlife Species: no rabbits, orphan mammals only

Illinois, Central region, Effingham County (Watson)..... 217-855-7865 (wildlife line)

Susan Barnett, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all mammals and reptiles native to Illinois
Specialty: turtles

Illinois, Central region, Macon County (Decatur)..... 217-963-6909

Illinois Raptor Center
Jane Seitz, Exec.Dir., Jacques Nuzzo, Prog.Dir.

Illinois, Central region, McLean County (Danvers)..... 309-830-6739

Gail Nelsen, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: All

Illinois, Central region (Pekin)..... 309-346-3988

Debra Scurry, Tazewell Wildlife Rescue Center
Wildlife Species: rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, small birds of prey

Illinois, Central region (Tremont)..... 309-925-5321

Allison Wolverton, Wildsides Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center
Specialty: Working with state agencies to promote effective
policy changes; zoonoses

Illinois, Northern

Illinois, Northern region, McHenry County (Harmony)..... 847-922-8420

Nancy Schwartz (Veterinary Technician), Saint Francis Pet Foundation
Wildlife Species: Small mammals, water bird species. No songbirds, No Deer,
No Coyote, No Bunnies.

Illinois, Northern region, McHenry County (Wonder Lake)..... 815 728-1491

Dotti Norum, Six Pines Wildlife Rescue or
Wildlife Species: Specialize in Raccoons but will accept squirrels, opossums,
rabbits, woodchucks and any other small mammal.

Illinois, Northern region (Pecatonica, Winnebago)..... 815-239-1762

Mary Beth Hutting (Director), Regional Environmental Center
Wildlife Species: Birds of Prey, Ducks, Great Blue Herons
SPECIALTIES and KNOWLEDGE: Birds of Prey, Falconry, Raptor Adoptions & Educational Programs

Illinois, Northern region (Rockford)..... 815-395-0135

Amy Portelli,
Wildlife Species: small mammals including squirrels, chipmunks, and opossums, but mainly raccoons

Illinois, Northern region (Rockford)..... 815-239-1042

Ann Whitney, Pecatonica Environmental Center
Wildlife Species: raptors

Illinois, North Central

Illinois, North Central region, LaSalle County (Marseilles)..... 815-496-2515

Cindy Demkovich, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Limitations: small newborns only

Illinois, North Central region, LaSalle County (Marseilles)..... 815-795-6802

Olga Lindsay, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all small mammals including squirrels, chipmunks, opossums, and rabbits;

Illinois, Northeast

Illinois, Northeast region (Chicago Heights)..... 708-758-2761

Dwight Uhter (Vice-President), Paws Critter Crossing

Illinois, Northeast region (Des Plaines)..... 847-299-5018

Kirsten Lodarek, Wildlife Guardians
Wildlife Species: Raptors, owls

Illinois, Northeast region, Cook County (Chicago)..... 847-602-0628 or 847-842-8000

Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation
WildlifeSpecies: All species of birds; mammals including white tailed deer, excluding
skunks, bats, raccoons

Illinois, Northeast region, DuPage County (Glen Ellyn)..... 630-942-6200

Willowbrook Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: Only native wildlife is accepted for treatment. Non-native wildlife species,
such as house sparrows, pigeons and starlings, are not accepted for treatment
Comments: open 7 days a week 9-5; our help-line offers advice for injured and orphaned
animals in any area as well as nuisance animal and natural history information

Illinois, Northeast region (Glendale Heights)..... 708-626-7425

Carol Wroblewski, Wildlife Guardians
Wildlife Species: raccoons, squirrels

Illinois, Northeast region, Kane County (Elburn)..... 630-365-3800

Kay Johnson (Director), The Fox Valley Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: injured or orphaned wild mammals and birds

Illinois, Northeast region, Lake County (Barrington)..... 847-602-0628

Dawn Keller (Director), Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation
WildlifeSpecies: All species of birds; mammals including white tailed deer, excluding
skunks, bats, raccoons

Illinois, Northeast region, Lake County..... 847-540-5995

Kirsten Lodarek, Medicine Feather Native Bird of Prey Education & Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Raptors only

Illinois, Northeast region, Lasalle County (Earlville)..... 815-246-9985

Bernadette Richter (executive director), SOAR (Save Our American Raptors)
Wildlife Species: birds of prey ONLY (eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, kites, osprey, vultures)
Specialty: rehabilitation, falconry, capture and banding, nuisance resolutions, breeding,
husbandry, outreach education programs, managment classes for new raptor handlers
Comments:If you phone SOAR, please leave a message adn your call will be returned asap.

Illinois, Northeast region (McHenry)..... 815-344-2024

Vicky Olson-Cook, Haven Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: neonate small mammal care, opossum, raccoon, squirrel,
woodchuck, also rehabbed a variety of bats

Illinois, Northeast region (Ringwood)..... 815-653-2313

Jan Smith (owner), Wildlife of North America
Wildlife Species: squirrel, fox, coyote, woodchuck, 13-line ground squirrels, chipmunks, song birds
Comments: also do exotic rescue

Illinois, Northeast region (St. Charles)..... 630-377-1895

Vicki Geise, Kan Area Rehab and Education of Wildlife (K.A.R.E.)

Illinois, Northwest

Illinois, Northwest region (Albany)..... 309-887-4546

Marcia Hill, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: squirrels (fox, grey, black), infants, seriously injured adults

Illinois, Northwest region, Bureau County (Tampico)..... 815-542-6483

Nora Kelly, Nora Kelly's Raccoon Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: raccoons, fox, and coyote ONLY

Illinois, Northwest region, McHenry County (Harvard)..... 815-943-4221

Faith Robison (owner), Wild Rescue
Wildlife Species: small mammals, reptiles, birds
Limitations: no bats or skunks
Specialties/Knowledge: neonate animals and birds

Illinois, Northwest region, McHenry County (Wonder Lake)..... 815-728-1491

Dotti Norum, Six Pines Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: all mammals except fox, wolves, coyotes
Specialties: raccoons; if you have a species that I am not licensed to care
for, I will assist you in finding a licensed rehabilitator that IS licensed

Illinois, Northwest region, Rock Island County (Moline)..... 309-762-7719

Sue Allison (Director), Back to the Wild
Wildlife Species: all Illinois mammals, songbirds, and waterfowl (no raptors)

Illinois, Southern

Illinois, Southern region, Crawford County (Robinson)..... 618-544-4952

Angela Carr, Robinson Hospital for Animals
Wildlife Species: small mammals and abused or neglected exotic animals only

Illinois, Southern region, Williamson County..... 618-988-1067

Bev Shofstall, Free Again Wildlife Rehabilitation

Illinois, Western

Illinois, Western region (Carthage)..... 217-357-3193

Beth and Candy Munger, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Illinois, Western region (East Moline)..... 309-523-3309

S. Harris, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: waterfowl, Kestrels, squirrels

Illinois, Western region, East St. Louis area (Brighton)..... 618-372-8092

Adele Moore, Tree House Wildlife Center, Inc.

Illinois, Western region, Kane County (St. Charles)..... 630-377-1895

Vicki Trost, Kane Area Rehabilitation and Education for Wildlife
Wildlife Species: small songbirds and waterfowl

Indiana, Central

Indiana, Central region (Bloomington)..... 812-339-5083

Susan Gilliland, WildCare Inc.
Wildlife Species: Small mammals, especially opossums and bats

Indiana, Central region (Bloomington)..... 812-323-1313

Jan Turner, WildCare Inc.
Wildlife Species: small mammals, especially fox, coyote, squirrels and other rodents

Indiana, Central region, Brown County..... 812-597-0780

Elaine, Brown County Song Bird Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: extensive experience in hummingbird rehabilitation

Indiana, Central region, Clinton County (Frankfort)..... 765-659-9505 (home) or 765-650-8007 (cell)

Deb Reames (AKA Critter) (owner), Critter's Corner Rescue
Wildlife Species: small mammals (no raccoons, skunks, bats, or birds)
Comments: any other species - call me please; 14+ years rehab experience

Indiana, Central region, (Danville)..... 317-745-7170

Dixie DeJong, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Indiana, Central region, Hamilton County (Noblesville)..... 317-776-9401

Diana Biggs, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator or
Wildlife Species: small mammals and owls, etc. (No rabbits please!)

Indiana, Central region, Hancock County (New Palestine)..... 317-861-8884

Marty La Prees, INdiana TURTLE CARE
Wildlife Species: Turtles

Indiana, Central region, Hamilton County (Westfield)..... 317-902-DUCK

Kristen Heitman (director), Providence Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc.
Wildlife Species: will accept all species
Specialty: waterfowl

Indiana, Central region (Indianapolis)..... 317-892-0239 or 317-549-8143 (24hr pager)

Carolyn Sue Beck, Four Maples Wildlife Rehab Center
Wildlife Species: raccons ONLY

Indiana, Central region (Indianapolis)..... 317-926-7092

Christi & Tom Malasto, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators

Indiana, Central region (Indianapolis)..... 317-848-6926

Bob and Denise Moore, wildlife professionals, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: deer, birds of prey

Indiana, Central region (Linton)..... 812-847-7707

Chantel Eaton, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Indiana, Central region, Randolph/Henry/Delaware Counties (Losantville)..... 765-853-6001

Marna Mills, R.B.H.
Wildlife Species: all small mammals and deer
Specialty: raccoons, skunks, squirrels, fox
Comments: I can be contacted day or night

Indiana, Central

Indiana, Central region (Bloomington)..... 812-339-5083

Susan Gilliland, WildCare Inc.
Wildlife Species: Small mammals, especially opossums and bats

Indiana, Central region (Bloomington)..... 812-323-1313

Jan Turner, WildCare Inc.
Wildlife Species: small mammals, especially raccoons and squirrels

Indiana, Central region, Brown County..... 812-597-0780

Elaine, Brown County Song Bird Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: extensive experience in hummingbird rehabilitation

Indiana, Central region, Clinton County (Frankfort)..... 765-659-9505 (home) or 765-650-8007 (cell)

Deb Reames (AKA Critter) (owner), Critter's Corner Rescue
Wildlife Species: small mammals (no raccoons, skunks, bats, or birds)
Comments: any other species - call me please; 14+ years rehab experience

Indiana, Central region, (Danville)..... 317-745-7170

Dixie DeJong, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Indiana, Central region, Hamilton County (Noblesville)..... 317-776-9401

Diana Biggs, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator or
Wildlife Species: small mammals and owls, etc. (No rabbits please!)

Indiana, Central region, Hancock County (New Palestine)..... 317-861-8884

Marty La Prees, INdiana TURTLE CARE
Wildlife Species: Turtles

Indiana, Central region, Hendricks County (Pittsboro)..... 317-902-DUCK or 317-892-4252

Kristen Heitman (director), Providence Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc.
Wildlife Species: will accept all species
Specialty: waterfowl

Indiana, Central region (Indianapolis)..... 317-892-0239 or 317-549-8143 (24hr emerg pager)

Carolyn Sue Beck, Four Maples Wildlife Rehab Center
Wildlife Species: Raccoons only (all ages, ill injured, or orphaned)

Indiana, Central Region, Marion County (Indianapolis).....

Kristi and Jeff Day (owner/operators), WhiteEagle Wildlife Home
Wildlife species: We accept orphaned raccoons, foxes, mink, weasel
and water fowl. Also birds, except for Raptors.
Comments:Contact through email only, please provide a contact number where I
can reach you. My email is checked several times a day!

Indiana, Central region (Indianapolis)..... 317-926-7092

Christi & Tom Malasto, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators

Indiana, Central region (Indianapolis)..... 317-848-6926

Bob and Denise Moore, wildlife professionals, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: deer, birds of prey

Indiana, Central region (Linton)..... 812-847-7707

Chantel Eaton, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Indiana, Central region, Monroe County (Bloomington)..... 812-824-3210

Laura Hohman (director), Bat World Hoosier Hills
Wildlife Species: we accept all species of bats
Specialties/Knowledge: captive care and rehabilitation of bats, public education about bats

Indiana, Central region, Morgan County (Monrovia)..... 765-349-1149

Brenda Rose, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals and reptiles only
Specialties/Knowledge: baby mammals

Indiana, Central region, Putnam County (Bainbridge)..... 765-522-3240

Pat Gregory-Doyle, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raccoons

Indiana, Central region, Randolph/Henry/Delaware Counties (Losantville)..... 765-853-6001

Marna Mills, R.B.H.
Wildlife Species: all small mammals and deer
Specialty: raccoons, skunks, squirrels, fox
Comments: I can be contacted day or night

Indiana, Central region (Valparaiso)..... 219-464-3983 or 219-464-8185

Amber Johnson, Wildlife Rescue Program
Wildlife Species: small mammals and birds
Specialty: raccoons

Indiana, Central region (Valparaiso)..... 219-462-4114

Rachael Jones, D.V.M., Southlane Veterinary Hospital
Wildlife Species: Treatment and rehabilitation of critical care wildlife species

Illinois, Central region (Warrensburg)..... 217-672-8331

Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation

Indiana, Central region (Yorktown)..... 765-759-9112

Diana Shaffer, Wildlife Resqu Haus, Inc
Wildlife Species: raptors (but admit all wildlife except raccoons, coyote, and fox)

Indiana, East Central

Indiana, East Central region, Delaware County (Yorktown).....

Diana Shaffer (director), Wildlife Resqu Haus, Inc.

Indiana, East Central region, Delaware County (Yorktown)..... 765-617-9335

Lezli Julius (Director), The Dakoda Wildlife Rescue and Research Center
Wildlife Species: We accept all forms of wildlife

Indiana, Northern

Indiana, Northern region, Kosciusko County (Oierceton)..... 260-839-0705

Launda Ewell (owner/director), Seven's Heaven Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: mammals of all kinds

Indiana, Northern region, Pulaski County (Star City)..... 574-595-7806

Kim Hoover (president), Hoots to Howls Wildlife Rehab. Inc.
Wildlife Species: Raptors, song birds, water birds, fawns, bats, flying squirrels and turtles
Comments: also licensed for wildlife education programs

Indiana, Northern region (South Bend)..... 219-234-1715

K.L. Cammorata, Wildlife Station, eehi aweehsaki peelakenciki (a place
where animals are healed)
Wildlife Species: raccoons, squirrels, opposums

Indiana, Northern region (South Bend)..... 219-251-0806

Jess Marks, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Reptiles and Amphibians only. Most experience with turtles, but also
snakes, frogs & toads.

Indiana, North Central

Indiana, North Central region, Carroll County (Camden)..... 574-686-4220

Phyllis Lovett (volunteer rehabilitor), Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Wildlife
Wildlife Species: deer, small mammals, birds
Limitations:I am not set up at this time for new opposums

Indiana, North Central region, Carroll County (Delphi)..... 765-589-3533 or Cell: 765-418-0104

Anita and Kendra Bailey, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: Orphaned Babies, Raccoons, Opossum etc...
No Reptiles or Birds
Specialties/Knowledge: Baby Raccoons

Indiana, North Central region, Carroll County (Delphi)..... 574-686-3069

Wildcat Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: All wild species treated

Indiana, North Central region, Elkhart County (Goshen)..... 574-533-0115 or 574-536-6332

Charity Boyd, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raccoon,deer,rabbit,bobcat,fox,coyote

Indiana, Northeast

Indiana, Northeast region (Fort Wayne)..... 260-373-2904

John Winebrenner, (clinical director), Soarin� Hawk Raptor Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Raptors only

Indiana, Northeast region, Kosciusko County (Pierceton)..... 260-839-0705

Launda Ewell (Director), Seven's Heaven Wildlife Rehabilitation Inc.
Wildlife Species: mammals, raccoon, deer, squirrel, fox, rabbit, opossum etc.

Indiana, Northeast region (Wawaka)..... 219-761-3607

Jan Doherty, Circle of Life Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species:Do small mammals, birds of prey and birds. Will offer
advice to new bat rehabbers.

Indiana, Northwest

Indiana, Northwest region, Jasper County (Rensselaer)..... 219-956-3253 or 219-956-2240

Kris Malloch, McAfee Animal Hospital, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Small mammals, deer, reptiles

Indiana, Northwest region, LaPorte County (LaPorte)..... 219-362-6999 (wildlife hotline)

Laura Nirenberg (Executive Director), Wildlife Orphanage, Inc.
Wildlife Species: indigenous mammals

Indiana, Northwest region, Porter County (Chesterton)..... 219-926-2590

Russ Harper, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals (raccoon, fox, squirrels, woodchucks, etc.)

Indiana, Northwest region, Porter County (Michigan City)..... 219-879-2526

Becky Bolton, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: rabbits,squirrels, raccoons,opossum

Indiana, Northwest region, Porter County (Porter)..... 219-926-1194

Larry Reed (state emergency coordinator/licensed wildlife rehabilitator), Westchester Animal Clinic
Wildlife Species: we take care of any wildlife

Indiana, Northwest region, Porter County (Valparaiso)..... 219-201-6088

James Fox, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator, and also work with Moraine Ridge Wildlife Rehab Center
Wildlife Species: all small mammals and reptiles such as foxes, raccoons, squirrels,
opossums, turtles, lizards, etc.

Indiana, Southern

Indiana, Southern region..... 502-228-NEED

Brigette Willliams, Second Chances Wildlife Center
Second Chances Wildlife Center

Indiana, Southern region, Brown County (Morgantown)..... 812-597-0032

Diane Bledsoe (director), Thunder Ridge Wildcritters Refuge
Wildlife Species: mammals only

Indiana, Southern region, Clark County (Charlestown)..... 812-256-3894

Tim Stark (President), Wildlife In Need and Wildlife In Deed, Inc.
Wildlife Species: mammals, raptors, reptiles, and exotics

Indiana, Southern region, Floyd County (Georgetown)..... 812-923-6554

Rhonda Thome (rehabber), Animal House
Wildlife Species: raccoons, rabbits, and other furry critters, some native reptiles

Indiana, Southern region, Floyd County (Lanesville)..... 812-949-8618

Rose Hensel (owner/rehabber), Rose's Rehab
Wildlife Species: all birds except raptors; no mammals

Indiana, Southern region (Scottsburg)..... 812-794-2244

Tammy Davis, Hardy Lake Wildlife Rehabilitation Center,
Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of State Parks
and Reservoirs (interpretive naturalist)
Wildlife Species: raptors only
Comments: We are the only wildlife rehabilitation center in Indiana that
is operated by the Department of Natural Resources.

Indiana, South Central

Indiana, South Central region, Brown County (Nineveh)..... 317-933-2011

Terri Warne (director), Bat World South Indy
Wildlife Species: I only accept Bats

Indiana, South Central region, Monroe County (Bloomington)..... 812-323-1313

WildCare Inc.
Limitations: we do not admit adult deer or adult raccoons
Specialty/Knowledge: We specialize in all wildlife and offer quality education programs.
We have the only wildlife rehabilitation and education center in South Central Indiana.
Our specialized teams have a combined experience of over 60 years.

Indiana, South Central region, Morgan County (Martinsville)..... 765-342-7429

Jill Smith (President), Trail's End Wildlife Refuge
Wildlife Species: all mammals, all raptors

Indiana, South Central region (Nashville)..... 812-337-7200

Teri Bleuel, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: turtles only

Indiana, Southeast

Indiana, Southeast region..... 513-825-3325

Jeff Hays, Raptor, Inc.

Indiana, Southeast region, Jefferson County (near Madison)..... 812-873-6357

Cathy Dalgleish, (owner), , The Skunk�s Den
Wildlife Species: Skunks, opossums, woodchuck, otter, fox, mink, and weasel
Specialties: Skunks
Comments: I also have a domestic skunk rescue shelter in my home.

Indiana, Southwest

Indiana, Southwest region, Sullivan County (Merom)..... 812-382-4024 or (c) 812-249-3992

Jennifer Willis, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals only
Specialties: raccoon and deer

Indiana, Southwest region, Vanderburgh County (Evansville)..... 812-424-1250 (H) or 812-402-9060 (W)

Christine Bush, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all mammals (raccoons, squirrels, coyote, deer, groundhogs, opossum,
skunk, muskrat, fox
Comments: available 24 hours a day

Indiana, West Central

Indiana, West central region (Waynetown)..... 765-866-7112

Mindy Poole, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all animals except raccoons and coyotes

Iowa, Central Iowa Wildlife Rehabilitators Association

Lists most wildlife rehabilitors in Iowa

Iowa, Central region, Buchanan County (Independence)..... 319-334-7165

Melissa Dahl (volunteer rehabber), Blackhawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project
Specialties/Knowledge: specialize in rabbits, but also do squirrles and other species

Iowa, Central region (Cedar Rapids)..... 319-480-1917

Tane Frederickson, RVT, Wapsi RIver Wildlife Rehabilitation Project
Wildlife Species: Waterfowl,songbirds,water and shore birds

Iowa, East Central

Iowa, West Central region, Polk County (Des Moines)..... 641-524-5487

Annette Exman, Iowa Wildlife Rehabilitators Association
Wildlife Species: birds, esp. handfeeding orphans, raccoons and other mammals

Iowa, Northeast

Iowa, Northeast region, Black Hawk County (Cedar Falls)..... 319-277-1696

Linda Nebbe, licensed rehabilitator or
Comments: fax 319-277-8058

Iowa, Northeast region, Black Hawk County (Waterloo)..... 319-277-6511

Terese Evans (director), Black Hawk Wildlife Rehab. Project

Iowa, Northeast region, Linn-Jones County (Rural)..... 319-241-1820

Cynthia Clabough (overseer), Wapsipinicon River Wildlife Rehabilitation Project

Iowa, Northeast region (Waukon)..... 319-535-7646

Marcia & Christine Rush, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Iowa, Northwest

Iowa, Northwest region, Black Hawk County (Waterloo)..... 319-277-6511

Terese Evans (president), Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabiliation Project


Kansas (Cheney)..... 316-540-0003 or 316-393-0710(c)

Susan Lockwood, Eagle Valley Raptor Center
Wildlife Species: Birds of Prey ONLY! (hawks, owls, falcons, eagles)
Specialties/Knowledge: all areas of immediate care of raptors

Kansas, Central

Kansas, Central region (Junction City)..... 785-238-5323

Pat Silovsky, Milford Nature Center
Wildlife Species: raptors, bats

Kansas, Central region, Saline County (Salina)..... 785-826-5864 cell

Chris Johnson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: native kansas mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: coons

Kansas, Eastern

Kansas, Eastern region (Iola)..... 316-365-6055

Becky Robb, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Kansas, Eastern region (Kansas City/Lawrence)..... 785-542-3625 or 913-631-6566

Diane Johnson, RVT, Operation WildLife (OWL)
Wildlife Species: native and migratory wildlife
Comments: fax 785-542-5114

Kansas, Eastern region, Shawnee County (Lawrence)..... 785-542-5033

Robin Goulter, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator (sub-permittee)
Wildlife Species: Squirrels
Specialties/Knowledge: Squirrels, injured and orphaned

Kansas, East Central

Kansas, East Central region, Shawnee County (Topeka)..... 785-273-5806

Marty Birrell (coordinator of volunteers), W. Clement Stone Nature Center

Kansas, North Central

Kansas, North Central region, Clay County (Clay Center)..... (785) 632-5201

Krista and Chris Berner, Raptor Oasis
Wildlife Species: raptors only
Comments: able to transport eagles

Kansas, North Central region, Cloud County (Clyde)..... 785-446-2885

Kim Lambert, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: native Kansas mammals

Kansas, Northeast

Kansas, Northeast region (Concordia)..... 785-243-2480

Char Dooley, Char's Tender Loving Critters
Wildlife Species: raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, opposums

Kansas, Northeast region, Franklin County (Pomona)..... 913-596-1000 ext24

Regan Johnston (Veterinarian-subpermittee), WildCare
Wildlife Species: raccoons

Kansas, Northeast region (Manhattan)..... 913-776-0898

Derek Tingstrom, Deep Creek Raptor Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Raptors

Kansas, South Central

Kansas, Southeast

Kansas, Southeast region, Allen County (Savonburg)..... 620-754-3306

Loretta Bauer, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all native kansas species including skunks and bats
Specialties/Knowledge: bats and turtle shell repair

Kansas, Southeast region (Pittsburg)..... 316-235-0996

Jan Hall, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: hummingbirds (only)

Kentucky, Central

Kentucky, Central region (Berea)..... 606-986-6016

Sandra Hill, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: white-tailed deer, small mammals, rabbits,
squirrels, songbirds, oppossums

Kentucky, Central region (Knifley)..... 502-465-4288

Dana Dewitt, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: young white-tail deer, raccoons, and others

Kentucky, Eastern

Kentucky, Eastern region, Laurel County (London)..... 606-878-0992

Tammy Storm (volunteer), Deer Run Farm

Kentucky, Northern

Kentucky, Northern region, Jefferson County (Louisville)..... 502-266-5476

Mary Jo Schneider, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals such as squirrels, rabbits, opossums, groundhogs,
and also songbirds

Kentucky, North Central

Kentucky, North Central region (Burlington)..... 859-689-4166

Kathy and Joe Caminiti, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: raptors only

Kentucky, North Central region, Henry county (Smithfield)..... 502-845-5360

Jessica Elliott, Elliott Rehab Center
Limitations: no snapping turtles

Kentucky, North Central region (Lexington)..... 859-225-5072

Tiffaney Carver, Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation of Kentucky
Wildlife Species: all mammals and birds native to Kentucky and
some non-native species as well

Kentucky, North Central region, Lincoln Parish (Choudrant)..... 318-768-2456

Gwen R. Sexton, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals and amphibians

Kentucky, North Central region (Nicholasville)..... 859-887-2256

Mary Kindred (Director), Wolf Run Wildlife Refuge & Educational Facility, Inc.
Wildlife Species: We are specialized in large cats and wolves....but have
experience with nearly all animals.

Kentucky, North Central region (Nicholasville)..... 606-887-2256

Wolfrun Wildlife Refuge
Wildlife Species: all native wildlife
Comments: digital pager for wildlife emergencies: 606-244-1814

Kentucky, North Central region (Paris)..... 606-987-7023 or 606-275-3358

Carol Ann Harmon, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals especially bats

Kentucky, North Central region (Radcliff)..... 270-351-3509

Monika Wilcox, Woodland Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc.
Wildlife Species: songbirds and hatchlings, birds of prey
Comments: Annually we rehabilitate 1,000+ Song Birds, with a success rate of 80%

Kentucky, North Central region (Shepherdsville)..... 502-543-5485 (home), 502-396-1618 (wildlife emergencies)

Kim Fentress, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals and reptiles

Kentucky, North Central region (Winchester)..... 606-744-7473

Kim Root, Kentuchy Fish and Wildlife

Kentucky, Northern

Kentucky, Northern region..... 859-472-7272

Bea Orendorff, Wild Bird Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: birds

Kentucky, Northern region..... 513-825-3325

Jeff Hays, Raptor, Inc. (Kathryn Riedel)
Wildlife Species: raptors

Kentucky, Northern region, Kenton County (Edgewood)..... 859-341-5528

Michele Kline (co-founder/director), Wildbirds in Northern Kentucky, Inc.
Wildlife Species: only wild birds (all songbirds, adult waterfowl, and raptors)

Kentucky, Northern region (Louisville)..... 502-491-1939

Chris Allman, Raptor Rehabilitation of KY, Inc
Wildlife Species: Fostering of young raptors

Kentucky, Northern region (Louisville)..... 502-459-2181

Bob Herndon, Louisville Zoo Raptor Rehabilitation

Kentucky, Northern region (Louisville)..... 502-968-4904

Robert Marquess, Raptor Rehabilitation of Kentucky
Wildlife Species: raptors

Kentucky, Northern region (Louisville)..... 502-491-1939

John and Eileen Wicker, Raptor Rehabilitation of Kentucky, Inc.
Wildlife Species: Fostering of young raptors
Comments: All of our birds will foster parent young of their species

Kentucky, South Central

Kentucky, South Central region, Wayne County (Monticello)..... 606-348-7770

Mimi Deharte (director), Raven Wind Rehabilitation for wildlife
Wildlife Species: mammals only (no birds)
Specialties/Knowledge: I do use herbs to help many sick animals
Comments:I live on 100 acres of land; keep trying to call

Kentucky, Southeast

Kentucky, Southeast region, Floyd County (Prestonsburg)..... 606-874-1950 or 606-874-3793

Robin Branham and Cora Coleman (co-founder), RC Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation or
Wildlife Species: mammals only

Kentucky, Southwest region (Bowling Green)..... 877-377-0463

Becca Walton, Once Upon A Forest Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Specializing in mammals but will take in any wildlife

Kentucky, Southwest region (Elkton)..... 502-269-2954

Suzanne McPherson, McPherson Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: orphaned wildlife

Kentucky, Western region, Christian County (Hopkinsville)..... 270-885-2577

Natalie Allison, Amazing Acres, llc
Wildlife Species: raccoon, deer, fox, squirrels, ducks, turkey, mink, skunk, chipmunks, opossums, rabbits
Specialty: great results with deer and raccoons

Kentucky, Western region, Hopkins County (Dawson Springs)..... 270-797-4553

Kenneth Crawford, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: Birds of prey, any injured or orphaned wildlife

Kentucky, West Central

Kentucky, West Central region, Muhlenberg County (Greenville)..... 270-338-6822

Kathi Hill, The Wild Place
Specialties orphan squirrels, orphan rabbits, raccoons, opossums

Louisiana, Central
(no listings)

Louisiana, Northern

Louisiana, Northeast

Louisiana, Northeast region, Ouachita Parish (Monroe)..... 318-322-8144

Carmon Hill, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals

Louisiana, Southern

Louisiana, Southern region (Clinton, E/W Feliciana Parishes)..... 225-683-8004

Scott and Anna Heinrich, Anna's Exotic Animal Ranch
Wildlife Species: white-tail deer, small mammals
Comments: we have a release site that is controlled acreage so the
progress of released animals can be monitored

Louisiana, Southern region, Gloster Parish (Gloster)..... 318-933-1166

Kathy Wilson (owner), Loving Care
Wildlife Species: rabbits, raccoons, opossum, squirrels, coyotes, deer
Specialties/Knowledge: work for a veterinarian
Comments: on 250 acres for safe release with lake and woods; Have federal license.

Louisiana, Southern region (Gonzales)..... 225-675-8004

Susan Lipoma, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: hawks, owls, raccoons, white tailed deer, rabbits, squirrels, etc.

Louisiana, Southern region, Livingston County (Livinston)..... 225-698-3168

Leslie Lattimore (director), Wings of Hope
Wildlife Species: all

Louisiana, Southern region, St. Landry Parish (Washington)..... 337-826-8109 or 337-945-1461(cell)

Noel Ann Thistlethwaite (director), Acadiana Raptor Center at Malacoff, Inc.
Wildlife Species: hawks, owls, and eagles
Specialty: hacking back raptors and caging in Southern states
Comments:ARC is the only center in the state permitted to rehabilitate eagles (have adequate
flight enclosure); utilize video cameras for hack back system

Louisiana, Southern region (Lafayette)..... 337-288-5146

Letitia Butcher, Acadiana Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation, Inc.
Wildlife Species: migratory song birds, birds of prey, native mammals
including bats, wildlife education

Louisiana, South Central

Louisiana, South Central region, St Martin Parish (Breaux Bridge)..... 337-326-4122 or 337-781-3513 (c)

Valerie Jagneaux, licensed home wildlife rehabilitor or
Wildlife Species: Accept any mammals and reptiles
Specialties/Knowledge: Opossums, skunks and armadillos
Comments: If I can't help I can help you find the proper rehabber to contact.
I do not rehab birds but will transport them to licensed rehabbers or to LSU Veterinary
College for treatment and care.

Louisiana, Southeast

Louisiana, Southwest region, Calcasieu Parish (Lake Charles)..... 337-477-6129

Suzy Heck (director), Heckhaven Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: all mammals, raptors, large waterfowl (mainly pelicans),
and will take unwanted exotics
Limitations: We do not accept songbirds

Maine, Central

Maine, Central region, Lincoln County (Boothbay)..... 207-633-3617

Betsy Carroll (owner), Betsy's Wild Rescue
Wildlife Species: small mammals up to size of deer

Maine, Central region (Lincolnville Beach)..... 207-789-5190

Mike and Bonnie Oliver, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: birds

Maine, East Central

Maine, East Central (North Amity)..... 207-532-6880

Arthur E. Howell Jr., A.E. Howell Wildlife Conservation Center and Spruce Acres Refuge
Wildlife Species: Eagles and black bears, also white-tailed deer, moose, and coyotes

Maine, East Central, Penobscot County (Hampden)..... (207) 862-4360

James Costelloe, ReturnMe
Wildlife Species: small mammals

Maine, Northeast

Maine, Northeast region, Hampden County (Springfield)..... 413-734-8287

Debbie Zajchowski, Massachusetts Turtle Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: turtles and tortoises only

Maine, Northeast region, Knox County (Hope)..... 207-236-2311 (daytime)

Susan Goodrich, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals up to and including deer size; all birds
Comments: Veterinary Technician

Maine, Southern

Maine, Southern region (Ellsworth)..... 207-667-0879

Floyd and Heather Severance, Severances Wildlife Rescue and Rehab

Maine, Southern region (Hope)..... 207-236-2311

Susan Goodrich (Veterinary Technician), The Camden Hospital For Animals
Wildlife Species: mammals up to size of deer; birds
Specialty: experienced raising orphaned infant mammals and nestling birds

Maine, Southern region (Penobscot)..... 207-326-0779

Daryl DeJoy, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals, esp. squirrels

Maine, Southern region, York County (Cape Neddick)..... 207-361-1400

Karen McElmurry (rehabilitation director), The Center for Wildlife
Wildlife Species: we accept all animals except fox, raccoon, deer (although if
people call with these animals, we do have contacts that can help
Specialties/Knowledge: The center treats a large amount of raptors
Comments: The Center treats over 1,400 birds, mammals, and reptiles representing
over 100 different species each year.

Maine, South Central

Maine, South Central region, Androscoggin County (Auburn)..... 207-784-0092

Jen Lewis (owner), Misfits Rehab
Wildlife Species: small mammals, mostly orphaned
Specialties/Knowledge: Specializing in bats (Director of Bat World)

Maine, Southeastern

Maine, Southeast region, Lincoln County (Alna)..... 207-586-5843

Lesley Woodroffe, Nemeton Animal Sanctuary
Limitations: no large animals such as deer or moose

Maine, Southwestern

Maine, Southwest region, Cumberland County (Bridgton)..... 207-647-3734

Karen Hawkins, Pasos Bailandos Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Maine, Southwest region (Gray)..... 207-657-2094

Caryl Widdowson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals only (no birds)

Maine, Western

Maine, Western, (Norway)..... 207-527-2310

Melody Echo Thurlow (director), Earth Childrens Haven Open Skies
Wildlife Species: Small mammals (including mink, fishers, fox kits, bob cat kittens), white tail
deer fawns, birds, small raptors, (can hold large raptors for future transport to larger facility)

Maryland, Central

Maryland, Central region, Baltimore County (Hampstead)..... 443-507-0950

Gerda Deterer (director), Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: any mammal, bird, or reptile including rabies vector species such as
raccoons, fox, bats, and groundhogs
Specialties/Knowledge: Birds of all kinds

Maryland, Central region, Carroll County (Westminster)..... 410-346-7408

David and Terri Coppersmith, licensed home rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: All animals except RVS(foxes, raccoons, and skunks)
Specialties/Knowledge: Critical care
Comments: Hours of operation are from 7 a.m. to approx. 11 p.m., including Holidays

Maryland, Central region, Howard County (Columbia)..... 410-740-5096

Judy (owner), All Creatures Great and Small Wildlife Center, Inc.
Limitations: limited by available space - call first

Maryland, Eastern

Maryland, Eastern region, Somerset County (Upper Fairmount)..... 410-621-0709

Sister Mary Winifred (director), Sanctuary House
Wildlife Species: primarily accept songbirds and waterfowl

Maryland, Eastern region, Wicomico County (Tyaskin)..... 410-873-3315

Geraldine Foster (director), Eastern Shore Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: all except mammals, turtles, pigeons, starlings, english sparrows

Maryland, East Central

Maryland, East Central region, Howard County (Columbia)..... 410-740-5096

Judy Holzman (Director), All Creatures Great & Small Wildlife Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: small mammals and birds

Maryland, Northern

Maryland, Northern region (Aberdeen)..... 410-575-6202

James Dahler Jr., Chesapeake Birds of Prey, Inc.
Wildlife Species: birds of prey (only)

Maryland, Northern region, Baltimore County (Baltimore)..... 410-288-4546

Gerda Demeter, WildLife Rescue, Inc. (formerly Wild Bird Rescue, Inc.)

Maryland, Northern region, Baltimore County (Phoenix)..... 410-628-9736

Kathleen M. Woods, The Phoenix Center for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife
Wildlife Species: mammals, songbirds, raptors

Maryland, Northern region, Frederick county (Thurmont)..... 301-271-4816

Di Conger, Last Chance Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: small mammals and all birds

Maryland, Northern region (Gaithersburg)..... 301-926-WILD

Chris Montuori, Second Chance Wildlife Center

Maryland, Northern region (Germantown)..... 301-528-5666

Brian Kristal (Director), Reptile Wonders: The Nature Center on the Go (TM)
Wildlife Species: Reptiles primarily, others on a species by species/space basis
SPECIALTIES and KNOWLEDGE: Turtle shell reconstruction

Maryland, Northern region, Harford County (Jarrettsville)..... 410-557-8047

Cynthia Long (rescue/rehabilitator), Jarrettsville Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release Center
Wildlife Species: mammals, songbirds, reptiles

Maryland, Northern region (Smithsburg)..... 301-824-2145

Mary McDougal, Veterinary Technician, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Maryland, Northern region (Towson).....

Kathy Glaeser-Pater, Emergency Veterinary Technician, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals and waterfowl

Maryland, Northeast

Maryland, Northeast region, Cecil County (Elkton)..... 410-398-5444 or 443-553-3245

Debi Patterson (Master Rehabilitator), Wildlife Treat and Release
Wildlife Species: all animals

Maryland, Southern

Maryland, Southern region, St. Mary's County (California)..... 240-725-0785

Mary Martin, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Comments: currently hold both a Master Rehabilitator and Rabies Vector Species

Maryland, West Central

Maryland, West Central, Carroll County (Westminster)..... 410-346-7408

Dave and Terri Coppersmith (director), Diamonds in the Rough
Wildlife Species: All birds and mammals, except rabies vector species

Massachusetts, Eastern

Massachusetts, Eastern region (Barnstable)..... 508-362-3216

Robyn Service Barabe, executive director, New Beginnings Wildlife Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: bats and opossums only
Wildlife Species: bat and opossum rehabilitation, outreach environmental education programs to the public

Massachusetts, Eastern region (Hingham)..... 781-749-1248

New England Wildlife Teaching Hospital
Specialty: Veterinary care of sick and injured wildlife

Massachusetts, Eastern region, Worcester County (North Grafton)..... 508-839-7918

Dr. Pokras, Dr. Kaufman, Carolyn, or Debbie
Tufts Wildlife Clinic
Comments: fax 508-839-7930

Massachusetts, Northern

Massachusetts, Northern region (Winchendon)..... 978-297-3862

Anne Eddy, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Massachusetts, North Central

Massachusetts, North Central region, Middlesex County (Winchendon)..... 978-297-3345

Cassandra Tompkins, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Massachusetts, Northeast

Massachusetts, Northeast region, Essex County (South Hamilton)..... 978-468-4897

Patricia S. Bade, licensed wildife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: owls and hawks only

Massachusetts, Southern

Massachusetts, Southern region (Centerville)..... 508-775-8942

Donna Backus, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: sick, injured, and orphaned skunks

Massachusetts, Southern region (Falmouth)..... 508-540-3820

Wildlife Information, Referral, & Educational Services
Specialty: New England wildlife natural history, zoologist, wildlife biologist

Massachusetts, Southeast

Massachusetts, Southeast region, Barnstable County (Brewster)..... 508-896-5273

Karen Von den Deale, Wild Care, Inc.
Wildlife Species: song birds, sea birds, turtles, and canids; other rehabbers in the
organization specialize in small mammals

Massachusetts, Southeast region, Barnstable/Cape Cod County (West Barnstable)..... 508-362-0111

Jessica Almy (wildlife advocate), Cape Wildlife Center

Massachusetts, Southeast region, Bristol County (Berkley)..... 508-824-4319

Kathleen Frisbie (director), The Place for Wild Birds, Inc.
Wildlife Species: songbirds

Massachusetts, Western

Massachusetts, Western region, Franklin County (Hawley)..... 413-625-2473

Barbara Skelly (Director), The Center for Rehabilitation Of Wildlife
Wildlife Species: native birds ONLY
Specialty: migratory birds

Massachusetts, Western region, Hampden County, (Springfield)..... 413-781-1505 or 413-787-7888

Dee and Tom Howe (Directors), Urban Wildlife
Wildlife Species: raccoons and small mammals
Specialty: raccoons and skunks

Massachusetts, Western region (Williamsburg)..... 413-268-9348

Cliff & Aly Thayer, Paw Prints
Wildlife Species: orphaned mammals

Michigan, Central

Michigan, Central region (Bay City)..... 517-893-8987

Sandy Miner, Wildlife Support Team
Specialty: specialize in birds of prey; flight cage construction

Michigan, Central region, Genesee County (Flint)..... 810-238-4017 or 810-341-1697

Carolyn Fell (director), licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all animals accepted except skunks or bats

Maryland, Northern

Maryland, Northern region (Aberdeen)..... 410-575-6202

James Dahler Jr., Chesapeake Birds of Prey, Inc.
Wildlife Species: birds of prey (only)

Maryland, Northern region, Baltimore County (Baltimore)..... 410-288-4546

Gerda Demeter, WildLife Rescue, Inc. (formerly Wild Bird Rescue, Inc.)

Maryland, Northern region, Baltimore County (Phoenix)..... 410-628-9736

Kathleen M. Woods, The Phoenix Center for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife
Wildlife Species: mammals, songbirds, raptors

Maryland, Northern region, Frederick county (Thurmont)..... 301-271-4816

Di Conger, Last Chance Wildlife Center
Wildlife Species: small mammals and all birds

Maryland, Northern region (Gaithersburg)..... 301-926-WILD

Chris Montuori, Second Chance Wildlife Center

Maryland, Northern region (Germantown)..... 301-353-8804

Brian Kristal (Director), Reptile Wonders: Center for Turtle and Tortoise Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Reptiles primarily, others on a species by species/space basis
SPECIALTIES and KNOWLEDGE: Turtle shell reconstruction

Maryland, Northern region, Harford County (Jarrettsville)..... 410-557-8047

Cynthia Long (rescue/rehabilitator), Jarrettsville Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release Center
Wildlife Species: mammals, songbirds, reptiles

Maryland, Northern region (Smithsburg)..... 301-824-2145

Mary McDougal, Veterinary Technician, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Maryland, Northern region (Towson).....

Kathy Glaeser, Emergency Veterinary Technician, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: mammals and waterfowl

Maryland, Northeast

Maryland, Southern

Maryland, Southern region, St. Mary's County (California)..... 240-725-0785

Mary Martin, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Comments: currently hold both a Master Rehabilitator and Rabies Vector Species

Maryland, Western

Maryland, Western region, (Oldtown)..... 301-478-5181 or 301-707-6857 (c)

Bettie Acks (Master Rehabilitator), Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: all species (note: if I am not licensed for the particular species, I can
contact someone who is
Specialties/Knowledge: birds, reptiles, mammals

Massachusetts, Eastern

Massachusetts, Eastern region (Barnstable)..... 508-362-3216

Robyn Service Barabe, executive director, New Beginnings Wildlife Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: bats and opossums only
Wildlife Species: bat and opossum rehabilitation, outreach environmental
education programs to the public

Massachusetts, Eastern region (Hingham)..... 781-749-1248

New England Wildlife Teaching Hospital
Specialty: Veterinary care of sick and injured wildlife

Massachusetts, Eastern region, Worcester County (North Grafton)..... 508-839-7918

Dr. Pokras, Dr. Kaufman, Carolyn, or Debbie
Tufts Wildlife Clinic
Comments: fax 508-839-7930

Massachusetts, Northern

Massachusetts, Northern region (Winchendon)..... 978-297-3862

Anne Eddy, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Massachusetts, North Central

Massachusetts, North Central region, Middlesex County (Winchendon)..... 978-297-3345

Cassandra Tompkins, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Massachusetts, Northeast

Massachusetts, Northeast region, Essex County (South Hamilton)..... 978-468-4897

Patricia S. Bade, licensed wildife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: owls and hawks only

Massachusetts, Southern

Massachusetts, Southern region (Centerville)..... 508-775-8942

Donna Backus, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: sick, injured, and orphaned skunks

Massachusetts, Southern region (Falmouth)..... 508-540-3820

Wildlife Information, Referral, & Educational Services
Specialty: New England wildlife natural history, zoologist, wildlife biologist

Massachusetts, Southeast

Massachusetts, Southeast region, Barnstable County (Brewster)..... 508-896-5273

Karen Von den Deale, Wild Care, Inc.
Wildlife Species: song birds, sea birds, turtles, and canids; other rehabbers in the
organization specialize in small mammals

Massachusetts, Southeast region, Barnstable/Cape Cod County (West Barnstable)..... 508-362-0111

Jessica Almy (wildlife advocate), Cape Wildlife Center

Massachusetts, Southeast region, Bristol County (Berkley)..... 508-824-4319

Kathleen Frisbie (director), The Place for Wild Birds, Inc.
Wildlife Species: songbirds

Massachusetts, Southeast region, Bristol County (North Dighton)..... 508-669-5754

Sally Beckwith (Director), Star-Throwers Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Orphan Mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: Specializing in NA River Otter & Fisher
Comments: As of June 30, 2005 relocating to Benson, Vermont - 802 537-4754

Massachusetts, Western

Massachusetts, Western region, Franklin County (Hawley)..... 413-625-2473

Barbara Skelly (Director), The Center for Rehabilitation Of Wildlife
Wildlife Species: native birds ONLY
Specialty: migratory birds

Massachusetts, Western region, Hampden County, (Springfield)..... 413-781-1505 or 413-787-7888

Dee and Tom Howe (Directors), Urban Wildlife
Wildlife Species: raccoons and small mammals
Specialty: raccoons and skunks

Massachusetts, Western region, Hampden County (Springfield).... 413-734-8287

Debbie Zajchowski (Founder/President), Massachusetts Turtle Rescue, Inc.
Wildlife Species: turtles and tortoises

Massachusetts, Western region (Williamsburg)..... 413-268-9348

Cliff & Aly Thayer, Paw Prints
Wildlife Species: orphaned mammals

Michigan, Central

Michigan, Central region (Bay City)..... 989-893-8987

Sandy Miner, Wildlife Support Team
Specialty: specialize in birds of prey; flight cage construction

Michigan, Central region, Genesee County (Flint)..... 810-238-4017

Carolyn Fell (director), licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all animals accepted except skunks or bats

Michigan, Central region, Genesee County (Swartz Creek, Flint area)..... 810-735-0126

Michelle Allen, C.A.R.E.
Wildlife Species: all mammals except skunks and bats, will accept waterfowl and songbirds

Michigan, Central region (Shepherd)..... 517-772-1538

Barb Rogers, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Specialty: raptor rehabilitation

Michigan, East Central

Michigan, East Central region, Genessee County (Montrose)..... 810-639-2714

Teresa Smelser (Director), For the Birds Wildlife Rehab
Wildlife Species: Migratory & songbirds; I do not accept raptors, waterfowl, or mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: migratory songbirds

Michigan, East Central region, Genesee County (Swartz Creek)..... 810-735-0126 or 810-241-9941

Michelle Allen, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Limitations: cannot accept skunks or bats

Michigan, Northern

Michigan, Northern region (Cheboygan)..... 231-597-9662

Susan Good (Director), Northernaire Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife species: small mammals and fawns
Specialties/Knowledge: fawns and squirrels
Comments: 140 acres with water; large outdoor cages; all animals released on site

Michigan, Northern region (Escanaba)..... 906-789-1124

Eric and Sandy Chapman, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators
Wildlife Species: squirrels only

Michigan, Northern region, Genessee County (Montrose)..... 810-639-2714

Teresa Smelser, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small birds - no raptors or waterfowl
Specialties/Knowledge: Rehabilitation of orphaned or injured birds.

Michigan, Northern region (Gwinn)..... 906-346-7440

Julie Robson, Lilliput Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: raptors, deer, rabbits, and squirrels

Michigan, Northern region, Iron/Marquette/Dickenson counties (Crystal Falls)..... 906-874-2424

Julie Robson (Director), Lilliput Widlife Rehab Center
Wildlife Species: all mammals except skunks and bats
all birds: 906-346-3526 Jeane Wilcox DVM, Raccoons: 906-361-3140 Gloria

Michigan, Northern region, Monominee County (Menominee)..... (h)906-863-4126 or (c)715-587-2321

Amy Block (director), Menominee County Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: all species accepted

Michigan, Northern region (Quinnesec)..... 906-774-5868

Phyllis, Broken Crow Rehab
Wildlife Species: no raccoons

Michigan, Northern region (Republic)..... 906-376-8202 or 376-2456

Aileen Todd, Animal Instincts
Wildlife Species: White tailed deer, racoons , song birds, rabbits, chipmunks

Michigan, Northern region (Republic)..... 906-376-2200 (or 376-2456)

Carol Kruschke, Republic Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: white-tailed deer

Michigan, Northern region (Yale).....

Cherie Grubowski, Almost Paradise Whitetail Deer/Elk Sanctuary (owner)
Specialty: bottle-feeding and raising of whitetair deer, rocky mountain
and Manitobian Elk; (Moose and Bison in future)

Michigan, North Central

Michigan, North Central region (Belaire)..... 616-533-6457

Mona Minish, Antrim County Pet and Animal Watch Wildlife Division
Wildlife Species: native Michigan wildlife including mammals, songbirds,
and waterfowl

Michigan, North Central region (Frederic)..... 517-348-4952

Jody Barthlow, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Michigan, North Central region, Isabella County (Mt. Pleasant)..... 989-772-0763

Carrie Falls, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Michigan, North Central region (Lake Leelanau)..... 616-271-3189

Mary Rupert (education director), Shielding Tree Nature Center, Inc.
Comments: fax 616-271-3189

Michigan, North Central region, Oceana County (Pentwater)..... 231-869-5428

Kathleen (rehabber), Misty Bend Wildlife Refuge
Wildlife Species: mammals only
Specialties/Knowledge: have 10+ years experience raising orphaned mammals,
May through October only

Michigan, North Central region, Roscommon County (St. Helen)..... 866-422-4275

Jeffrey Lake, Association to Rescue Kritters

Michigan, North Central region (Traverse City)..... 616-943-9076

Valerie Cascagnett, TimberWolf Acres Rehab
Wildlife Species: coyotes, fox, and bobcats

Michigan, Northeast

Michigan, Northeast region, Genessee County (Flint)..... 810-235-4017/810-341-1697

Carolyn Fell, licensed home rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: All mammals, songbirds, and waterfowl. NO skunks or bats
Comments: have federal permit for all birds except raptors

Michigan, Northeast region, Genessee County (Flint)..... 810-733-7285

Donna Stanke, licensed home rehabilitator (sub-permittee under Carolyn Fell)

Michigan, Northeast region, Genesee County (Montrose)..... 810-471-3097

Yvonne Hutcheson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: I do not do bats or skunks or endangered animals
Specialties/Knowledge: Ground Hogs

Michigan, Northeast region, Montcalm County (Howard City)..... 231-937-4687

John Muste (director), Wildlife Rehabilitation 1

Michigan, Northwest

Michigan, Northwest region, Mason County (Free Soil)..... 231-464-5058

Sabrina and John Sisson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all species

Michigan, Northwest region, Mason County (Free Soil)..... 231-690-1489

Meresa Salisbury (director), Animal Care and Recovery Services
Wildlife Species: all mammals
Knowledge: Veterinary Technician, very strong background in veterinary medicine

Michigan, Northwest

Michigan, Northwest region (Harbor Springs)..... 231-348-9700

Jennifer Hill (director), NorthWings
Wildlife Species: raptors
Specialty: education programs utilizing live birds of prey

Michigan, Southern

Michigan, Southern region (Ann Arbor).....

K. Felice Clark
Wildlife Species: Small Mammals

Michigan, Southern region (Ann Arbor area)..... 734-913-9843

Friends of Wildlife
Wildlife Species: injured and orphaned mammals and turtles
Comments: the organization is made up of licensed wildlife rehabilitators;
please see web page for individual species contact numbers

Michigan, Southern region, Calhoun County (Marshall)..... 616-789-1930

Tammy Castle, Tammy's Wildlife and Snake Rescue
Limitations: no raccoons, skunks, bats

Michigan, Southern region (Dimondale)

Tiffany Rich, Capital Area Wildlife Rehabilitation Association

Michigan, Southern region (Eaton Rapids)..... 517-663-6153

Louise Sagaert, WILDSIDE Rehabilitation and Education Center

Michigan, Southern region (Grand Rapids area)..... 616-698-9741

Kim VanderLaan, West Michigan Wildlife Rescue (founder/president)

Michigan, Southern region, Ingham County (Holt)..... 517-694-9618

Carolyn Tropp, Capital Area Wildlife Rehabilitation Association
Wildlife Species: Waterfowl, small birds and mammals

Michigan, Southern region (Lansing)..... 517-646-9374

Tiffany Rich, Capital Area Wildlife Rehabilitation Association
Specialty: white tailed deer, squirrels, raccoons; Vet. Tech.

Michigan, Southern region (Waldron)..... 517-286-6648

John & Mary Burress, licensed home wildlife rehabilitators

Michigan, South Central

Michigan, Southeast

Michigan, Southeast region (Milan)..... 734-439-7114

Diane Schroeder, Bird Rescue of Huron Valley

Michigan, Southeast region (Saline)..... 734-944-9600

Karen Young, Bird Rescue of Huron Valley
Specialty: birds (including birds of prey), general falconer

Michigan, Southeast region, Washtenaw County (Manchester)..... 734-428-8455

Dody Wyman (Director), River Raisin Raptor Center
Specialty: reconditioning of raptors, general falconer

Michigan, Southwest

Michigan, Southwest region, Berrien County (Niles)..... 616-683-5809

Billie Vance, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: small mammals ONLY (squirrels, opossums, rabbits, etc.)
when returning phone calls

Michigan, Western

Michigan, Western region (Muskegon)..... 231-788-5933

Brenda and Jim Pearson, West Michigan SPCA

Michigan, Western region, Pentwater, Oceana and Mason Counties..... 231-869-5428

Kathleen Babbin, rehabilitator, Misty Bend Wild Life Rescue
Wildlife Species: all mammals

Minnesota, Northeast

Minnesota, Northeast region, St. Louis County (Duluth)..... 218-348-8745

Emily Buchanan (director), Orion's Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: We accept all species including birds, raptors, large and small mammals

Minnesota, South Central

Minnesota, South Central region, Dakota County (Burnsville)..... 952-895-8714

Michael Ream (Director of Operations), Recovery Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: can find the appropriate care for any injured or orphaned wildlife in
Dakota County, MN
SPECIALTIES and KNOWLEDGE: extensive rescue abilities, limited rehab abilities

Minnesota, South Central region (Chisago City)..... 612-902-1548 (pager)

Kathy Thorp, U of M, Henn. Co. Humane Soc., Raptor Center
Specialty: emergency work

Minnesota, South Central region (Crystal)..... 763-537-1528

Carol Oyaas, Wildlife Rehabilitation & Release, Inc, The Minnesota Wildlife Haven
Wildlife Species: Specializing in small mammals and songbirds.
Knowledgable in the area of zoonotic disease

Minnesota, South Central region, Dakota County (Burnsville)..... 952-898-BATZ (2289) or

Deana Kinamon (director), Bat World North Star
Wildlife Species: bats only

Minnesota, South Central region, Hennepin County (Minneapolis)..... 612-822-8400

Amy Cooper, Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release, Inc.
Wildlife Species: will accept any species for initial assessment and triage
Specialties/Knowledge: raccoon, woodchuck, waterfowl; Master level permit holder

Minnesota, South Central region, Hennepin County (Minneapolis)..... 612-939-0985

Kyle & Michelle Frazier, Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release
Specialty: song birds, young birds needing specialized feeding

Minnesota, South Central region, Hennepin County (Minneapolis)..... 612-729-8937 or 612-673-4058

Elyn Kirchner, Wildlife Rehabilitation & Release, Inc.
Wildlife Species: squirrels
Comments: Leave urgent messages on both phones please. E-mail
opened only M-F, not on weekends.

Minnesota, South Central region, Ramsey County (Roseville)..... 651-486-9453

Philip Jenni (Executive Director), Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota
Wildlife Species: all wild animals; raptors will be transferred to the UMN Raptor Center
Comments: In 2007 we admitted 8,454 animals making us one of the largest wildlife rehabilitators
in the country. Our 13,000 sq ft state-of-the-art wildlife hospital is located at
2530 Dale ST N in Central Park of Roseville.

Mississippi, Northwest

Mississippi, Northwest, Desoto County (Lake Cormorant)..... 662-429-5105

Valery Smith (Director), Mississippi Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc.
Wildlife Species: all indigenous species
Specialty: education

Mississippi, Southern

Mississippi, Southern region, Hancock County (Pass Christian)..... 228-452-9453

Dr. Karen Rushing, WRANPS Wildlife Center
(Wildlife Rehabilitation and Nature Preservation Society)

Mississippi, Southern region, Harrison County (Biloxi)..... 228-392-7511

Alison Sharpe (director), Wildlife Care and Rescue Center, Inc.
Wildlife Species: all mammals and reptiles (including sea turtles) indigenous to Mississippi;
all migratory birds

Mississippi, Southeast

(none listed)

Mississippi, Southwest

Mississippi, West Central

Mississippi, West Central, Warren County (Vicksburg)..... 601-636-7862

Becki Bolm (director), Keeper of the Wild
Wildlife Species: all

Mississippi, West Central, Warren County (Vicksburg)..... 601-634-0199

Betty Smith, Mississippi Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc.
Comments: fax 601-661-0062
Wildlife Species: mammals

Missouri, Central

Missouri, Central region (Columbia)..... 573-446-0648

Debbie Tolentino, RVT, D-D Farm-Animal Sanctuary and Rescue

Missouri, Central region (Columbia)..... 573-882-7821

Raptor Rehabilitation Project
Wildlife Species: raptors ONLY
Comments: The MU Raptor Rehabilitation Project is a service and education activity
of the University of Missouri, College of Veterinary Medicine in Columbia, Missouri, with support from
the Missouri Department of Conservation

Missouri, Central region, Lafayette County (Bates City)..... 816-230-7302

Lakeside Nature Center

Missouri, East Central

Missouri, East Central region (St. Louis)..... 636-984-9116

Carol Kershner, Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center
Wildlife Species: Care for ill, injured and/or abandoned songbirds

Missouri, East Central region (St. Louis)..... 636-938-3268

Beth Norman, An Animal's Voice or
Comments: do rehab in Missouri and Illinois, as well as dangerous exotic animal rescue

Missouri, East Central region, St. Louis County (High Ridge)..... 636-677-3670

Nancy Hunt (director), Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic
Wildlife Species: all native Missouri mammals
Specialty: 18+ years specializing in raccoons, groundhogs, and skunks
Comments: we take in about 500-600 animals per year

Missouri, Northwest

Missouri, Northwest region, Clinton County (Holt)..... 816-320-3951

Joyce Rosson (volunteer rehabilitator), Lakeside Nature Center
Wildlife Species: songbirds

Missouri, South Central

Missouri, South Central region, Pulaski County ..... 573-759-3400

Paula DeClue, Autumn Winds Wildlife Rehabilitation
Missouri State Rehabilitation License: All native Missouri wildlife including Class 1 species: Badger, Beaver, Bobcat, Coyote, Rabbit, Squirrel, Fox, Mink, Muskrat, Otter, Weasel, Groundhog, Armadillo, Deer, Opossum & Starlings

Missouri, West Central

Missouri, West Central region, Benton County (Warsaw)..... 660-438-9423

Marcus Ealey (director), M&J Ranch Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: we accept only animals native to Missouri; small mammals, whitetail deer, and raptors
Specialties/knowledge: whitetail fawns and raptors (including American Bald Eagle)

Missouri, West Central region (Centerview)..... 660-656-3297

Brenda Breeden, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator

Missouri, West Central region, Jackson County (Kansas City)..... 816-513-8960

Debra Hilburn (subpermitee), Lakeside Nature Center
Limitations: do not accept Starlings or pigeons
Specialties/Knowledge: 11+ years of whitetail fawn experience; neonate animals;
raising single beaver; emergency care of all species

Missouri, West Central region, Jackson County (Kansas City)..... 816-513-8960

Lakeside Nature Center
Comments: The volunteers working through LNC help rehab over
2000 native MO wildlife annually. Three veterinarians work closely with
LNC as well as over 30 trained rehabilitators, 3+ professional staff with
educations in wildlife biology as well as education skills to teach the public about
wildlife. Only native MO wildlife (no pigeons, starlings, or house sparrows)
are accepted at LNC.

Montana, Northwest

Montana, Northwest region (Kalispell)..... 406-257-4122

Kari Gabriel, Dick Griffin, and Lynn Vaught, Wildlife Return
Wildlife Species: raptors and mammals

Montana, Southwest

Montana, Southwest region (Bozeman).... 406-585-1211

Big Sky Wildcare Raptor Center
Wildlife Species: raptors
Comments: We are the only center of its kind in Montana that is fully equipped and licensed
to care for injured birds of prey.

Montana, Western

Montana, Western region (Helena)..... 406-442-0684

Flyaway Wildlife Center

Montana, Western region, Missoula County (Missoula)..... 406-543-3655

Sandra Stuckey (director), Wildlife In Need Center
Wildlife Species: all wildlife including raptors and mammals

NOTE: If you still are not finding a rehabber in your area, try checking on the following site:

OUTDOORS 411: Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers in the US

Mary Cummins, Animal AdvocatesAnimal Advocates on Facebook